The talking machine world (July-Dec 1926)

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October 15, 1926 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 41 STEWART-WARNER Matched -Unit Radio Are you hooked up with a winner? The day of the fly-by-night radio manufacturer and dealer has passed. The day of the solid, substantial, responsible manufacturer and dealer is here ! Convincing proof of this is found in the astonishing growth in the sales of Stewart-Warner Radio— and in the number of applications for Stewart-Warner Protective Franchises which are pouring in every day. Far-seeing dealers everywhere are realizing the vital importance of "hooking up with a winner" to insure immediate profits and permanent prosperity. las the Stewart-Warner Protective so valuable an asset as today ! The Never before Franchise been so valuable an asset as StewartWarner line has been rounded out by the addition of many new, fast-selling, up-to-the-minute models, including several new six-tube single dial sets and an amazing new reproducer. Now you can supply all the demands of all your customers from the Stewart-Warner Matched-Unit Line. There's a Stewart-Warner Radio for every taste, every home, every purse. Right now, with the cream of the selling season just before you, is the time to clinch your Fall and Winter Profits by lining up with Stewart-Warner. Delay will mean lost sales, lost opportunities for making real, money. Write today for complete catalog and details regarding a Franchise in your locality. Table Cabinet Model 350-SllO 3r Model 300 $65 Console Model 355— $150 Radio Tube Model 501 AX $2.00 Prices slightly higher west of Rockies Reproducer Model 415 $30 Beautifully finished in antique bronzr The new Stewart-Warner Reproducer, shown above, is already creating a sensation from coast to coast. It is a musical marvel! By employing an altogether new principle of electrical sound reproduction, StewartWarner has achieved the triumph of eliminating the annoying distortion caused by tones at the "natural period of vibration" of the diaphragm. Radio manufacturers have attempted for years to accomplish this feat, but it remained for StewartWarner to do it. Stewart-Warner is in exclusive control of the patents on the device which eliminates this distortion. No other make of reprodticer can use it. The result is clear and' faithful rendition of every musical sound, from the lowest to the highest, just as they are broadcast from studio or stage. You will find this new Stewart -Warner Reproducer to be a phenomenally fast seller — and a big profit-maker for yourself. STEWART-WARNER SPEEDOMETER CORPORATION 1824 DIVERSEY PARKWAY, CHICAGO, U. S. A. TWELVE MILLION PEOPLE ARE TODAY USING STEWARTWARNER PRODUCTS