The talking machine world (Jan-June 1928)

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46 The Talking Machine World, Nezv York, June, 1928 A Complete List ok Distribu tor s THE ARTOPHONE CORPORATION 1624 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. THE ARTOPHONE CORPORATION McCall Building Memphis, Tennessee THE ARTOPHONE CORPORATION 203 Central Exchange Building, 804 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. GEORGE CAMPE 611 Howard Street, San Francisco, Cal. CONSOLIDATED TALKING MACHINE COMPANY 227 W. Washington St., Chicago, III CONSOLIDATED TALKING MACHINE COMPANY 2957 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich. CONSOLIDATED TALKING MACHINE COMPANY 1424 Washington Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. GROSSMAN BROS. MUSIC COMPANY 2144 E. 2nd Street, Cleveland, Ohio JUNIUS HART PIANO HOUSE, LTD. 123 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. HAWAII MUSIC COMPANY 1021 Fort Street, Honolulu, Hawaii L. D. HEATER 469^ Washington St., Portland, Ore. IROQUOIS SALES CORPORATION 210 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. OKEH PHONOGRAPH CORP., (New York Distributing Division) 15 W. 18th St., New York City PACIFIC WHOLESALE, INC. 433 E. Twelfth, Cor. Wall Street, Los Angeles, Cal. JAMES K. POLK, INC. 217 Whitehall St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. JAMES K. POLK, INC. 1315 Young St., Dallas, Texas JAMES K. POLK, INC. 803-05 West Broad St., Richmond, Va. THE Q. R. S. MUSIC CO. 1017 Sansom St. Philadelphia, Pa. STERLING ROLL & RECORD COMPANY 322 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Radio Stocks in the Hands of Dealers Bureau of Foreign Domestic Commerce Compiles Figures Showing Stocks of Radio Merchandise as of April 1, 1928 In a compilation of the merchandise in the hands of radio dealers as of April 1, 1928, made by the Electrical Equipment Division of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C, with the assistance and co-operation of the Radio Division of the National Electrical Manufacturers' Association, the following totals are reported from 8,291 dealers who replied, of the 31,798 to whom questionnaires were sent. The figures of the stocks in hand as of January 1, 1928, are also given for comparison purposes. Receiving sets, battery operated: 49,682, April 1; 62,778, January 1; AC operated, 31,069, April 1; 25,584, January 1. Loud speakers: ordinary, 67,952, April 1; 74,771, January 1; amplified, 3,126, April 1; 3,054, January 1. Batteries: storage "A," 37,579, April 1; 42,500, January 1; 45 volt dry "B," 142,060, April 1; 188,376 January 1; 22]/2 volt dry "B," 47,370, April 1; 59,204, January 1; \y2 volt dry "C," 82,673, April 1; 88,409, January 1. Socket power units: With "A" storage battery, 6,523, April 1; 8,536, January 1; without storage battery, 5,403, April 1; 7,169, January 1; "B," 16,999, April 1; 20,882, January 1; "A" and "B," 10,987, April 1; 13,166, January 1. Tubes (receiving); power (output) 77,970, April 1; 79,125, January 1; AC, 154,603, April 1; 115,004, January 1; battery tubes, dry, 136,150, April 1; 144,210, January 1; storage battery tubes, 274,516, April 1; 299,471, January 1. Tubes (rectifying): high voltage for "B," 29,553; April 1; 28,644, January 1; low voltage for "A," 11,093, April 1; 11,169, January 1. Jewell Issues Catalog of Instruments Full Line of Electrical Measuring Instruments Made by the Jewell Electrical Instrument Co. Is Described Chicago, III., June 6. — One of the most complete catalogs ever issued devoted to a description of electrical measuring instruments has been issued by the Jewell Electrical Instrument Co., of this city. This catalog, known as No. 16, consists of 112 pages, giving :i complete description of the products manufactured by the company, and it is profusely illustrated. A foreword on page 2 explains the slogan which is being used in Jewell advertising and which forms a running head over each page. The slogan is "Twenty-eight years making good instruments." The "twenty-eight" years refers to the period in which the organization has been engaged in continuous research, development and manufacture of electrical measuring instruments; "making good instruments" is the claim, conservative and honest, which is the ideal every Jewell employe, executive and instrument maker alike, strives to uphold. Among the many instruments made by the Jewell organization for use with radio sets and which are illustrated and described are the A-B Relay for accomplishing trickle charging and B-eliminator switching automatically; voltmeter, pattern No. 190, designed principally to take care of the demand for a small panel type instrument in sets using alternating current; the Jewell Tip-Jack Voltmeter, the Double Reading Two-inch instrument; Pattern No. 135-B voltmeter for "A" and "B" battery checking; the AC-DC set Analyzer, pattern No. 137, designed for servicing both AC and DC operated radio sets; pattern No. 133-A set analyzer for the dealer servicing only DC MICA DIAPHRAGMS Immediate delivery — all sizes Send for free samples and prices All Mica Products INTERNATIONAL MICA CO. Baring 539 PHILADELPHIA, PA. fiuw. pmia. operated sets; pattern No. 133 set analyzer, similar to the 133-A, with the exception that it is designed for reading at lower ranges. Other service test sets include pattern No. 117, built in two .sections, the upper containing the instrument panel and tool drawer, the lower a compartment for carrying a set of batteries; the direct reading vacuum tube test set, pattern No. 130, designed to eliminate the necessity of plotting curves to obtain tube characteristics; radio test set, pattern No. 145, designed to cover the sets using the new types of tubes, particularly those requiring high voltages. The tube checkers include the AC-DC tube checker, the DC tube checker and the Junior tube checker, which is designed for checking tubes at home. A variety of other instruments, including the B-eliminator tester, grid leak tester, direct reading capacity meter, a high resistance voltmeter for B-eliminator testing, B-eliminator checker, a de luxe portable voltmeter, many other patterns of voltmeters, a lightning arrester, panel cutters and portable resistors are described and illustrated in the catalog. Orval Simpson, president of the Jewell Electrical Instrument Co., states that any electrical engineer or individual using or specifying the use of instruments in any quantity can secure a copy of the catalog by writing the Jewell offices on his firm's stationery. Canadian Splitdorf Manager a Visitor G. Ryan, manager of the Splitdorf interests in Toronto, Canada, was a recent visitor to the headquarters of the Splitdorf Radio Corp., in Newark, N. J. He announced that the manu G. Ryan facturing and assembly departments of the Toronto branch are now located in larger quarters, occupying the entire building at 44 Carlton street, where automotive and radio products are turned out. The Canadian company has arranged to take care of a large production of radio receiving sets, and a banner year in radio is expected.