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ik> uai uai * Désignâtes Téléphone Outside Los Angeles Exchange. . 41 0 HAL-HAL " AM Suhscrihcrs ShoulJ Consult Pages 6 and 7 cf Information Pages for Instructions for Placing Calis Outside Their Excharge!. -»-v^.^.*^«-. ^i^?S^^fi li£5^/Sr-;--:dTSlli I "n ar Brbnk.* Cbarlstn 6-3756 Haie R.lpbË Halferty Mary C r 1265 Queen Anne pl . YO rk-3606 Hall Ben J r 209 « 86U, pl TW nols-8645 Ha,dema,Sa,a„ Co «t. d.r, rr Haie Ro.t r Œ^^" f ' ^ a ^5^7 H" H.ldemanWFrlOs W .tond a.Alh*Atla»tc 1-S7V' Haie Robert T r 1451 S Norton a, ... RO chstr-8625 u Ofçi Sert Km 809 S L A ™ mtî'?ln? n"",! f rîr ° Gln*Citms 2-0104 Halden Richard r 1316 65th pl PL ni 1-3588 Haie Rosetta r 3012 N Lincoln Pl ar.CA pitnl-12942 Halfhill Co Ltd broker 1310 . .PR ^t-1301 HaU Berlin F. Dr Halder Herbert 0 r 512 N Alla VIsta.WH itney-9065 Haie Roy C r 8985 Annett» ar Sgatc. . . Kl «UJl-6525 Halfhill Delbert S r 903 M^Um B..H0 nnndy-7455 r 3115 C rd Gin.* Citrus 1-2363 Halderman G E r550NHulli.-t» arPas*Sycmor 6-6709 Haie S J r 713 PadllU 8n M . .* Allante 2-34 II Halfhill D,a„e r 11 16 W BU Bart ... UN «stj-9684 Hall Bess Products Co pckls CBS,f.896l Halderman Richard A r S 1 5 B Eiergreen a. Haie Saml r 25 D.ight dr Gin. ...* Citrus 1-3472 Halfhill H J r 522 S (arondel.t . . . EX nojite-7341 1553 W Jeun di.ku ras. oyta d A r 8159 fcrergreca ar lla.e saml r j.j imgni nr . . .xnum j-oii ™ ■ ■ « ■ rT"~ • • j— .. . „ „„„ n KR ni,.73fiî S.,u.l,gatc.JErrsn-8467 Haie T J r 2P33H West bl ROefcftr-2802 Halfhill Théo A r 1131 Treaslne ... . .YO rk-5542 Ha Betty r «23 Gower . . GR nit-7363 I, 10601 Ohio .. HalcThosSr r 9026 Olin L A. . .* Arrlm H S 5287 Halfoid B r 1355 'i S Mar.sfld a.. . .WY omng-1421 Hal Bererly r 1309 '| Bat» a . . NO rmnd) 2-2441 Westwd.* West LA 3-0150 Haie Thomas A i 2944 Walnut Kl mU-2627 Halford Harr, r 14 15 8 Ttli AU.. .* Atlante 1-5962 Ha Bmg Y m 211 Bel lente «. . . . .Ml tu -3548 Halderman Richard A r 8159 Evergreca f Halderman Robt 8 i Westwd.* West LA 3-0150 Haie Thomas A i 2944 Walnut Kl mbl-2627 Halford Harr; r 1415 8 Ttn Am..# Aiunic i-a»02 n«" £;"ï . u» -x^ .. lï-.;"' 1141 N Hudm s.HI Wde-1015 Haie Ul.a I r 3106 W 9tb EX pstn-8388 Halford Henry r 1841 Tel Paso ... . . .CA ptl-0636 Ha Blanche M r 2300 W 3 st . . . . RO chst -53/3 Haldorson John r 5005 3rd a. VE rmt-9604 Haie Victor r 5750 WUtbtre bl.d WH itn-2911 Halford'J P r 3442 So Marlno RO cbstr-2545 Hall Blanche W rl est 2. 