The talking machine world (July-Dec 1926)

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AuGL-ST 15, 1926 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 119 President of Dayton Radio Dealers Assn. Addresses Day-Fan Jobbers' Convention John E. Saum, President of Local Association, Gives Interesting Talk, Explaining Activities of Body, to Distributors — Organization's Program Eliminates the Price-cutting Evil Dayjox, O., August 7. — During the July convention of Day-Fan distributors, held by the DayFan Electric Co., of this city, the visiting distributors were greatly impressed with the activities of the Dayton Radio Dealers Assn, The activities of this local association were According to the articles of agreement of the Dayton Assn., which is signed by all members, a charge is to be made for any demonstration as well as for any servicing of radio sets whicli is necessary after a radio is sold. This prevents the dealer's profits on sales being absorbed by Carbon Co., Inc., manufacturer of the Eveready line of batteries. This group of Eveready entertainers is said to be one of the first and the largest engaged for a definite period in London. At the termination of this engagement, the Eveready artists will return to New York to resume broadcasting here. P. E. Grabuski Completes Nation-wide Trade Trip President of Everybody's T. M. Co. Visits Thousands of Dealers and Finds Conditions Prosperous and Future Outlook Bright Phil.mjelphia. Pa., August 6.— Philip E. Grabuski, president of Everybody's Talking Machine Co., 810 Arch street, this city, is probably one of the best-informed members of the trade on conditions throughout the entire country as the result of a nation-wide trip which he recently completed. This extensive trip across the country, which covered almost 9,000 miles, was made by Mr. Grabuski in his own car and reached to practically every important center in the United States, with the exception of the Pacific Coast, and was nine weeks in duration. Mr. Grabuski found conditions in the phonograph industry in the Western part of the country particularly good. After calling on about 2,000 dealers and thirty to forty distributors, he found all full of enthusiasm and very favorably impressed with the future. In fact, a majority seemed to be well satisfied with business from the first of the year. With the exception of the corn belt in the Far Middle West, he found the average phonograph dealer in a good financial condition. Summing up his impressions, Mr. Grabuski pointed out that the entire phonograph industry' seemed to be drifting toward a higher plane, both from the dealer and jobber point of view and the laitlook is excellent. Day-Fan Distributors Present at the placed before the Day-Fan distributors in a talk at one of the meetings by John E. Saum, president of the Dayton Assn. His records show that forty-five out of fifty-three Dayton radio stores are members of the local association. It is said that no other city equals Dayton in its progressive policy for the protection of the retailer. The members' stores are inspected once every week and a grievance committee promptly considers any complaints which dealers make regarding unfair competition. Under the program of the Dayton Radio Dealers Association business is not only conducted in a fair manner but there is an entire elimination of the pricecutting problem and the cut-throat tactics which interfered with the healthy progress of the industrv in other citie = . Day-Fan Electric Co.'s Convention unnecessary calls. The people of Dayton who buy radio receivers get the right kind of interested service from the radio store, but unnecessary or questionable calls are made to pay their way. American Radio Artists to Appear in London .A group of American radio artists headed by Wilfred Glenn, basso of the Eveready Hour, which has been a popular broadcast feature in the United States for several years, will be featured in London at a fashionable night club at the opening of the season in September, accordinc" to an announcement bv the National ^^1 yncliroiiized Amplification "F you are endeavoring to bring your new models up to or beyond the SYSTEM results. OF REPRODUCTION must be revised to secure the desired TnUlcr The public is buying only the talking machines which give TRUE REPRODUCTION. Such buying will continue. If your machine gives such results you will have an eo.ual chance of securing your share of the coming season's business and profits. Wi/Zer Audi-j-Engineerin^ Will Assist You The Miller system of synchronized amplification embodies the latest advances in the science of acoustics and will give you a machine which compares favorably with any of its type now on the market. Full details supplied upon request. The Miller Rubber Co. of N. Y. Akron, Ohio, U. S. A.