The talking machine world (Jan-June 1925)

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May 15, 1925 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 35 MICA DIAPHRAGMS Absolutely Guaranteed Perfect We get the best India Mica directly. We supply the largest Phonograph Manufacturers. Ask for our quotations and samples before placing your order. American Mica Works 47 West St. New York Brunswick Salon of Fifth Avenue Has Formal Opening Brightson, Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks, A. Dalrymple and Otto Goldschmidt. Scope of the R. G. A. Finance Plan Extended Extension, to Present Plan Arranged by the Radio Corp. of America Permits All R. C. A. Dealers to Take Advantage of It The time-payment plan which the Radio Corp. of America offers to its dealers has been extended so that those who could not afford the opportunity of taking advantage of it, due to the fact that their businesses are comparatively small and their financial statements have not been favorably considered by the financing companies, can now do so. In a statement explaining the details of the new plan, the Radio Corp. of America says: "This extension to the present plan is known as 'direct collection' and should make the benefits of this plan available to all Radiola dealers as the limitation of the capital invested in their business is not a controlling factor. "Dealers in Radiolas now have the option of either: — (1) Collecting the instalments on time-payment contracts and realizing the benefits which accrue from customers coming into their store to make regular payments, with the provision that this plan will only be offered to those dealers whose credit and financial condition meets the requirements of the financing companies; or (2) Having the instalments collected from their customers direct by the Financing Companies. "In order to make clear the operation of our Radiola time-payment plan with the extension of direct collection, let us assume the sale of a Radiola having a list price of $100.00. When an understanding has been reached between the dealer and his customer with regard to the sale the customer will pay to the dealer in cash 25 per cent of the li^t price, which in this case is $25, plus 1 per cent of the list price for each month that the customer desires for paying the balance. The amount of 1 per cent per month is for interest and all charges. Thus, if the customer decides to pay the balance in four months (being the minimum time for which such financing is accepted), he will pay in cash $25, plus 4 per cent of the list price for interest and all charges or a total of $29. "At the time of making his contract, the customer will sign a form supplied by the financing company, which is a contract between the customer and the dealer for the payment of the remaining $75 in equal monthly instalments. When the customer has paid the down payment and charges and signed the contract the dealer may then deliver the Radiola to the customer, retain the cash which he has received and forward the contract to the financing company. He will immediately receive from the finance company a check for 90 per cent of the unpaid balance, less the financing charges. Thus, the dealer receives over 97 per cent of the list price at once. "With the 'direct collection' method, the customer pays his monthly instalments direct to the finance company, thus obviating the necessity for the dealer to record and forward the monthly payments to the finance company." The. Radiola time-payment plan is being financed by two very large national financing companies. Dealers who are not now using the Radio time-payment plan should write immediately to one of the financing companies (name can be secured from Radio Corp. of America) or to the nearest affiliated company for blank application forms. Elaborate Warerooms Opened With Appropriate Ceremonies — Noted Brunswick Artists Broadcast From Store — Trade Represented The formal opening of the Brunswick Salon of Fifth avenue, New York, was held on Saturday, April 25, with appropriate ceremonies. The artistic surroundings and luxurious fittings of this establishment were further enhanced literally by bowers of flowers, bearing greetings of good will and success from prominent members of the trade. More than a thousand people visited the new establishment at 668 Fifth avenue on opening day, many of them being members of the trade who wished to extend in person their good wishes to Chester I. Abelowitz on his new venture. The feature of the opening was the broadcasting through station WJZ of a program of exceptional merit, including Isham Jones and His Famous Dance Orchestra; the Radio Franks; Frank Munn and the Brunswick Concert Orchestra, all Brunswick recording artists. The concert was given during the hour between four-thirty and five-thirty. This was the first appearance of the Isham Jones aggregation before the microphone. Listeners-in were requested to write to the Brunswick Salon and comment on the program and within the next few days hundreds of responses were received and literature dealing with the instruments carried was immediately sent. As there will be broadcasting one night each week from the establishment, an exceptional opportunity of reaching the buying public is afforded. The complete Brunswick line of phonographs and Brunswick Radiolas is carried and in the radio department the Radio Corp. of America line of Radiolas and the Atwater Kent line of receivers are being featured. A complete library of Brunswick records is in stock and Audak equipment has been installed to demonstrate the records. Mrs. Edmund J. Brewster, who for years was in charge of the phonograph warerooms at this address, has been appointed manager by Mr. Abelowitz. She will be assisted by Harold Mann, formerly of the Sohmer Piano Co. Among the prominent members of the talking machine and radio trades present at the opening ceremonies were: W. A. Brophy, Walter Rogers, H. Emerson Yorke, Louis Buckner, Harry Beach, Maurice Landay, George E. Henry Whitter, Okeh Artist, Real Hill Country Type Big City Holds No Lure for Singer From Hills of Virginia — On Visits Trip From Station to Hotel to Laboratories Is Enough Henry Whitter, exclusive Okeh artist, was a recent visitor to New York, where he was engaged in making several new records of "Hill" country music. Mr. Whitter is a real specimen of the Hill country, coming from Galax, Va., and on his first few trips to New York could not be induced to stay over night, coming in to the city in the morning, making what recordings were necessary and Henry Whitter leaving ■ before midnight arrived. Although he has overcome this shyness to some .extent, he is still averse to what might be called "seeing the town." He insists that his trips from the railway station to the hotel and thence to the recording laboratories are sights enough for him. On his present visits to this city he divides his time between the laboratories and the room of his hotel practicing. Mr. Whitter sings the old-time tunes of the Kill country, many of them of his own compo>..;on. He plays his own accompaniment on the guitar with incidental music on the harmonica. He is renov tied as a musician for dancing in the Hill country, playing continuously throughout the night on many occasions. His Okeh records have a big following throughout the country and he receives many inquiries at his home in Galax for copies of the numbers which he sings on the records. Lemor Radio, Bradley Park, N. J., was recently incorporated at Trenton, N. J., with a capital stock of $10,000. The incorporators are Harold M. Lewis, Melvin S. Moore and Paul R. Gordon. We Welcome You to Chicago and "The World's Largest Building" — where our office and display rooms are located You will find many things to interest you about this World's Greatest exposition palace which is probably the most advanced idea in a wholesale display exposition that the commercial world has ever known. With its magnificent entrance, beautiful corridors and display rooms, unique club rooms and restaurants atop the building, we feel sure your time will be well spent in inspecting it. A short walk south from The Drake brings you to the door, 666 Lake Shore Drive. Then come up to our display, Suite 829. You will see an exceptional showing of phonographs, radio and combinations, but please remember you will be our guest and will not be asked to buy American Furniture Mart anything. VITANOLA TALKING MACHINE CO.. CHICAGO