The talking machine world (July-Dec 1926)

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30 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD August 15, 1926 1111 iiiiii 1t*^ "tf"*" ■'^ _JLt_ IIA9A8 40 COLIXC LZ3ai;i-Toii AVE iraa-; IKE cu5Toi.3^^""J: f^"'" sou, m l.D. i;OT .A'-T, A COlS BACK I^T '.l/ TAllS POH 1:3 rHO!.i HERE Oil OCT mCnOLS BHOS. fSfS^-JM'^ ■ w 8y !ISE 1 ^vt _ Let Last Seasons Day-Fan Dealers Tell You what they tliink of the Day-Fan JUdio and the Day-Fan Dealer Poiw^ EA56 ) CO l^'^ liAKSRAlT, MO GBOESBECK HEARS ISC U5 IKnUCTOH AVE WETI^ . „ « T^TTOm BAirAS SOI^ STAT^ SOajg GAVE SATISTACTI05 .«v RAno)raiSX THE DAIfAB POLICY 415 larncToii AVB sBwrom uy RECEIVE 005 Pissi COMPIAIST PRrw a r,.,,., 5'^^^ A WOOD MUSIC CO CEMASDiycC^S SERVICE THAU AJY OTHER MriO> GREAT RAPIO SAliS Jiro SERVICE CO J S L BAV13. 413 ATE BS4 0 am « HAT. ^ THEIR ^^S 0. THE "AR^ BATTER! ATO l«L^!^!!il-LSS=^ ^ WE IHIlffi PAY PAS RAI-IO IS AT THE TOP 0? ITS CLASS ASD YOUR EXCLUSIVE DEAIIB POLICY IS RIGHT ; SUPPLY CO. [IRE — I-vT-y.-?0'l ,.614 34 COU^T BLUE VjJTLASI MO 19 GROSBBCI HEARB CORPS .KE PAYPAS RAr.10 -^^^^3^---^ ^ HEWITTS BATTEH-i AI=. 1=^ SHOP. , .OHSX.^ BAY P.. -"^g^^^^^T^^;;^^^ ALSO 0.B ,OBBEH f W KBilC «KII, PiaATia. WITH DAi PA.) DLAi^ -TJY CO SYRACTJ" NY CL.J« r.^ cYci. CO i;c^A^^^;_^^fi!^!^ TUTTSii^ CARTSaCE KY20 545P \ECK HEARS IKc 1,-— __^.5 LmrcTOH AVE HEirrORE BY GREAT DAY y^, REcEnrr "^"^^ HAVE SOL. »t "'go' HECEPTXO.V IE SERVICE. ; BAS i.fc-^if^^^^^-^rw^j;^'' ,„xi>G Bi(o*a ' 1? J16P 415 LEXIKTOi; AVE SEWYORK BY HE BAY PAB RATIO IS ok(i£lEA£S_T^US)"= B-AUTY AKT, EASE OP OPERAIIOB THE COOPERATIOH OP BEALEB II-TTaSnvOR ATS ^.rrwACTURER 13 THE 05LY WAY TO 3S.L RADIO TSE lil ?il> BEAiS POM" -U^" ^"''^^ ™ ''^^'^ "^"^ Hscp»s izAi. a:=. or.T.s Hi^ the propm^ poli/)w up si^vice KiOJ, EL3CIRIC CO W E fJJJ.^ •t Grand Centra] TenninaJ Main CoiKounc, N. Y. 'iJii* 57 COLLECT BLUE ^^6 JUN T, [I OCDENSBURC NY 19 309P lECK BBARN INC 415 LEXINGTON AVE NEWYORK NY I (woitDERFTn, MACHItS)tHEIH dealers POLICY ARE LIES GOLD BOJIBS NO OMER MACHINES CAN BE C0?1PARED TO ONE DIAL CONTROL VERY SELECTIVE AfIB TOUE AJffi QUALITY 13 THEIR GREAT 1INe(cREAT COtgANY TO HELP THEIR tEAIERS^ TOM mach: TOM JONES. T^"be c'oBGKATULAT^ 0. P--« .AYTOB PA, A.. -OR ^ ^ ^ ^ER Al. COHDITI "^"^ W A AT srr ^. ''■^^'y CA I To [OSS' ^ DAI PAY poll"-' -TOACTISB EAS ^ llpBOTRIO^T^BVASBl'" ■ I Affray ^13 c B Ttz^s. -:T'Z;XISGTOir AVE SETfCRK _!^xcRor., lADSs Op AH 'as "All fiABlO "Eat ^0. Si* o1 ■"■•e. N. Y. FKAJIKLIS AU : IBVA 12 C ;OUJSCl liA'C: l;;c 309P J>4' DayFan Electric Company (The Dayton Fan &MotorCb.)| DAYTON, OHIO ' Makers of Radio Receivers, Fans and Motors with the DAY 5-6-7 Tube ^89 2? -'^250^ Single Dial Control ]