The talking machine world (Jan-June 1928)

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88 The Talking Machine World, New York, June, 1928 T. M. Cook, Inc., Winner of Kellogg Display Competition Manufacturers' Promotional Work in Stimulating Better Window Displays Is Proving Beneficial — Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co. Stages Campaign WITHIN the past year or two there seems to be a growing realization among all members of the industry and trade — manufacturers, jobbers and dealers — of the value of the window display as a means First Award: T. M. Cook, Inc. of .stimulating and sustaining business. This statement is not made to imply that in past years talking machine and radio dealers neglected their display space, but it must be evident that the attention being given the "face" of the store is becoming more and more widespread. One of the chief reasons for this progress must be accorded the manufacturers who have inaugurated special departments for sales promotion which are devoting considerable attention to the problem of creating displays which will be available to every dealer. Several companies design and have executed displays of materials so costly and elaborate that they would be out of the question for an individual dealer to have prepared. These displays are loaned or rented out to dealers by the manufacturer and not only do they serve their purpose for the time which they occupy his show space, but they have the subtle influence of educating the dealer to keep his display space in A No. 1 condition at all times. Another method of keeping dealer interest in their windows at high pitch is that of conducting contests for attractive displays. There have been a greater number of such competitions during the past year than ever before and the results have shown a quickening of interest on the part of the retail fraternity and a betterment in their taste. Several of the leading companies in the music-radio industry have developed systems of having dealers subscribe to a window display service at a nominal sum per display. By this means, at certain intervals, in many cases every thirty days, window display material i Talking Machine Springs and Repair Parts NONE BETTER IN QUALITY NONE LOWER IN PRICE The Rene Manufacturing Co. Montvale, New Jersey prepared by experts is shipped the dealer. This material is designed to harmonize with the season, to best attract attention to the latest products of the company, and the cost price of each display is considerably more than the price which the dealer pays. Thousands of dealers throughout the country have taken advantage of these various services with the result that the windows of the music-radio dealers better reflect an atmosphere in keeping with the products sold. A contest recently conducted by the Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co., Chicago, 111., was most fruitful in attracting the dealers and in stimulating sales. The rules of the contest were simple. Any dealer was eligible to enter provided he displayed a Kellogg model No. 511 AC radio receiver in his window during the contest and sent a photograph of the display to the Kellogg Co. on or before a stipulated date. Hundreds of entries were received and so high was the standard of excellence that the judges, J. E. Dalinghaus, of the Chicago Tribune; C. C. Fogarty, of Matteson, Fogarty and Jordan, and E. Butt, of the Rosenow Co., were hard put to finally select the winning windows. The three winners of the highest awards, Second Award: Findley Electric Co. whose displays are reproduced herewith, were: T. M. Cook, Inc., Toledo, O.; Findley Electric Co., Minneapolis, Minn., and Jermyn Bros., Scranton, Pa. Other prize winners, in the order given, were: Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, 111.; Lawler Bros., Bayonne, N. Third Award: Jermyn Bros., of Scranton, Pa. J.; Bachman Electric Co., Fond du Lac, Wis.; Buech Saxophone Shoppe, Milwaukee, Wis.; Duncan & Goodell Co., Worcester, Mass.; Bluebird Music Shop, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Johnson's Electric Shop, located in Nashua, N. H. Piatt Music Go. Appoints New Department Heads Los Angeles, Cal., June 1. — A number of interesting appointments and reappointments have recently taken place in the Piatt Music Co. and are now announced by Ben Piatt, president, through Edwin Lester, general sales manager. C. H. Mansfield is appointed associate general sales manager; G. F. Hall, formerly assistant sales manager, becomes radio merchandise manager; A. B. McCrea is appointed manager piano department at the main Broadway store; Leopold Poulin is appointed assistant manager piano department at the main Broadway store; Chas. R. Bowen receives the appointment of manager, radio and phonograph departments at the main Broadway store; Fred Kahn becomes assistant manager radio and phonograph departments at the main Broadway store; F. Walter Nubling receives the appointment of director of affiliation activities, including the handling of artists, teachers, etc.; Rutherford M. Perry has been engaged for special promotional work. Many of those mentioned above are entirely new to the Piatt organization. First of all C. H. Mansfield, who has become associate general sales manager with Edwin Lester, has an enviable record of able executive activities principally in phonograph and radio departments. Before coming to Los Angeles, half a dozen years ago, he was in Texas where he was well known as a phonograph man. A. B. McCrea has been in charge of piano departments in the East as well as in Los Angeles. Leopold Poulin has since distinguished himself as a finished piano salesman both in Los Angeles and San Diego. Charles R. Bowen bears the reputation of being one of the keenest gogetters in the phonograph and radio sales end. Fred Kahn has been with the Piatt Music Co. for some time and owes his promotion to loyal hard work and steady, good sales record. F. Walter Nubling has served in the piano field; Rutherford M. Perry was formerly sales manager for Kohler & Chase Co., San Francisco. PHONOGRAPH CASES RADIO CASES Reinforced 3 -ply Veneer The Standard Case for Talking Machines and Radio Sets MADE BY Let us figure on your requirements PLYWOOD CORPORATION, Goldsboro, N. C Mills in Va., N. C. and S. C.