15 W o4th. .VErmt-7051 Haldy Joe r 3038 Bu.k.nghara rd. . . .PA rkwy-7915 Haie Wanda r 438 Union dr FAirfax-1925 Halford W E r 2022 IV Adams bl.d. .RE pblic-9638 Hall-Blount Radio Productions Inc lUdy Jlïrj U r 3*3 S Marguerita a. Haie Wm chlrptcu 2 N Garfld a.Alh*Atlan.c 2-3293 Haifpap W R r 52G W 01. t TH nnwal-8416 1441 N McCaddn pl. GL dstn-7181 Alhmbra.* Atlante 1-8023 Haie William B r 1175 S Rmnson ai.WH ftney-9014 Halgren Esther rl 832 V% NNormndie ar.OL mpia-2268 Hall Bruce P r 1624 S Cramcy pl PA rkwy-5405 Haie Albert S r 509 N Atlantic bl.d Haie William B Trarelcrs lus Co Hartlord Conn Halgren Frank N r 720A S Mansncld.WH itney-5508 Hall Bryan r 5426 Fountain a. Hl lsde-4803 Alhmbra .* Atlante 1-1915 510 W 6th.TR nlty-4841 Halg.en Geo r 44 45 Trositct a. ... NO rmndy-8019 Hall Bryant r 1302 N'Gardnr HE mstd-3507 Haie Albert W r 1922 N llshlnd ar. .GL dstn-1519 Kale Wm E r 270 Hillsde rd S PuABjtlMX 9-3120 Halgren H L Dr 20Ô W Bdway Gin * Citrus 2-1877 Hall Buford r 141 N 12th ★ Monlblo-501 Haie Alice Mrs r 1430 Colorado AL bany-5342 Haie Wm G r 835 S Lnngwd ar WY ommg-8271 Haliday Julia r 234 S Ocridntl bl.d. . ..FEdrl-7538 Hall Buford W flrst 723 Wall TU kr-8444 Haie Althea M r2244EGInoaks bl.:ln*Citnis l-3i,5., Hait W» S r 3521 6th «t PA rkwy-8640 Halifax Apis C376 Yucca HE mpstd-2151 Hall C B r 639 S Grand ar Pas. ..* Sycmor 9-1322 HaleAnnar 801 Waterloo DR esl-4839 Haie Winston B r 1 924 W 42nd pl. .. UN tsty-4327 Halifax Ins Co 541 S Spg TR nity-1687 Hall C B r 952 W 62nd TH rnwal-5157 Haie Anna M r 17 S 2nd Alhmbra* Atlante 1-0238 Haies Arthur r 849 N A1U Vjt» bl. .WAlnut-7681 Haling Léo F 2660 E 1 0'.'Ui Lynwd.NE nda 5-1488 Hall C Barnes .2231 Oli.e a.Altdna*Sycmor 4-5092 Haie Annie itiie) Mrs Haies C W r 603 N Allutc bl Halio Albert r 2 737 Dobinsn AN gis 1-3705 Hall C 0 r 616 Waterloo FI tiroy-3861 r 735 Sacramuto Altdna . * Svcmnr 4-4257 Mntry Pk . * Atlautc 2-4789 Haljun Samuel r 5418'-' W Washn bl.WA luut-8129 Hall C F Mrs r 1641 Crenshaw bl. . .RO ehstr-2037 Haie B r 107 W 3rd Ml ehign-4512 Haies Daisy Carol r 11018 Ayres a. Halker Marie r 126 N Oifrd a. GR nlt-4624 Hall C H r 511 Summit a. Pas. .*Sycmor 3-7808 Haie B W r 133S S Curson a. YO rk-2787 Westwd.* West L A 9-1406 Halkier Charles r 3879 S Hobart ... RE pbllc-3355 Hall C L Mrs r 3607 Hoo.r bl Rl chmd-3978 Haie Bert R Haie s Food Mari 5349 Cnabal bl. . . VErmt-0460 Halkney K C r 337 N Sparks Brbnk*Charlstn 6-07 78 Hall C M r 1674 E S4th JE fersn-0370 r 8110'.'. S New Ilamp BT.TH rnwal-4702 Haies Food Mait 4322 Melrose ar. . .NO nnndy-9487 Halks John A r 3809 Arlington ai. . . UN vsly-1990 Hall C 0 rl0922 I>.nEBch blLyn»d#Ne»mrk 1-2351 Haie Bill r 2532 flope LA faet-3739 Haies Food Store 2120 E Us Tunas dr Halks Thomas r 532 N Oxford ai. . . HE mstd-5397 Hall C P Co of Calif chemls 1340 E 6 th. VA ndk-2022 HaleBoyF r 1806 Oli.e dr Pas.