The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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COMPLETE ACTION 167 FRIEND JOHN. Scene Plot. INTERIORS. Blacksmith Shop (studio set)- 6 Kitchen in John's Home- 8-32-39 Bedroom in John's Home- 37-40 Parlor in Ruth's Home- 15 Dining Room in Ruth's Home- 17-18 Living Room- Howard's Apartments- 21-23-25-27-34-36 Bedroom- Howard's Apartments- 24-26 Hallway- Howard's Apartments (small set- camera close up) 33-35 EXTERIORS. Friends' Meeting House- 1 Road Scenes- 2-3-4-9-11-29-31 Crossroads- 12-16-19 Ruth's Home (Small Farm)- 5-13-28-41 Blacksmith Shop- 7-10-20-22-30-38-42 FRIEND JOHN. By Lawrence S. McCloskey. Leader- JOHN FRANKLIN AND HIS SISTER PRISCELLA. Scene 1- EXTERIOR FRIENDS' MEETING HOUSE. Quakers coming out of meeting house- John and sister in foreground- Ruth, Ruth's father and Ruth's mother on from rear- sober greetings (a Quaker never tips his hat)- John steals sly glances at Ruth- she looks at him- drops her eyes demurely- Ruth and family off- John steals another glance after Ruth- his sister smiles knowingly- then remembers it ill behooves a man to think of a maid on the Sabbath- she pulls his sleeve- he starts guiltily- they walk off in opposite direction from Ruth. Scene 2- ROAD. Ruth, father and mother walking towards camera- Howard and party of young men approach in auto- waving hats and singing- blow horn- Ruth and family hastily step aside to allow auto to pass- as it passes Howard leans over side and gets good look at Ruth- father and mother raise hands in horror at young man's desecration of Sabbath day.