Technique of the photoplay (1916)

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302 APPENDIX The Jouraal of Lord John By C.K. k A.lf.VllllainBOn Arranged for the Screen by IJorbert Luek Part 6: The League of The Tuture. \<i Dm - back to 132 Cr. Remeees getting into big cape overcoat , as worn In episode 4 , telling gang to follow grbdually. Vharton examinee rerolver • he may need It. LORD JOHH'S ROOi^S - back to 142 Lord John anxiously listens as Carr Price tells disconnected story: 7AOS IN 145 DM Repeat scene 123, present episode. 146 CLOSE-UP OF HEART-SHAPSD DCCUllKfT . Repeat scene 124 , present episode. After first DISSOL'/E , then DISSOLVB IN skull , already suggested by arrange- ment of namea , etc. on document FADS OUT LORD JOHg'S ROOltS - back to 144 Carr Price suffering afresh. Lord John, troubled, conecles him. Price, almost out of head , points to wall as DISSOLVE IH: "17 THiS GOVERNOR STILL LIVES IM THE UORKIHO HOTHIHG CAN SAVB THZ LIVSS OP • YOU BOTH. W2 KAV2 BROTEKRS ZVERYWHKRE. • Carr Price inplorea Lord John to help as DISSOLVE OUT caption. Lord John rushes to telephone. 148 CLOSE-UP'O? LORD JOHl? AT TZL3PH0:rg . Carr Price nervously watohee Lord j;ohn grasp telephone. He says to Carr Price: cut-in: "WB JWST WARi' THE OOVERHOR—AMD MORA* Lord John registers cut-in then call* number. /^ A page from a serial adapted by Norbert Lusk, showing the VJ form at present in use in the eastern studios of the Universal Company. On the next page is offered a sample of the form ap- proved by the West-Coast Studios. Note the wide variance in scripts used by the same company.