* Syemor 7-0655 Tmple Cty . * AtUnte 1-9130 Halkyer Morrie r 1036 S Ogden dr YO rï-1347 Hall C S r 1051 S Lucerne bl WY nmng-7102 HaleCarlr 622 Penn l'as * Sycmor 4-6661 Haies Geo P r 522 N Beacliwd dr Hl lside-3623 Hall A Mrs r 900 N Catalina l'as.* Sycmor 7-1403 Hall C T Mrs Haie Cari T r 4563 Alumni a. AL bny-3574 Haies H M dntst 1033 Gayley «. Hall A A Mrs r 1725 N Orange Gr ... HE mstd-5464 r 826 Garfld >r S Pas.* Sycmor 9-1379 HaleChasA Westwd . * West LA 3-3292 Hall A B r 4256 Trent way CL eild-67976 Hall C V r 53° 1 *A La Mirada a. GL dstn-2989 t 16907 S Westn a. Grden. . * Menlo 4-1026 Haies Hlil M Dr Hall A H r 2128 W 79th TH ornvtal-7934 u,|l r 1 .tt? S9.« WSrrl TU kr-4506 Haie Chas C r 3609 Atlantic AN gelus-5966 r 1317 Club Vw dr L *. .* Crst.w 5-8015 Hall A I 4 Son jwlry 315 W 5th. . . .Ml chgn-7709 ut r w r"0"l Bucinthin WA lnut-6154 HaleChetLr5412ElVeranoai....ALbny-5274 Haies J M r SI 2 S Gage a. AN gls-6098 Hall A J r 9209 >s Alain bl.d. . .TH on>w.d-6008 ,k ' , ™ ' 7 m" BaantBm ™A Haie Clifford r 508 W Calif Gin. .* Citrus 2-6924 Haies Lock exodontist Hall A Jaj r 1112 Gcue.a Gin. ..* Citrus 2-5352 r 10°89 Bannockburn dr L A.* Ardmor 8-4125 Haie CRltttoD tin Glndle Protao] bldg Un * Citnu 1-9101 HaM A juiM;arl) r n32 s Windsor. ,WH itney-8647 Hall Carl~D r 1-51 N Kings rd HE mstd-4530 r 307 N Lima Brbnk . * Charlstn 6-051 5 Haies Loek Dr r 13 15 Impérial <lrUU*tmus 1-||«8 1UII A M Qu,mï Kl«.ric Hall Cari G r 6 1 °.3 Oak Cre<ft W9 AL bnv-9106 HaleDaleD r 3474 E 22nd. ...... .AN gls-4766 Haies & Miller 2015 E 25tb. . .AD aras-3595 a m ^ ç ^ 42235 Ha C u G r 6193 0 . C s ,^ ^ • • '^ ^.^f Haie El' Mrs r 427 S Wilsn Pas.* Sycmor 3-6374 HalesRSrl440 Rublo dr Sn.\Urino*Sycinor 2-6717 Qtll A W r 703 N Maple dr Be. HU.* Oifrd-3928 Mail Carol Con^klîn «W «. . .m taei ttei Haie E W r 2410 llalm aï AS Mj 4-2839 Haies Sadie Miss Hall A W Auto Repair Shop .714 Heatherside rd Pas * Sycmor 3-2956 Haie Edgar A r 2746 Qlowd pl Sgate. . .JE frs.i-8925 r 5 ïerraee Villa et Pas.* Sycçior 3-4390 1309 N Ave 53 .CL evld 6-1850 H .. . ' . , , 711, tlln Haie Edith A Miss rl 35 4 ClubVw drLA*0Sfrd-2956 Haies W H r 4635 5:îrd pl K lmbl-7881 HaU Ada Mrs rl03Cbamplon pLAll.