The talking machine world (July-Dec 1926)

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62 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD November 15, 1926 Erla Venetian Model Radio Attracts Attention at Show Super-Six Shielded Receiver First Shown at New York and Chicago Radio Shows — Set Has Many Interesting Features Among the radio products manufactured by the Electrical Research Laboratories, Chicago, which have won trade and public favor is the Erla Super-Six Venetian model shown here Erla Venetian with, a receiver which was first shown at the New York Radio World's Fair. The Venetian model contains a six-tube shielded receiver with one dial control and will operate on an antenna from one foot to one hundred feet in length, or on a loop aerial. It contains a ninety-two inch air column horn which is said to reproduce both high and low notes with volume and fidelity. The cabinet is of dark American walnut trimmed in satinwood with panels of matched burl walnut. The Venetian model attracted considerable attention at the Chicago Radio Show and the set itself was commented upon favorably by several Chicago newspaper radio critics. Southern Distributors Featuring Garryola Line The Southern Aluminum Co., New Orleans, La., and its affiliated companies, the Aluminum Specialty Co., of Dallas and Atlanta, and the Southern Aluminum Co., Louisville, Ky., are now devoting practically all of their sales efforts upon Carryola portable phonographs manufactured by Carryola Co. of America, Milwaukee, Wis. The firm originally specialized in the distribution of aluminum ware and has now been acting as distributor for Carryola portable phonographs for the past two years. The .Southern Aluminum Co. has attained unusual success in the distribution of the popular instrument, and at present is enjoying a tremendous demand throughout the Southern territory. Spartan Electric Corp. Triples Factory Space Demand for Spartan Speakers Made Necessary Expansion of Newark Firm's Manufacturing Facilities — Wide Distribution E.xpansion of manufacturing facilities tripling the former factory space has been announced by the Spartan Electric Corp., New York, manufacturer of Spartan speakers. The greater portion of the factory building at Newark, N. J., is now occupied by the Spartan Co., devoted exclusively to the manufacture of Spartan speaking apparatus. M. S. Despres, general manager of the organization, states that the demand for Spartan speakers this year has been so greatly in excess of early predictions that this important step to increase production was necessary. Ernest .\lschuler, president of the company, is now devoting his entire time to production and reports satisfactory progress in establishing the Spartan factory on a large daily production schedule. Mr. Despres states that Spartan speakers are now being distributed by 145 representative jobbers throughout the United States and sales offices have been -opened in all of the larger cities. "Lady of Light" Feature at Kansas City Radio Show Two popular personages, Miss Gertrude sEderle, conqueror of the English Channel, and the "Lady of Light," a wax model presented in a striking setting of moving colorlight by Curtis Lighting, Inc., makers of X-Ray Reflectors, e-x:changed cordial greetings at the Radio and Electric Show in Kansas City the first part of October. Miss Ederle was delighted to step up to the special dimmer board and "paint" the "Lady of Light" in one of the several million color combinations made possible by the X-Ray equipment in the exhibit. The "Lady of Light" was a magnet that drew thousands of visitors to the show, a large number of whom took the opportunity to produce beautiful combinations of colorlight by manipulating the handles of the control board. The exhibit demonstrates the commercial value of color light in motion for hundreds of startling and decorative effects. CONSTANTLY INCREASING SALES mT« teitUylDE to the superior qnallty of onr COTTON FLOCKS FOR PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 8TBP INTO LINE WITH THE BUYERS OF "QtJAI/IIT" CLAREMONT WASTE MFG. CO., Clapcimont, IM.'H. PHONOGRAPH RADIO CASES Reinforced 3-ply Veneer The Standard Case for Talking Machines and Radio Sets Let us figurt on your requirementi MADE BY PLYWOOD CORPORATION, Goldsboro, N. C. Mill, in Va./N. C. and S. C. Production of Day-Fan Sets Steadily Increased New High Standard of Efficiency Results in Greater Production at Day-Fan Plant in Dayton, O.— W. E. Baker Responsible Dayton, O., November 6.— Production of DayFan radio sets, • manufactured by the Day-Fan Electric Co., of this city, has been steadily increased during recent weeks. Under the direction of W. E. Baker, general manager of the company, the factory organization has under W. E. Baker and Chas. T. Lawson gone a series of changes, with the result that a new high standard of efficiency and an increased volume of production has resulted. Charles T. Lawson, director of sales for the Day-Fan organization, recently returned from a trip through the Central West, where he talked to seventy-eight dealers served by one Day-Fan distributor. This was an enthusiastic gathering — starting at nine in the evening and ending at three o'clock in the morning — in which a program mapping out activities and solving problems was completed. It is now the purpose of the Day-Fan organization to carry out similar activities elsewhere and a number of new representatives are being schooled for these activities and the Day-Fan sales organization covering the distributors and retail trade will shortly be twice its present size. Atwater Kent Distributor Helps Reward Cardinals Brown & Hall Supply Co. Presents Each Member of St. Louis Baseball Team With an Atwater Kent Receiver and Speaker St. Louis, Mo., November 4. — That the people of this city were proud of their baseball repre St. Louis Cardinals With A-K Sets sentatives, the St. Louis Cardinals, is known to all those who read newspapers during the recent World Series. And that pride took the form of showering the players with gifts and trophies as a reward for bringing the baseball championship to this city after a long and weary wait of nearly forty years. Among the business, houses that paid tribute to the fighting Cardinals was the Brown & Hall Supply Co., Atwater Kent distributor, which presented every member of the team with an Atwater Kent radio receiver and speaker. The Cantor Cabinet Co., New York, was recently incorporated at Albany with a capital stock of $5,000.