Technique of the photoplay (1916)

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EXAMPLES OF FORM 381 No. 4-s EPES WINTMROP S*«GENT NEW VORK CITV Jtar.eo CoTt- ?hilfccelp}.ib 104£ Park AveiiUe , lCe-« Vork- ExpedltlC'r. lee-^er here torcrTcvr. Join et cnce. Hopjtir.E. Cort tpef.kE to Sutler— Lutltr exit?— Cort -ttrte to write. 28- Kuth's rocrr- es in §26 - Ruth packing-- kncck— Huth elj-nntd-- ClIIb- Butler cr.tcrp — epetke— Ruth riods-- cxitE. 29- Ibcli to/e? — Cert fir-ithe;: writlnt— ECile note-- I.uth tnt.rt-- ht Tiffs eTrflfiTiB" ehows telegrerj— Jlutii reglett-re polite rttrtt-- Cort txitB— Ruth looks tt letter- Cn Bcreer.- ncte - tet-r Jtck, I'd off r.etrly t month efcrller thfan expecteo. Letters to Post Kestciite, ae Jer.eiro will retch ii.e— ptrhtpe. Good luck. Jliu. 15oor operE-- F.uth starts-- hlaeE letter— Laia usherr. Flbndere in-- Ruth Itughs in relief— ehowe letter-- Fltjitlere eti-rtE— noiee — Flfcnaers i.ittE behind curtuin-- Cort er.tere dressed for street bnd with beg-- obye ferewell— exits— Flbnaers co:,.es from hiaing— polnte to ptper-- Ihith writes— Dtitt exits. Flt-ndere destroys Cort'6 letter. On ecreen-note- Jtck , I I Yiive gone to South Amerlce rith Jim Cort. So not seek to find UB. Ruth. 30- Front of house - riandere . Ruth tnd Held enter froii houee— exit. Leader - A few dtye Ipter. 31- Same - Jack tnd Butler enter-- Jack asks for Ruth— Butler confueed- ehowe letter— Jack ree.dE— startled-- elnke In seat-- Butler offers brandy-- Jack pushes hira aside— Butler exits-- Jack stands a moment— takes revolver from drawer of desk— Butler enters with mail on trty-- drops tray and catches Jack's hand-- Jack laughs-- ep'ciks-- 'Kot for c.e , Some dty we'll meet again." Back to scene— Jack looks straight ahead-- sways slightly— holds out hie ams entrettingly-- sinks Into chtlr— enuE on table-- head on ariLS-- Sutler rtgtrds with sympathy. jme BT PtiTt line A/T The end of the first part. It is purely accidental that the ■v) part ends a page. Had it ended higher up the page, the second part would have run to the bottom. Note that there are but thirty scenes to this part against fifty-two in the second part, but that the latter are shorter.