*Allantc 1-2482 Sa. îî w ,000 c r": " -Bt ^'«112 Haie Edith B Mrs r 5169 Marathon ar.GL dstn-6637 Haies W T Jr r 60Ù5 Scen.c a. H lsdt-1019 Hall Ada M r 1302 4tb ai PArUv-0149 u £ e 1 W r i909 S In.on a.. . . .RI rhmj.6886 Haie Edward B r 3216 Orilla ai AL hny-1435 Hal:s Willardf r 932 S CaUlina FI tiry-8o32 Hall Adam r 1430 E«6tn Rl rbmd-4971 "a S"1!' ' aul„4„" ,Ha„s!) ,7. Haie Edward J r 637 E Slst TWnoks-2977 Halet Frank r 1807 l'epper Alh. .* Atlante 2-5606 Hall Aidine r 1539 N Mariposa ai. . . OL mnia-1836 "a cfdrle E ' 828 E 85th JEfrsn-3419 Haie Elirabeth r 433 W 104th. . ..TH oruwal-8633 Halet Jeannette Miss r 302 Orange Gr ai „all Al K r 1442 CanSeld ai L A. .* Ox.rd-1319 Ha" tbauners Mrs Etale Emma r 379 N Bill ai Pas.* Sycmor 6-8693 Alhmbra.* Atlante 2-6593 Hall Albert r 1327 Mono* pl AN gis 1-9274 _ „ _ . r,6„%' ^L",?^*^T\^ Haie Emmett E r 246 Aie 20 CA ptl-5917 Halet i Miller Gas.dine Ser. Station Hall Albert r 2164 29th pl RO chstr-9367 a "apm r'? ' ^ 5!h A ïîlbra *. A„th,llc l 0^,? Haie J Mrs r 623» A(t..n pl .... HO ly»d-209O 160 E Calif Pas. * Sycmor 2-9928 Hall Albert . 1346 If S OUI RE pblic-3202 ga ' 3*6 Acacia Altdna. .* SyOTOf 7-8247 Haie Ernest E r 959 E 113th Kl inhall-5761 Haleri Jacob L Rabbi • Hall Albert Dr berbs Hall Chas r 1010 Leighton ar RE pblic-3623 Haie Ethel M Mrs r25 Dwight dr Gln*CitrUS 1-3472 r 264 S Viuedo a. Pas.* Sycmor 2-5394 . 212 V» Fereusn Alley .MU tul-4422 !ja' r, ^S?,^*30: " V*1 fP'^fSi Haie F E r 6513 Staffrd Htg Pk LA faet-5431 Jjaleiy N H Rev r 1546 2nd a. RO ftatr-6081 Hall Albert E »a »as Jr r 6479 Lesngtn ... .GL dstn-7387 Haie F I r 5311 Lire Oak Vw ar AL bnv-5980 A C r 310 Madison .OL mpia-7397 r 4145 CameUia a. N 1I«1.* Sunset 2-5927 Hal1 c,,as A r p--s Maills"n a' Sgate. JE fersn-6905 Haie F L r 212 E 82nd PL snt-7951 Haley A F r 217 K Acacia a> Un. .* titrus 2-1 113 Hall A|1)t.rl , , 4Cl, s uiMollno Pas*Sycmor 3-6323 "ail Chas B r 1039 Greielia S Pas* Sycmor 9-1328 Haie F M Hardware 4 Paint Store "/'.«'A1'" r.7ï5 5?'** 91'Li-* L"rli tïïU HaU Albert L Mrs Ha Char les D r 434 N Orange dr. . . WA 4615 Wiittier bl.d. AN gls-13220 Haley Benjamin T r 332 W 119th. . .PL easnt-8372 r 1456 N Los Itobles Pas.* Sumor 7-4544 Hall Charles D r 1145 E 42nd pl. . .CE ntry 2-9674 Haie Fréd autn reprng Haley Bros 1620 14th Sta Moniea . . RE pbllc-0807 Hall Albert S r 1733 N Ate 46 ALbnj-3267 Hall t lias E r 974 Elizabeth Tas.* Sycmor 7-3943 111 W Doran Glu.