The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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170 TECHNIQUE OF THE PHOTOPLAY Scene 17- DINING ROOM, RUTH'S HOME. Mother has supper ready- father on, farmwork finished- asks for Ruth- mother indicates parlor- father frowns, . but approves when mother tells him Ruth is reading Bible to Howard-mother calls into; parlor that supper is ready- Ruth and Howard on- knock at door- father off- on again with chauffeur, who tells Howard auto is ready- he is invited to sit at table- all sit to supper. Leader- LATER- RUTH HAS FALLEN IN LOVE WITH HER PUPIL. Scene 19- DINING ROOM IN RUTH'S HOME, 9 P. M. Mother and father going to bed- Ruth sewing- they ask if she isn't going to bed- she says after she finishes her sewing- they go off to bed- Ruth takes note from dress. Insert- NOTE- "Dear Ruth: "Marry me and I will be a good man. If you refuse I will go to the devil and you will be responsible. I will be at the crossroads at nine o'clock. "HOWARD CLARK." Ruth struggles with her conscience- her love for John, etc.- she decides that her duty lies in saving Howard's soul- her face lights up- gets paper and pencil (or pen and ink)- writes note. Insert- NOTE- "Father and Mother: "I am going to save a man's soul. We shall be married immediately, and when he has accepted our faith we will come to see thee. RUTH." Ruth leaves note on table- gets wraps and leaves. Scene 19- CROSSROADS- (Night) (Short Scene) Howard waiting impatiently beside auto- sees Ruth coming- Ruth on- he attempts embrace- she reminds him they are not yet married- both get into auto- chauffeur drives auto off. Leader- NEXT MORNING. Scene 20- EXTERIOR BLACKSMITH'S SHOP. Very early in the morning- John comes on from gate of his house- begins to open up his shop- Ruth's father drives on in wagon very much excited- gets out of wagon- tells John of elopement, etc.- shows him note. Insert- NOTE- Same as in scene 18. John staggered- heartbroken, etc.- father terribly angry- denounces Ruth- John restrains him.