The talking machine world (July-Dec 1926)

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December 15. 1926 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD Celebration Features Production of the Millionth Atwater Kent Receiving Set Six-Tube, Single-Dial, Shielded Metal Cabinet Set Was Millionth Turned Out at Huge Atwater Kent Plant — Moving Pictures, Banquet and Entertainment Part of Festivities Philadelphia, Pa., December 8. — The millionth Atwater Kent receiving set was turned out here at 4 o'clock this afternoon. It was a six-tube, single-dial set, in the latest shielded metal cabinet. Simultaneously, A. Atwater Kent made public his company's production figures for the past four years, showing that the current year (May 1-April 30, 1926-27) will record an output of more than 600,000 sets against 6,628 for 192223, the first year's record. Mr. Kent himself gave the millionth set its final test upon its completion this afternoon in the presence of thousands of employes, friends and distinguished visitors to the Atwater Kent factories. Upon the completion of the inspection Mr. Kent was congratulated and in turn congratulated the various members of his staff. Addressing his officers, employes and friends, Mr. Kent said: "It is difficult for me to find words with which to express my pride and gratification in this moment. I feel as if I wanted to hip-hurrah. I want to throw my hat up in the air. I am happy in the knowledge that you feel the same way about it and I am deeply grateful for your loyal, enthusiastic co-operation, which has made this achievement possible. "The millionth set means not only that we have grown to manhood in our industrial and commercial life, but that we have built together, during the rapid activities of the last four years, a harmonious, self-respecting family of co 129 workers who are making the world a better place in which to live. Our material success has not taken toll of society, but, rather, has contributed to the happiness, comfort and benefit of society. Greater opportunity for service confronts us in the future. The drama of to-day, in which we have seen the millionth set produced, opens even wider opportunities for to-morrow. "With your splendid loyalty and co-operation A. Atwater Kent and the "Millionth Set" There is also shown the first Atwater Kent radio part and the first complete set. In the background is a group of Atwater Kent executives I face it happily, confident that it will find us ready and able to measure up to the obligations which to-day's events have placed upon us." In direct contrast with the latest set was shown the first Atwater Kent set and also the first radio part, the forerunner of the first set. An appropriate plate was placed upon the set and it will remain on exhibition at the factory. Further work in the factory was abandoned for the day and the afternoon celebration included orchestral music and community singing. The entire proceedings of the afternoon were recorded not only by still pictures but by continuous motion picture photography as well. In the evening five hundred office and factory executives were the guests of Mr. Kent at a dinner tendered them at the Mercantile Club in this city. Sales Manager V. W. Collamore presided and in referring to the accomplishment and the production of the millionth set compared it to the decade or more that big manufacturers in other lines had taken to turn out their millionth product. Mr. Kent again spoke to his co-workers, who had helped him accomplish this feat. Following Mr. Kent's speech Dr. E. J. Cattell, prominent after-dinner orator of Philadelphia, spoke on the altruistic side of the production of the radio set. Honor was paid to Mrs. A. Atwater Kent, who was with her husband at the speakers' table, by the presentation of a bouquet from the office and factory staff. The day not only commemorated the production of the millionth set but was the birthday anniversary of Mr. Kent as well. This was remembered by his staff through expressions of congratulation and the presentation of a mammoth bouquet. Following the dinner entertainment was provided by a number of vaudeville acts which were turned out to-day. During the current year the Atwater Kent factory has had to be expanded rapidly to meet increasing demands, until a production of more than 5,300 receiving sets per day has been reached. It was announced this afternoon that, in addition to the millionth set, 5,317 other sets were turned out to-day. The millionth set will be retained here for exhibition at the plant, but the first hundred sets of the second million, completed immediately following the millionth set, are being shipped personally to distributors for their retention. They are exact duplicates of the millionth set and each is marked with a gold plate on which its number is certified over Mr. Kent's autograph. Dealer tie-up with this auspicious event was provided by two window display cards which were furnished by the Atwater Kent Mfg. Co. The first one read as follows: "The first receiv(Coniinued on page 130) As in the Harp, whose short and long strings produce highandlownotes, theSAAL Ec-centric provides a short radius for highnotes, a long radius for bass tones. The SAAL Pedestal is an ornamentto the most beautiful surroundings. Its pure wooden tone chamber, three feet in length, gives exceptionally clear melloiv reception. Price, $33 The fammw SAAL Soft Speaker, the outstanding speaker of its type. Js g ivi n g gaiisf actio nregardless of the set or equipment used. Siandardwithradioengineers. Price, $22.S0 ccentric The big, new cone Speaker Idea On the principle of the harp, whose short strings produce the high treble notes, whose long strings give forth the deep bass tones, the Saal'Ec'centric, with its "center" actually ojf'center, provides a short vibrating radius for the high notes, a long radius for the rich low tones. These exact relative proportions of vibrating area, definitely fixed by scientific principles, are now provided for the first time in the Saal Ec' centric Cone. All rumble or "barrel tone" is elimi' nated. True balanced tone from soprano, flute and violin to pipe organ or 'cello. A demonstration will convince you. Hear the Saal Eccentric at your dealers, or write us to direct you where it can be heard. The Saal Ec'centric comes in two models: 20'inch, $25; 141'nch (Junior), $15. Slightly more west of Rockies. SaVAIL H. G. SAAL COMPANY, 1800 Montrose Ave., Chicago, U. S. A.