The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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176 TECHNIQUE OF THE PHOTOPLAY Scene 6- KITCHEN. Wild excitement- waiters, cooks, scullions, etc., dash about- waiters with trays filling orders for dining room- Peitro, the chef, bawling orders- waving spoon- little man (one of the cooks) rebels when Peitro tells him his soup is awful, and orders him to put salt in it- cook attempts to argue with Pete- Pete takes him by the scruff of the neck and throws him off scene- turns and orders another man on the soup job (no one pays attention to Pete's scrap with the ejected cook; it's an everyday occurrence, and besides all are too busy to notice others troubles). Leader- NEXT AFTERNOON- "WILL YOU TAKE A SPIN IN MY NEW CAR?" Scene 7- HOTEL OFFICE (Camera close up). (Flash) Clerk sorting letters, Harry smiling and talking over phone (asks the above leader). Scene 8- SITTING ROOM IN SUITE OF ETHEL AND AUNT- (Glimpse of bedroom). (Flash) Ethel smiling and talking over phone to Harry- says she'll try to steal off somehow and meet him. Scene 9- HOTEL OFFICE. (Flash) Harry kisses Ethel via the phone. Scene 10- SITTING ROOM. Ethel sends Harry a phone kiss and hangs up quickly as she hears Aunt Amanda coming- Aunt on from bedroom- dressed for street- says she is ready for walk- asks Ethel to accompany her- Ethel pleads headache and says she'd rather stay home and lie down- Aunt sympathizes, wants to stay and tend to Ethel- Ethel says Aunt must not deny herself her walk- she will feel better after a little nap- Aunt goes out- Ethel quickly gets hat and coat, picks up phone to tell Harry she will be ready in a moment. Scene 11- EXTERIOR FRONT OF HOTEL. (Flash) Aunt Amanda on from hotel- attendant asks if she wants taxi- no, thanks, she'd rather walk- walks off up street. Leader- THE CHEF ALSO GOES FOR A WALK. Scene 12- KITCHEN. The fires are low- it is the dullest time of the day in the kitchen- only a servant or two in sight- they are cleaning and polishing up- Pete on- well dressed- cane in his hand- overcoat on arm- servant helps him on with overcoat- Pete scrutinizes work of cleaners- discovers part of range not polished properly- calls attention to