The talking machine world (Jan-June 1928)

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The Talking Machine World, New York, May, 1928 No Summer Slump on Brunswick Terr., <rf**rr . l/3 to 72 Less Artists at V3J BRUNSWICK Electrical Record sales continue to increase. February showed a decided gain over January. March was a bigger month than February. April promises no let-down. All over the country Brunswick dealers are feeling the results of this tremendous swing to Brunswick which reflects itself in the consistent gains just mentioned. The public is alive to the wonderful quality of Brunswick electrical recording as never before. Brunswick sales and advertising policies have helped awaken record buyers to the better music now to be found on Brunswick Records. Are you getting your share? Business is good. There is every reason to believe it is going to continue to be good. All it takes is your co-operation . . . your willingness to work with us. Still a Big Seller! foriheLauqh ofyour Life Bear Sweet William ^BaJ Bill inAkwyork * <9Va 3710 A Few Outstanding Brunswick Electrical Records "Poor Butterfly" . . . "Can't Yo' Heah Me Callin' Caroline?"— popular concert. Red Nichols and His Five Pennies, with vocal chorus by "Scrappy" Lambert. 20062 "Ramona" . . . "I'm Winging Home (Like a Bird On the Wing)" — sung by Harold ("Scrappy") Lambert, Tenor. 3870 "My Rainbow" . . . "Coquette"— fox trots. Herbert Gordon's Hotel Adelphia Whispering Orchestra. 3862 "I Do Not Choose To Run" . . . "Hey! Hey! Hazel" — fox trots. Six Jumping Jacks. 3876 "OT Man River" (from "Show Boat") . . . "Back In Your Own Back Yard" —sung by Al Jolson. 3867 "Can't Help' Lovin' Dat Man" (from "Show Boat") . . . "Varsity Drag" (from "Good News") — sung by Zelma O'Neal, Comedienne, of "Good News." 3864 THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. • Chicago • New York • Branches in all Principal Cities