Technique of the photoplay (1916)

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EXAIMPLES OF FORM 383 No. 42B EPES WINTHROP SAA6ENT NEW YORK CITY te&der - Jeck eterte for Cort'e cemp. 39- Hotel ee IruP? - Jecl: comee from hotel-- horee brought— Jaok ne« in riding dreBB end «lth no equlpmeat-- holster and pletol-- lendlord giTCB hltt final inetructione-- Jack ridee off. 40- Beck to #36 - Plaadere now completely drunk— Buth comee from house- eeee despair— begine to cry— Bill entere— Bcee— tries to com- fort her-- offers money-- ehe refueee— 8p«6ke- Cut-tn - "lake me fti^y from thle— end him.* Bill startled— idea sinks in— roughly he clasps her in his atms— kisses her once— turns and rune off. 41- Hotel - Bill enters— dickers for two horses— gets two mounts— exits. 42- Bae'it to eheck - Ruth dejected — starts— hopeful— bill leads in two horeee— points in— •G«t ycuT dude." Ruth has nothing to take- he pointB to skirt— not riding skirt— Ruth shakes head— hee no habit— he lifts her to saddle— mounts his horse— they ride out. 43- Trail - Jack rides through. 44- Hotel - Bill and Ruth ride through— loungers comment. 46- Shack - Flanders stlrs- 46- Trail at in #43- Bill end Ruth ride throu^. 47- Shack- Flanders rouses— looks around— calls Ruth no reply— etert Off scene. 46- Camp as in #55 - Cort home— etartlng fire— coffee pot filled. 49- Hotel - Flanders enters— asks for Ruth— someone tells him— he storms-- exits. 60- Hotel yard - yiandere enters— steels horee— rides out of scene. 61- Hotel - They see Flanders— one men starts to shoot— another knocks up his hand— epetks- Cut-in - "He's got 6 right to get even." That seems to he the sentiment— they all subside. 52- Trail with fork - Jeck rides in— turns to right. 63- Trail as in #43 - Flanders rides furieuely through scene. 54- Trail - Bill and Ruth ride through— traveling slowly. A_0 Commencing with scene forty-three the cut-back is em- O ployed. From here until the end of the play it is necessary to keep the spectator advised as to the happenings in three or four spots occurring at practically the same time. Note how the same locations are shown with the various characters passing.