The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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168 TECHNIQUE OF THE PHOTOPLAY Scene 3- ROAD. (Flash) Camera close up- show Howard looking back at Ruth over side of speeding auto- he registers "She's a peach- I'll come back and look her up"- other fellows not paying any attention to Howard. Scene 4- Back to No. 2 (ROAD) Ruth annoyed at auto party- father and mother shake heads in solemn disapproval- all walk off. Leader- LATER. Scene 5- EXTERIOR RUTH'S HOME (Small farm) Horse and small open wagon standing in road- Ruth climb- ing into wagon- father examining horse's hoofs- tells Ruth to have horse shod- mother on from house with basket of eggs- hands them to Ruth- Ruth drives off. Scene 6- INTERIOR BLACKSMITH SHOP (Set in studio- dim light) John at anvil hammering red-hot horseshoe- helper pumping bellows flames throw high lights on John's face- John hears team drive up outside shop- sees Ruth- smiles and exits to meet her. Scene 7- EXTERIOR BLACKSMITH SHOP (John's house or gate to yard at side)- Sign, John Franklin, Blacksmith. Ruth drives up and gets out of wagon- John on from shop- greets Ruth- clumsy attempt to make love- she laughs at him- he attempts to take her hand, at which she tells him horse is to be shod- John's sister on from road- just home from market (basket on arm)- Ruth takes her eggs from wagon- says they are a present from mother- sister invites her into house- both go through gate- sister smiling at Ruth and John- John disappointed at interrup- tion, but calls helper from shop- they commence to unhitch horse. Scene 8- KITCHEN IN JOHN'S HOME. John's sister and Ruth on- begin to unpack baskets- conversation- sister looks at Ruth- then out at John- tells Ruth John loves her- Ruth confused. Leader- CLARK RETURNS TO LOOK FOR THE PRETTY QUAKERESS. Scene 9- ROAD. (Flash) Howard in auto (driven by chauffeur) looking right and left. Scene 10- EXTERIOR BLACKSMITH SHOP. Ruth in wagon ready to drive away- John inspecting new shoes he has just put on horse's feet- sister saying goodbye to Ruth- Ruth says goodby to John and drives off- John looks after her wistfully- sister accuses him of loving Ruth- he admits it bashfully.