The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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COMPLETE ACTION 169 Scene 11- ROAD. Howard in auto spies Ruth in distance- orders chauffeur to drive on- auto off. Scene 12- CROSSROADS. Ruth on in wagon, suddenly pulls horse up- Howard's auto on, stops abruptly so as to block middle of road (but leave room for wagon to pass at edge of road). Cut in- HE PRETENDS A BREAKDOWN. Chauffeur gets out and under car- reports something out of order- Howard appears to be annoyed (but winks at chauffeur)- gets out of auto- comes to Ruth and apolo- gizes for holding her up- she supposes he cannot help it- he attempts familiarity- she reproves him severely. Cut in- "THY WAYS ARE SINFUL AND THEE HAD BETTER REFORM." Howard pretends to take her words to heart, but he soon has her blushing at his compliments. Scene 13- EXTERIOR RUTH'S HOME. (Flash) Father looking down road- sees Ruth talking to stranger- decides to investigate- off towards them. Scene 14- Back to No. 12 (ROAD). Howard talking to Ruth- Ruth's father on- Ruth intro- duces Howard- explains about auto. Cut in- THE HOSPITABLE QUAKER INVITES THE STRANGER TO HIS HOME UNTIL THE AUTO IS REPAIRED. Ruth's father invites Howard to house- leads horse around auto while Howard talks to chauffeur, who is tinkering at auto- Howard tells him to be a long while repairing the car- they exchange winks- Howard hurries off after Ruth and father. Leader- "THE LORD HAS SENT THEE TO ME THAT I MAY INSTRUCT THEE IN HIS WAYS." Scene 15- PARLOR IN RUTH'S HOME (glimpse of dining room through door- mother setting table). Ruth and Howard side by side- she has open Bible- says above (subtitle)- begins to read passage from Bible- Howard not much impressed with words from Bible, but is admiring Ruth- mother looks in from other room- hears Ruth reading- smiles approvingly and withdraws. Scene 16- CROSSROADS (Night). (Flash) Chauffeur walking up and down beside auto- wait- ing impatiently for Howard- looks at watch, etc.- goes towards house.