* Citrus 2-2328 Haley Edgar V r 2038 Kenilworth . MO rngsde-14727 Hall Albert W r 1200 Exposition bl. . .PA rkwy-5977 Hal1 C|,as E r 5653 Lemnn Gr a. HE mstd-7398 Haie Fred M r 734 S ek Bride ar AN gls-6028 Haley Eileen E r 3229 W 59tb pl. . . UN irsty-3413 Hall Alec U r 1420 Virginia ai Uin*Citrus 1-2457 Hall Chas E r 1343 W 91st PL sr.t 1-3788 Haie G V Mrs r 3532 E 5th AN gelus-6474 Haley Emma C Mrs r 1 2 04 Wilsbire bl.VA ndlke-19«S Hall Alexandra r 1236 E 45ta CE ntry 2-2838 Hall Chas E r 1220 W I03rd TH ornwal-9366 Haie Geo r 12209 Willowbrk a. Haley Eugène r 6715 S lloopr a. LA faet-1667 Hall Alfred Mrs r 2310 l'aloma Pas*Sycmor 7-2561 Hall Chas H r 2511 Tliurmn a. WH itny-3046 WIlobrk.NE rada 6-1072 Haley E.a P r 720 Spence AN;-16260 Hall Alice r 1245 S Manl.atn pl RE pblc-7606 Hall Chas L genl contr 54 60 Vally bl. .CA ptl-5567 Haie Geo 0 r 5064 Collège Vw AL bny-2843 Haley F F r 3408 Grand ai Htg i'k. . . . JE frsn-2002 Hall Alice r 5128 Stratford rd AL bny-3547 Hall Chas L r 1459 E Mnnntn Pas* Sycmor 4-6233 Haie Ceo D r 1500 Las I.unas Pas*Sycmor 6-3469 Haley Forrist V Dr 54 10 Wilsbr bl YO rk-2179 Hall Alice Mrs Ha Chas R r 4o l S Westu a. DReil-5993 Haie Geo E r2255.Maidtn IneAltdn«*Sycmor 7-0S75 nés 1081 Redondo bl WH itny-2177 r 1568 N El Mollno a. Paa.* Sycmor 4-465S Hall Chas S r S2o W olth TW inoks-4780 Haie Geo Ellery r 360 Croie Pas..* Sycmor 2-4035 Haley Frank r 320 7 l'erlit» OL mpia-0480 Hall Alice C Mrs Hall Charles T r 410 S A. 56 AL bny-1359 Haie Geo W r 4 62 N Alfred WH i'ney-0195 Hal« G Hr.r r,l r«6îi Pi .-r ,lrt:!.,* 2-5741 r 1837 N AlemdrU ...MOrngsd 1-0459 Hall Chas W r 2270 Pire Cmptn . * Nevrmrk 1-3921 Haie Gladysr 543 E31st AD ms-8783 Haley Geo W r 388 N Douglas MU tul-1659 H^^lJceMMJa Hall Chas W r S :9 7 2 1 Shoreham dr . . * CrstrwU 3 71 Haie Gietchen Mrs r 194» OutpMt cir. HE tnstd-0948 Haley Grâce M Mrs r 624 E 12th. . . . Rl ehmd-0924 I UM • OJ gl il 1 as. * Sycmor 3-1 992 Ha Charley r 1225 E 23rd. . . . RI chmd-7901 Haie H H r 1274 Leighton VE rmnt-4268 Haley Guy Clark r 1111 W Gage a.. . TH niwal-5445 Ha A an r , 1 12 MarsMld «y . . . . iHEniU-9631 Hall Charlotte r 242., trmshaw bl.d. . PA rkwy-4981 Halc U llastings r 1473 E Calif Cln*Citnis 1-2291 Haley Hal Co rl m SU S Westn ai ... DR exl-1338 1 11 1 1 , 'f m\hp^ fîil?^ Ha I Charlotte C r 1057 W 49th. ... PL snt 1-1870 H«le II«rold R Haley Harold T r 2000 S Arlington a. . RO chstr-4004 Ha A I en C r6.,21 ( r.-nshavr bl.d.PL snt 1-3123 Hall Chester r5053 LongBch a. West.CE ntry 2-5128 r 1457 Camellia a. N Hol.* Sunset 2-9288 Haie J A Mrs r 228 La Palnm. ., "a A la » ' r2.^' »rt ard a' ' ' ■ •finE,"M "05'9 Hall Chester E r 41S Lr,us CL e.lnd.63755 HaleHirrvr r «03 S BcanUnl a. WA ln. t-8019 Alhmbra.