The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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96 TECHNIQUE OF THE PHOTOPLAY 8- Back to No. 6- May still ordering- Jones begins to look worried- waiter writing as fast as he can to keep up with order. 9- Street- Mrs. Jones enters- meets Mrs. Smith- Mrs. Smith tells her of having seen Jones with girl- Mrs. Jones hur- ries out. 10- Back to No. 8- Dishes all over table- May laughing and talking- emphasizes her points by pounding Jones on his bald spot with a turkey bone- Jones gets sentimental- tries to take her hand- she gives him the bone instead- he is disgusted. 11- Street- Mrs. Jones walks through rapidly- fight in her eyes. 12- Back to No. 10- Jones wants to kiss May. 13- Restaurant exterior, as in No. 5- Mrs. Jones enters scene-, looks into window- starts. 14- Back to No. 12- Jones still trying to kiss May- she slips a piece of ice down his back. 15- Back to No. 13- Mrs. Jones leaves window- enters restau- rant. 16- Back to No. 14- Mrs. Jones enters- they see her- May runs - out- Jones dives under table. 17- Restaurant exterior, as in No. 5- May runs out- looks into window- "Poor Jones." 18- Back to No. 16- Mrs. Jones prods Jones out from under table with umbrella- starts to beat him. 19- Back to No. 17- May turns from window- exits laughing. 20- Back to No. 18- Other waiters help Jones' waiter to eject the pair. 21- Exterior of restaurant, as in No. 5- Jones and Mrs. Jones put out- they stand a moment- Jones' waiter comes with bill- Mrs. Jones threatens him with umbrella- he rushes into restaurant- Mrs. Jones lugs Jones off by collar. What follows may be told in straight action, but by cutting back we get sixteen lively scenes instead of two long and three short ones without using much more film. All through this action there runs the suggestion that Nemesis is on Jones' trail in the shape of his wife and when expectation has been brought to the highest