Technique of the photoplay (1916)

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EXAMPLES OF FORM 393 28.5 Exterior hotel - porch, ebout as in 3 -- Sally and her Father, the Mlnleter come on -- meet Wadeworth a^ door — aake inquir- ies for Eddie -- Wbdsworth pulls atern ftither stuff -- eays: •VELL — YOU SEK EUUIE " Ho looks yonder --- 29. Porch location -- flash Helen Blazes rocking -- showing him a little Btooklng. 30.3 426 - Pa clears his throat - takes hla eyes off Helen and starts to explain all about poor Eddie — Sellle Is interested § 31.25 427 — Eddie has Just spoiled another one -- he can't help seeing the Joke is on him -- laughs cynically -- begins to play with his can of tobacco -- makes a bomb out of it with a match for a fuse -•> etbrts to light the match from another # 32. Corridor - exterior of Eddie's room -- Lemoran , leaning on his Janitor's brush --"peering through key-hole. 33. KEYHOLE llAT — Inclosing Tlew of 31 — Eddie has lit the ■bomb" 34.32 432 — Janitor Jumps — Good Lord — he's lighting it — slips in trying to get away -- brush thumps on door —# 35.25 431- Eddie hears noise — to door — opens it — gets brush in face • looks. 36. Shooting down corridor — Eddie looks out -- sees no-one — back la , puzzled. 37.26 Lemoran •• at Junction of corridors as in 26 - on knees, with fingers in ears — eyes shut - praying..# 36.11 Wadsworth , the minister and Sbllie seated — Pop has finished his explanation -- "and so, you see - Eddie isn't allowed to get out much." Minister is soandallzed — Sallle laughing at them both behind their backs as her father eays: •BUT — THY COIiPKL A BOY TO MAKE CCP?IN-HAILS?» Pop storms — coffin-nails , indeed? — Sallle sees an argu- ment is on — she slips away.. 39. Clerk's desk — Helen in, carrying magazine — looks at register — tiptoes off to elevator or stairway — out. Sallle in -- Clerk asks her whom she wants -- "Eddie Wads- worth"— gets Eddie on 'phone — clerk looks other way while she sneaks off to sea Eddie. 40.26 438 - Helen in — sees Janitor on knees — ha opens eyes sud- denly — looks foolish — rises - adjusts his monocle — explains. "ER - REALLY, YOU KNOW I'U A DET2CTIVE -- lOOKIHG FOR SPIES" She gets him — asks him where Room 42 is — he points — she shows she thinks she'll have to get the Count away -- off hur- riedly... Lemoran looks toward Eddie's room - wonders why no explosion. "LJ Showing the form approved by Western Universal. From a -■■-■■ comedy, "Always Roll Your Own," by Walter Edmand Mair. In the margin the second figure refers to the first use of a set or location. In the scene "& 38" means that scenes thirty-eight and forty are practically one.