* Atlante 1-1692 H* A <a C r 5283 De Loiupre ai . . HO bwd-7695 Hall Clara r224 lS.Sndabrl blSnGbrl*Atlantc 1-5809 Haïe Harvey R r 1829 W 4^"." ÏÏ&Ziïlî Haley J Edward at.y 453 8 Spg M. cbgn-1997 "a" « • ™ « ff/charlstn 6-0492 ™ §SS \ ff^tt ^^ÎViï Haie Helen S r 1 84 1 N Stanly ..... GR nit-7427 Haley J Ed. Hall Andrew r 1913 llauser bl.d. . .WA lnut-1507 : ! " * 'v' ..A ■ , î • ' "■' {{■ Haie Henry r 4203 Halldale a. VE rmt-1695 r 2176 Adalr Sn Marlno.* Atlante 2-6959 ||all AnlIJ f 569 Mlch b, Pls . . * sycmor 3-S 4 4 1 Ha Clarènce E Rev Gln.*Citn» 2 .553 Hale-HIadky Verna L Haley Jack Mrs Hall Anita M Mrs rl31 Mj S KeuM ai.FE drl-5290 ,sxn7 Monte Vi,t. n «M 6.260fi r 1612 S Pas. PYrmirl 1-2707 r 121 V4 S dr Be. HU.* Crstrw 1-084 1 Hall Ann r 207 S Chapel Alh. .* Atlante 1-3975 „ „ „ . ' 58» <=L eild 6-2606 HalellomcrJ Haley Jas B r 3537 Vi S Flowr Rl ohmd-9578 Hall Anna E Mrs r 1733 Cherokee av. .GL dstn-5243 Hall Clance E Miss r 214 E Las Flores dr Altdna .* Sycmor 7-0216 Haley James J r 3313 Maceo CA ptl-6767 n.n Annette r 10610 Rochester a. ' 290 Summit a. l'as.* Sycmor 3-6583 Haie Huntley Haley Jasper N r 3217 lsabel dr CA ptl-0381 Westwd.* West L A-39271 Hall Claude r 2212 S Catalina PA ltwy-2517 r 2928 Watseka Culir Ity.ASbly 4-2670 Haley John Otis r 14!) X Las Palmas.WH itney-7101 Ha|l Appliance Co refrigtrs Hall Claude P r 6618 Flora a. Bell. . . LA faet-9224 Haie Isaiah Mrs _ Haley John W r 202 W 58th CE ntry 2-2982 7869 Serllle a. Htg Pk . Kl mhl-7528 Hall Clnrs 4 Dyers 4067 E Gage Bell. LA fayte-8381 r 1612 Huntngtn dr 8 Pas.* Sycmor 9-5638 Haley Lee F r 5123 E Slst Maywd. ..Kl mbl-8029 Hall Armstead r 1331 E 21st Rl chmd-2844 Hall Colby MD 1136 W 6th Haie J B r 555 N Gower HE mpstd-1809 Haley M C Dr ehirpretr Hall Aron r 2 1 23 Garlhaldl «. I>ay 4 Nigbt eall MU tul-3232 Haie J D r 163 N Clark dr Be. Hls *Crst.w 1-9282 946 Maple Inglwd.* Orcbrd 7-4914 Tmple Cty.* Atlante 1-9732 Res 840 S Serrano a. FI tzry-2531 Haie J K r 737 S Détroit YO rk-1813 Ha|ey Mabel E r 334 1 Beymoar CA ptl-8280 Hall Arthur r 3155 H Carlyle CA ptl-12386 Hall Ci jwlrs Hall J Herbert Co Haie J Mason r 311 V4 S Berendo FE drl-6510 Haley Marjaret r 600 Vi W 41st dr.CE ntry 2-1386 Hall Arthur r 1253 N Sweetter ai. .GL adston-7345 420 E Colrado Pas.* Sycmor 2-2171 Haie J R r 6811 Ittltbl ar Htg I'k. .LA Haley Marjorie r 2330 W 2nd FI tiry-6394 HaU Arthur A Dr Hall Co Ltd 1ns 624 S La Brea ai. . .WA lnut-1209 Haie Joe D Co statnry 742 S HU1 TU kr-1803 Haley Olive Mrs r 166W33rd PR spct-1601 432 La France »v Alh.