Technique of the photoplay (1916)

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156 INSERTS best way is *to underscore that portion of tliC letter that must be used. This shows the best way of writing it in, the matter set in italics being the part to be underscored in writing on the machine: On screen —letter in woman's handwriting—Essential fact underlined, use only enough of the rest to fill frame, so I shall say no more about that. Yon probably remember Jack Taylor, zvhom zve met in Nezv York. Mazie writes that he is engaged to Helen Graham. 1 ahvays thought he rather fancied you. That means another present out of my allowance, the third this month. I shall have to speak to Father. In preparing the letter the short line above will be written, then the essential fact and as much more as may be needed to fill out the frame, which may be two more words or the entire paragraph. 11. Where the character of the handwriting is a part of the local color, the information should be given, though some companies will not use letters that depart from a standard form. They will not, for example, use a letter scrawled in illiterate form. This has already been alluded to in paragraph three, but it is best to indicate what you require for the benefit of the more careful producers, as Typewritten letter. Portions underscored to be written in ink as correction. Letter in child's unformed handwriting. Letter in man's handwriting. Very illiterate. Letter on scrap of paper, crumpled, and then straightened out. It is not unlikely that the company will ignore these directions, but your conscience will be clear. 12. In letters with printed business heads, you merely indicate the matter to appear, writing in the copy without more than a rough sug- gestion of the arrangement. The title room will send the order to its own printer for the heads. You do not offer to supply them nor do you send letterheads of some firm on which the matter may be writ- ten. In writing such an insert you word it in this manner: On screen — letter zcith business head. Typewritten Herrick and Brown Brokers 728 Wall Street New York City J. H. Brewster, Jason Apartments. City. Dear sir: Unless you at once arrange to settle your unpaid ac- coimt of $356,792 we shall be compelled to proceed against you. Respectfully, HERRICK & BROWN. F.K./M.S. Per Samuels. The letterheads will be printed up and then typed. 13. In selecting names and addresses, do not use the name of any person or firm known to exist or make use of an actual address. If