The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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24 TECHNIQUE OF THE PHOTOPLAY to the purchase price if you later wish to buy the machine for cash or on time payments. This machine will be plenty good enough to learn upon and when you are really proficient, you can make a choice of a new machine or get a better "rebuilt" machine. All makes of machines are good provided that you get a ma- chine that in new condition costs $50 or more. Most of the good ones cost $100. Visit a rental agency, pick out a machine that ap- peals to you. Try it for a time and if you do not like the make take it back and get another until you find one that does suit you. It is recommended that one with visible writing be selected, but it is not so important whether it have one or two shift keys. The one shift keyboard is simpler but the use of two shifts is not found confusing by most writers. The single shift carries an extra row of keys, and but two instead of three characters to each key. The main thing in learning is to avoid developing bad habits. Wihen you get the machine get a book on the touch system. This will enable you to use more than one finger on each hand and to watch your work instead of the keys. The touch system is the only one for writers and you will develop proficiency in a short time if you keep at it. Use black record ribbons. There are two kinds of ribbons, record and copying. You will have no use for the copying ribbon. That is for use where the typed letters are copied into a letter book with wet sheets. The ink is softer and smears badly. Get the record and use nothing else. The record ribbon will not last so long, but the cost is comparatively slight and it is worth half a dollar every two months. Do not use a ribbon so long that it writes grey instead of black. Change when the imprint gets light. Some writers cut their ribbon into two pieces and always have a half old ribbon and a half new one on the machine, using the old half for practice and the new for copying. Black is recom- mended because it is easiest read. The only excuse for a colored ribbon is when you use a colored paper and ribbon to match, but even here it is better not to use other than a black ribbon. If the machine you get uses the two color ribons, get a double black and when the upper half is exhausted, use the other half; getting double use. The red and black is of no use for script work and leaders, scenes, etc., should not be put in with red. At the first, at any rate, it is best to stick to white paper. The paper most suitable for use is a twenty pound bond. This is a bond paper weighing twenty pounds to the ream, 17 :by 22 inches. This is cut into fours and gives four sheets each 8^1 by ii. This is the only proper size of paper to use. A very few