* Atlante 2-3296 Hall CKistance r 1002 N Wllcoi ar.GL adaton-1315 HaleJchnWr 1376 F. lllth LA favte-7820 Haley Oliver r S009 S Hooir PL snt 1-4306 Hall Arthur C r 3445 8Ukb'ou. ... .AN gis 1-6556 Hall Cora M Mrs r 648 N Sernno av NO rmndv-7976 Haie Joseph H r 8679 ... . . GR nit-2737 Haley Ow.n r 1665 Mentone a. P«*Sycmor 4-6926 Bail Art» J 1 1M0 M* *«*»j"**-£fOJ Hall Comelia M r 2846 Hope Htg Pk. . JE frsn-8814 Haie Lawrence B 819 Suitee TR lnily-7658 Haley Paulyne r 70! S llanrd bl. ... DR «1-4668 Hj A, hur G r .3.3 Wa In H g Pk. . Kl r.M-6962 Hall Curtis H r 3569 E SSttl Ma\wd. .LA fael-5562 Halo Ijyvrence B Ha ey Pearl A r 1021 Maple a. RI chm.1-1532 Hall Arthur M r 1 1464 Rl.erade dr Hall D r °16 W 18th Rl chmd-7921 4817 Morellaa.N Hol.* Sunset 2-16S8 Haley Ralph r 81 1 1 W 60tb UN .sty-2195 , , „ ,«,„,,.,? Ho1.* Sunset 2-8339 jjjj p ^ Atterton Mwln N i Associates Haie Lottie Mrs r 661 Shatto pl DR exl-2744 Haley Rlty Co 771 N Vine GR .,1.-8445 H» As. Mrs .1354 HteMnd a. Un* ,.n,s 2-12..4 Atnerun bd. m N * Aa«c«t« Ha e M r 4517 Arlicton a. . . .VE rm,,t-3070 Haley Richard A atty 417 8 HHJ MU iul-8188 Hall Asa D r 1 763 s Sherbournr dr .. AS hly 4-2582 -1D " "n.w«noiuo« H,!m RMrsr 857 E °4th Rlehmd-60o2 Haley Richard M r 2 1 1 6 Kasllke a. . ..CAptl-0209 Hall B F r 1421 [dlawdrd Un. . .* Citrus 1-7841 1 DE, 735 S St Andrews pl FI tzry-8657 Haie M ! ïîl 20 ' M RO S-6606 Haley Robt R r 1 6:> W fî.th PL , -7492 Hall ,660 Ellrabeth l'as*Syemo, 7-0836 Hall D P r 6426 Ruby CL e.ld 6-3303 H. L «IH 41 rKoin ★rai^-1384 Ha ey Rupert G r 1*127 Nllaywortha».HE mstd-0449 Hall B P Hall M«„„.rdt i Co .ne Ha II Danc « St udi 0 8853 S Bdway . TW noks-1553 l e Ma orie P Mrs Halw Stella M r 2916 Somerset pl 210 W 7 th. MU tu.1-8274 Ha Dan A r 1 119 N Llioln a,.;l„*n,,rls „ 6-0769 r 1464 Ridge wy Pas.* Sycmor 2-6385 Su Marlno.* Atlante 2-4316 „„, B w , lTS N ,., Brcs „ WE bstr-8604 8ffl n^Ba n Co\ e t Sx n, ' ' adst™-°S10 Haie Mary Mrs r 1010 Selbyar Haley Tlm r 386 N Raymml a. Pas* Sycmor 2-6694 Hall-Baker Co 523 W 6U1 Ml rhgn-8558 » «Ta K w irf Fi„r, i(;7Q Wes.wd.* WestLA-36228 Haley Tom r 2315 Clorrdle «. YO rk-2441 Hall Barbara L r 1238 W 51st VE rmnt-4550 3445 n ist. n tzry-ib/J H.b M^nrlre r 18»S^ Montana EXostn-9096 Haley Veva r 1770 N La Brea a» GLdstn-2365 HaU Barclay S ins Hall Delma Mrs r 1858 W 48th VE rmnt-3007 2îKsiVvo«<lïu W mïhiÏHrt DRexl-2656 Haley W G Mrs r 1429 N Laurel av. .HE mpst'l-2447 Smirity bldl Pu * Sycmor 2-2165 Hall Dental Specialties 722 S Aliarado. FE drl-0012 n'-ÏK *V „■ ! 1 Ha'e» Wm A • •».; V.,r .t.. ». CA p.1-7001 R.s 236 Ventura Altdna * Sycmor 7-6728 Hall i Dinsmoor agrieltrsts HalePercy «" 3343 Stockbridge Ti CApU-8795 Hall Way Shop 336 E Green Pas.* Sycmor 2-1652 Hall Belton E rl521 S Cbapel Alh* Atuvntc 2-2668 919 S Maple ai.* Montblo-290-W II