The technique of the photoplay ([c1913])

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COMPLETE ACTION 181 angrily- "What do you mean by trying to destroy our trade?" etc.- Pete apologetic, but Harry upbraids him until Pete feels insulted- retorts hotly- goes for Harry, waving spoon in his face- Harry retreats- Pete follows- both continue scolding until off scene- the servants watch open-mouthed. Scene 36- HOTEL OFFICE. Ethel and Harry's father questioning Aunt Amanda about note which she refuses to show- she is confused- they hear Pete and Harry approaching- Harry backs on- Pete follows on, talking loudly and gesticulating- father rushes between them- tries to restore order- Harry tells Pete dropped ring in pudding- Pete tells Harry butted into his kitchen- Aunt Amanda has been watching Pete with bulging eyes- she now stands in front of him and looks into his face- both are petrified- Pete is just forcing a sheepish smile when Aunt Amanda keels over in a dead faint- bellboys, guests, etc., have been attracted by the excitement- Harry's father tells Pete he's fired- Pete is now all in- father leads him unresisting back towards kitchen- guests and attendants carry Aunt Amanda to elevetor- Ethel starts after them, but Harry pulls ber hack- elevator goes up- some people up-stairs talking it over. Leader- "NOW'S OUR CHANCE- LET'S ELOPE DURING THE EXCITEMENT!" Scene 37- Same as 36 (HOTEL OFFICE). Guests dispersing- Harry says above Leader to Ethel- Ethel afraid- she must stay with her Aunt- but Harry asks "Don't you love me?"- after some hesitation she consents Harry gets his overcoat from behind (or under) counter- takes his father's coat and wraps Ethel in it- they run out. Scene 38- EXTERIOR FRONT OF HOTEL (NIGHT). (Flash) Couple of taxis standing- Harry helping Ethel into his auto- speed off. Leader NEXT DAY. Scene 39- SITTING ROOM. Aunt Amanda rocking her body to and fro- moaning discon- solately- has Count of Montividio's crumpled note- oh, to think that he has betrayed her- the impostor- and where was Ethel?- everyone has gone back on her- oh! oh, oh. Scene 40- EXTERIOR FRONT OF HOTEL. Harry and Ethel dash up in auto (Ethel still wearing man's overcoat)- they are very happy- about to go into hotel when Ethel draws back- what will her Aunt and his