The talking machine world (Jan-June 1925)

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June 15, 1925 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 63 WO ODE HORN eliminates metallic tone V INTER-OCEAN CABINET OPEROLA ''It Speaks For Iteelj" A beautiful golden brown fabrikoid leather cabinet embossed in yellow gold. Exceptionally mellow tone, unusual volume and clarity. Special best grade adjustable unit mounted in Bakelite non-vibrant case with fibre "WOODEHORN" . Show this cabinet Operola first to your most particular customers. List Price $18.00 There is an OPEROLA or "WOODEHORN" to suit every taste and every pocket. Sixteen different models that embody greatest dollar for dollar value in the loud speaker field today. They may be had with adjustable and non-adjustable units and horns with straight neck, goose neck or the Inter-Ocean "Horn of Plenty." All types are variations of the famous, patented InterOcean fibre horn. We are sole patentees and hold basic patents on this widely used and justly popular type of horn, — as well as on Inter-Ocean Units. DEALERS AND JOBBERS Write or wire today for our complete catalog and our unusual sales proposition with discounts and special salespro motion literature INTER-OCEAN Radio Products bring the trade that you want. Their high quality and low price make satisfied customers, repeat business and rapid turnover — which means bigger profits for you. Successful merchants throughout the country are handling the Inter-Ocean line because: — ■ J Priced to sell fast and make a good profit for you. Guarani friends. £ Guaranteed high quality means more O Dealer helps and advertising make sell • ing easier. 4 Immediate delivery — No long waiting • for stock. HERE ARE A FEW OF INTER-OCEAN RAPID SELLING PRODUCTS Type "A" Loud Speaker Unit A remarkable unit for full volume, accurate reproduction and mellow tone. At this price a real sales building feature for you. List Price $3.00 Type "B" Loud Speaker Unit The greatest unit on the market today. Bakelite top and specially designed diaphragm assure perfect reproduction at all tone frequencies. This unit answers the demand for the 100% phonograph attachment. List Price $5.00 The New Reverso Plug No more changing wires to change the polarity of headset or loud speaker. Just press button like an electric light switch and know instantly if the polarity is correct. There is a tremendous demand for this plug. List Price $.50 INTER-OCEAN RADIO CORPORATION FACTORY NO. 1: Mfrs. of Radio Horns and Loud Speakers 205-215 Tenth Street FACTORY NO. 2: 26-28 Prospect Street Newark, N. J. Jersey City, N. J. FACTORY NO. 3: 243 Mercer Street Jersey City, N. J.