The talking machine world (Jan-June 1928)

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84 The Talking Machine World, New York, June, 1928 Howard Radio Co. Moves to New Home Increased Volume of Business Necessitates Considerably Larger Quarters — Fourth Removal in Past Seven Years The Howard Radio Co., Chicago, is now installed in new and considerably larger quarters at 4949 North Crawford avenue. This move is the result of the greatly increased volume of business now being transacted by the firm, and a decided advantage of the new location is its nearness to transportation lines and the excellent labor facilities close at hand. The Howard Radio Co., one of the oldest in the industry, has shown a steady growth, starting on Clinton street in 1921 in a small but wellequipped plant, which it outgrew within three years, and the Howard policy of producing high-quality products and the resultant demand for them is attested by the firm's substantial growth. The removal from the East Ohio street site to the new Northwest Side plant makes the fourth removal within the last seven years to meet the increasing demands of a constantly increasing business. In each instance an increase of at least 50 per cent in floor space and manufacturing facilities was necessary. This firm manufactures a complete line of AC radio receivers encased in a variety of artistic cabinets and the new Howard combination radio-phonograph. In the production of these sets only the most skillful and highly paid artisans are employed, the highest grade of materials used. A. A. Howard, president of the firm, is a prominent figure in the radio field. He was a member of the Board of Trade for over fifteen years, and his record in that capacity was one of efficiency and unusual executive ability. Affiliated with the president in the company are R. R. Howard, sales manager for over four years, formerly with the O'Cedar Furniture Co. for seven years in a similar capacity, and also vice-president; Asher Howard, vice-president, and T. J. Sullivan, secretary and treasurer. The Howard Radio Co. is licensed under Radio Corp. of America patents and Hazeltine patents. RCA District Sales Executives Meet San Francisco, Chicago and New York Representatives Hold Series of Meetings to Discuss Plans for Coming Season Sales executives and representatives of the district offices of the Radio Corp. of America in San Francisco, Chicago and New York held a series of meetings in New York during the week of May 21 to discuss plans for the coming season. J. L. Ray, general sales manager, delivered the opening address at the first meeting. E. A. Nicholas, who has just been promoted from Eastern district sales manager to manager of the Radiola division, was the next speaker. He was followed by Pierre Boucheron, advertising and publicity manager, who spoke on the advertising and sales promotion program for 1928-29. At the succeeding meetings L. F. Chadeayne discussed sales promotion, and H. M. Gallop, account executive of the advertising agency of Lord & Thomas and Logan, and L. R. Galvin, assistant advertising manager of RCA, spoke on space advertising. George Clark, manager of the RCA shows and exhibitions division, told of his activities in detail. The closing address of the series of meetings was given by J. Haber, in charge of the RCA information bureau, who spoke on the function of publicity in the Radio Corp.'s sales program. On the last day of the week the party inspected the transoceanic facilities of RCA and the Radiomarine Corp. of America. Newcombe-Hawley Adds to Radio Line Complete Line of Dynamic Cone Reproducers in Portable, Table and Console Models to Be Marketed Newcombe-Hawley, Inc., St. Charles, 111., manufacturer of radio reproducers, has announced several important additions to its line for the 1928-1929 radio season. Through a license agreement with the Magnavox Co., Oakland, California, Newcombe-Hawley will feature a complete line of dynamic cone reproducers in portable, table and console models, incorporating all of the features covered by Magnavox patents. An interesting product is Model 109, combination console, provided with a phonograph turntable and electric motor and AC dynamic cone reproducer, and space for any AC electric set. A simple switch in the console permits the reproducer to be used with either the radio set or phonograph. No pick-up is included. Dynamic cone chassis units will be merchandised separately to set owners who wish to bring their reproducers up to date, and a magnetic cone has been added to the line, in a series of portable and table models. The Newcombe-Hawley air-column line is continued in the several models which were popular during the past radio seasons. The magnetic cone and the air-column are also sold in chassis unit form for set owners who prefer the units without cabinets. Suffers Fire Damage \ The B. F. Russell Music Store, on East Capitol street, Jackson, Miss., suffered considerable damage in a recent fire, which destroyed several instruments on the floor of the store. Announcing the Addition of FIVE NEW Members to the Brach Radio Family — BRACH "A" DRY ELIMINATOR Universally acclaimed by radio experts to be the most perfect "A" Eliminator yet produced. Operates automatically from the radio set switch. No extra switches, extra wiring or acids are used, nor is it necessary to add water. It is different, simple, reliable, permanent and better — a notable addition to the Brach Radio Family — an addition that more than meets every Brach high standard. Each of the Other Four New Members Offers Something Different and Distinctly Better in Power Supply Brach "B" Eliminator Brach "BC" Power Supply Brach "ABC" Radio Power Supply Brach Power Amplifier and "B" Power Growing More Popular Every Day Is the Famous BRACH STORM KING LIGHTNING ARRESTER The Dollar Arrester That Carries $100 Free Insurance Over 2,500,000 are now in service protecting the homes of radio users giving maximum protection at minimum cost. Other Notable Members oj the Family — All Winning Greater Favor Because of the Efficient Service They Have Rendered Are Complete Antenna Outfits ''Extension Cord Connectors * Shock-Proof Radio Plugs Socket Aerial Plugs Window Lead-ins Drip-Proof Hydrometers Low-Loss Crystal Insulators Brach-Stat Filament Controls Fixed Crystals Solderall Mouth Blow Torches Electric Soldering Irons Peerless Flux 'Patent Nos. 1,669,038; 1,669,013 and 1,669,042 were issued on May 8, 1928, on Cord Connectors and Radio Plugs under which we have been licensed. L. S. BRACH MFG. CORP. Newark, N. J., U. S. A. Toronto, Can.