Technique of the photoplay (1916)

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390 APPENDIX BCErs 8. sitting room In fbrm houee . Kaetman le seated before his eaeol. Heeter standa by the Bide of Kartln. Bob, the farm hand, enters with beeliet which he hands to Heeter. Heeter takes out the things which Bob has secured In the Tillage. She lifts out the mall. There is nothing of consequence, except a letter for Bastmau. Bob exits. Eastman comes to fore- ground and taicee the letter froi Hester. He opens it and reads: Insert letter In masculine handwriting: Ur. Arthur Sastaan , P. 0. Box 406, York, Pa- My dear Sir: Hay I presume upon our acquaintance made during your e;diiblt in Philadelphia, to invite you to visit z.e , relative to painting a portrait? Yours sincerely , Gerald Haetl'igs. lestman studies the letter. At first he carjiot place the writer; then he recalls who Hastings is. He shows the letter to Uartin and Heeter and begins to explain. Fade out . seen: 9. Corner of art gallery . Tads in and hold diaphgram at vignette: Several persons , includ- ing Hastings and his daughter, Alice, are gathered about a paint- ing. EeetintS is such intereatea. He inquires about the artist. A gentlenan s-jncons Eastman and introduces him to Haetinis. Hast- ings in turn introduces Zastman to Alice. Coneratulations. They chat as scene fades out . SCZITB 10. Sitting room in farm house as in Scene 6 . Fade into regular scene : Saatman finishes his explanation. Hester is not much impressed. Uartin is interested. Eastman says: Spoken Insert: EASTILAII: •I SHOULD LOCATE IN THE CITY AlO) CULTIVATE THES3 FATHOMS" Uartin nods with appreciation, but Heeter resents the idea. Saet- man opens drawer of table and takes out his bank book. Apparently the balance indicated scarcely warrants hln in going to the City. Hester leads llartln out. Eastman sits In deep thought. Can he realize his ambitions? Bub-tltl«: THE FARM IS M0RTCAG2D THAT ARTHUR EASTUAH UAY OPKK A STUDIO IK THE CITY. F"! Scenes from Editor Phil Lang's adaptation of McKee Ran- "-I- kin's "The Runaway Wife," showing the manner in which the Kalem Company specifies sub-titles or leaders. Note the use of the diaphragm as a vignette. This the free lance does not usually specify in the script.