The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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COMPLETE ACTION 171 Leader- MARRIED. Scene 21- LIVING ROOM- Howard's Apartments- door to bedroom down right or left- Howard showing Ruth around- she somewhat aghast at richness of things- she says so much luxury is sinful, and he'll have to do away with some of the pictures, etc.- he takes her in his arms and says they'll talk about that later. Scene 22- INTERIOR BLACKSMITH SHOP. (Flash) John at his anvil- hammering horseshoe- stops and looks off- grief on his face. Leader- THE REFORMATION A FAILURE. Scene 23- HOWARD'S APARTMENTS. Gay crowd of men and women present- drinking, singing, etc.- Howard down front having a good time. Scene 24- BEDROOM IN HOWARD'S APARTMENTS- Clock at 11. (Flash) Ruth discovered asleep in chair, simple loose gown, lonesome and miserable- hears raucous singing of Howard's guests- awakens her- puts hands to ears- decides to call Howard- exits. Scene 25- Back to 23. Howard near door- guests still singing- Ruth on from bedroom door- very timid- tugs Howard's sleeve- he an- noyed- she asks him to come into bedroom- he annoyed, but exits with her- guests nudge each other and titter. Scene 26- Back to 24 (BEDROOM). Ruth and Howard on- she chides him timidly about sinful festivities- asks him to dismiss guests- (points to clock)- he answers impatiently- she picks up baby gar- ment and shows it to him- it makes no impression- Howard exits- Ruth cries. Leader- "IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY WAYS, GO LIVE YOUR OWN." Scene 27- LIVING ROOM, HOWARD'S APARTMENTS. Butler helping Howard on with overcoat- butler off- Howard dressed for street- Ruth begging him to stay home- he says (above subtitle)- hurries out without kissing Ruth- she brokenhearted- goes into bedroom- on again dressed for street- she steals out. Scene 28- EXTERIOR RUTH'S HOME. Ruth on, slowly- mother comes out of house, broom in her hand- about to sweep porch when she sees Ruth- rushes to her- helps her toward house- father appears around side of house- orders Ruth to leave- mother and Ruth