Talking pictures : how they are made, how to appreciate them (c. 1937)

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14 STARS The term "star" as it is applied today to individuals is misused and misunderstood. Because there is so much glamour and appeal to youth and exceptional physical beauty, some have come to think of this expression only as it applies to a few young men and women of the screen. But these striking looking youngsters, vivid, exotic, different, represent but a few of the world's stars. The word in its broader meaning concerns any man, woman, child, or animal who becomes a definite and outstanding leader in whatever he, she, or it may be doing. Lindbergh, Louis Pasteur, Caxton, the first English printer, and the dog Rin-Tin-Tin were stars. Shirley Temple, little more than a baby, has captured the hearts of millions. A tired elderly woman, Marie Dressier, became greater than most of the young players of today's films may ever hope to be. In fact, even in motion pictures, foresighted people look forward to the day when acting will not be the only road to stardom. When the educational film reaches its full stature it is possible to conceive that some particularly dynamic lecturer in educational work will enjoy a popularity equal to that achieved by the Ronald Colmans and the Loretta Youngs of today. [138]