The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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THE PLOT OF ACTION 45 speaks- Morton takes key from pocket- opens safe set in wall- displays jewels- Count admires- jewels returned- Morton about to lock safe- Count jostles Morton- show that it is done on purpose- key drops- Morton stoops- Count is quicker- gets key. 15- .Bust of Count's hands making impression of key in wax. 16- Back to No. 14- Count completes action by rising- hands key to Morton with apology- they exit. It will be noticed that scene fourteen gives the library "as in No. 3," but that scene sixteen is "back to No. 14." This is be- cause there are other scenes between fourteen and eleven, the •last previous library scene, and the time is later. In scene six- teen there is only the slight change from the end of fourteen, cov- ered by the making of the wax impression, so that the scene is practically the same. We go back to the scene as it was in the end of fourteen and resume the interrupted action. "Rack to," is used where the action is but slightly interrupted. "Same as," is used where the setting is the same, but the scene opens with different action. In that case reference is made to the scene number first used. Seventeen is the same as sixteen except that time has passed and now instead of the stage being bare as at the end of sixteen, Nell and the Count are discovered. If we went "Back to" sixteen we would go back to a bare stage. Leader- For her refusal to marry the Count Nell is sent to the country. 17- Library as in No. 3- Count and Nell on- Count proposes- Nell refuses- he tries to force engagement ring on finger- she resists- Morton enters- sides with Count- Nell rushes from room- Morton apologizes to Count- assures him it will be all right. 18- John's workshop as in No. 8- John and Bascom on- they enter car- John starts car- they exit in car. Leader- The speed device is a success. 19- Speedway or country road- John and Bascom enter in car- Bascom holds watch- gives the word- John speeds car- 20- Further along- John and Bascom pass through in car- slow turning to give speed. 21- End of speedway or roadside- group of men waiting- car seen in distance- approaches rapidly- shows- stops at group- Bascom joins group- shows watch- all congratulate John- he thanks them- turns- exits.