Technique of the photoplay (1916)

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176 THE CLOSE-UP 43. Interior of restaurant. Large set. Music balcony at rear ivith small orchestra. Gecko leading. String hand. Guests at tables eating and drinking. Waiters scurrying about. All bustle and gayety. Dozvn front a vacant table is marked reserved. Close by Pompfon and Castle are seated at a table. They have fin- ished dinner and are dazi'dling over their coffee and cognac. 44. Close-up of Pompton and Castle talking—Castle looks up toward rear—speaks—Pompton looks and nods—both smile—gratifi- cation and contempt are mingled. Paula has Dick hooked. For this they are glad, but they feel a contempt for him. 45. Big scene —Head Waiter ushers Paula and Dick to vacant ta- ble—removes sign with a flourish—starts to seat Paula—Dick anticipates him—seats her—takes seat himself. Captain comes with bill of fare—both he and head waiter make much of Dick, who is evidently a valued patron—Paula looks about her curi- ously. 46. Close-up of music balcony —Gecko playing, turning around as he does so—starts—stops playing—looks intently. 47. Close-up of Paula—just a flash. 48. Close-tip of balcony —Gecko is holding on to railing of balcony to support himself—staring toward Paula—musicians surprised —one of them comes to Gecko to see what the matter is. 49. Big scene —Diners curiously looking toward rear to see why music stopped—Paula chatting with Dick—she has not seen Gecko—Pompton and Castle looking with the rest— 50. Close-up of Pompton and Castle—Pompton grabs Castle's arm —speaks hurriedly—evident fear—points toward Gecko—points toward Paula—FADE. 51. Fade-up scene fourteen, where Pompton and Paula take the train. FADE. 52. Fade in close-up of Pompton and Castle—Castle nods under- standingly—quick look about—slips Pompton his revolver— Pompton seems to feel more safe. 53. Close-up of balcony —Gecko still tipset—Manager hurries in— speaks to Gecko—Gecko nods—takes up violin—gives signal— playing starts. 54. Big scene —All going well again—waiter brings and opens wine for Dick—he toasts Paula—Paula sips wine—holding glass— Dick turns to waiter—Paula toasts Pompton and Castle. 55. Close-up of balcony —Gecko playing—watching Paula—he starts —follows the direction of her glance— 56. Close-up of Pompton and Castle—they are gayly toasting Paula with their cognac glasses. 57. Close-up of balcony —Gecko playing, spiritedly, but mechanical- ly—face contorted with rage as he alternately watches Pomp- ton and Paula—turns—ends music—starts to play a solo.