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* Désignâtes Téléphone Outside Los Angeles Exchange. THO THO 1009 AH Subscribers Stiould Comult Pages 6 and 7 o( Information Pages (or Instructions for Placing Calls Outiiiie Their Evchangci. ïï™" 2 S ' fSi ,\v on.VM di _ e i iSÎ Thomas Roy C Dr 7200 Serille IltgPk.LA favte-4600 Thomas Wayne r 4 7 Thomas 0 D r 1054 W 90 h. . ..... PL*ntl.l575 ^ Ro c Dr 3532 r,,If „ pk K| mW.53sl Thomas Thomas 0 R r 4926 Geneneve ar ALnn>o220 ti«-.« d*L c ifn usa m bm uiii« «744 r 5823V Thomas 0 W Co clnrs 2207 Maple av . PR ospcl-2059 %m'^R. » E »? l]3* W «» SLT"-5234 Thomas Wayne P Thomas Mary Mrs Thomas Ray Thomas V E Mrs Thomassen llans r GH Almnt * Crsltw 1-1933 r 1267^ N Normandie ar.OL mpU-4757 r 600 Sarbonne rd Bel Air.* West L A-32762 r 550 nid Mlll rd Sa Marlno.* Sycmor 9-5310 Thomassen Hans r 1330 2ud if PA rkwy-2859 Thomas Mary Mrs r 5707 S Normandie. PL easnt-7330 Thomas Ray r °8 15 7th at PA rkwy-2345 Thomas V T t 8132 S Ne* llamp ai. .PL sot-7458 Thomasset Chas A atty 010 S RJway. . .VA ndk-9135 Thomas Mary Catherine Thomas Ray shëct nul Thomas Victor L rl642 S Spauldng at.WY omng-4362 Thomasset Chas A r24 21 Micheltorena.OL vmpla-0113 r 410 N Oikhrst dr Bei Hls.* Crstrw 1-7076 4900 Vlnelnd »i H Hol * Sunsel 2-7255 Thomas Virgil G r 369 Picota dr Gln*litius 2-2 7 07 Thomasson C E r 1353 Ira/ ar HE mstd-3930 Thomas Mary Er 2314 7tli a» RO chstr-2822 Thomas Ray Co 1601 S liope PR spct-6331 Thomas Vua Mrs r 2022 W A.lams bl. . RE pblc-7714 Thomasson Elwood Thomas Mary E Miss Thomas Ray H rlllô Avon pl S F«4*Sycmor 9-2S.70 Thomas Vivian Ruth r 1000 Olive dr \it.lia .* Sjvnwr 4-1496 r 1117 Beech S Pas.* Sycmor 9-297 7 Thomas Ray L r 1227 W COth pl PL snt-4924 r 9a40 Bryson at bouihgate. JE ÎTa-6077, Thomasicn F Logan 260 . RttHffUO bl.WY omng-1387 Thomas Mary E Miss Thomas Ray S r 7 1 1 S Willn pl FE drI-3544 Thcmas W Mrs r 1315 E 1 1 Oth Kl mbl-3355 Thomasson J r 1221A lioynln (lia.* Çjtrus 1-5644 r 352 N Garfld ar Pas.* Sycmor 2-6330 TnrjBU lt.r rnond S r31" N Mai4eBnIll<*0\lrd.l571 "*»*»w A r 3328 Miltn Tas. . .* Sycmor 3-565;. Thomasson Jimmie r 543, Monroe GL dstn-9625 Thomas Mary F r 4C1 S Boylston. . . .Ml ohigii-4659 Thomas Raymond F rlir.3 Bruuvck a«.OL mpia-1448 Thomas W B r34G W VallyVvvAltdna*Sycmor 7-8180 Thomasson Olne Logan Thomas Mary Helenr 4160 Rosewd av. OLmpia-5448 Thomas RaymondT Thomas W C — 'r273,2 "'"T" " 1 P,?c' Ï3"ÎZ?Î Thomas Mary Lr 7405 Fournira ar. .. Hl lside-5598 r 1250 Ravmnd ar Gin.* Citrus 1-0577 r 1943 ttUknr Crst N Hol.* bon»! 2 8 00 A Thomasson Tumer E r 590 , 5lh ar. . . . VE rmt-4814 Thomas Mary Lou Thomas Rees W T,,omas * C r 823 W 40lh pl AD ms-0789 Thome Edward M r 953 Cote ai Hl lsde-2015 r 4433 E 59th pl Maywd.LA faet-2880 r 1101 Nithsdle rd Pas.* Sycmor 6-7861 Thomas W D Mrs r 10975 Exposition blvd Thome Ernest £6101 Arbutus av 1UE Pk.LA faet-6243 Thomas Mathonihah S r 2041 35th pl.PA rkwy-4840 Thomas lieçinald r2909 Front Alh *Atlantc 1-9845 . Westvvd.* West L A-33831 Thome Jessie C r 24 8 N Urondelct. . . EX pstn-0679 Thomas Maud E r 330 E Jeln blvd. . . . AD ms-8425 Thomas Restaurants Thomas W E r 3180 Atwater ar. . .MO rntsd 1-3715 Thome Louise M Mrs 1 ■1929 V, l^.rd VE rrnt-6839 Thomas Maude Mrs r 5515 Monte Vlsta. AL bny-2650 Ottke 351 S Uill VA ndk-2846 Thomas W G r 1229 S Longwd ai. . WH itn>-S602 Thome Steve J r245 S Bonn e ar Pas*Sycmor 3-9571 Thomu Mande Mrs Xo 1 351 S Hill MU tul-409S Thomas W H r 1838 S Clyde av. . . .W «D(-2|44 Thomen Frank K r 43oo Sulro »v. . . . UN vrstv-0115 r 876 8 Wllsn at Pas.* Sycmor 3-2708 No 2 6T11 w ri 0 Mid PR spct-8526 Thomas W H r 234 S Union ai FI tzry-1317 Thommen August E r 138 Ai 30 CA Ptl-0313 Thomas May Mrs r281 Hamnind I'as.*S>cmor 4-4249 Xo 3 203 X lidvvay MU tnl-5089 Thomas W Hrrjufnij . .... Jhomp.ins Viola Mrs r 1124 E lOtli.. .TU e,:r-7826 Thomas Mayo r 745 S Spaaldiug av. . WY oming-9424 No 4 670 s C-nt' av TU h-5655 520 Doruthy pl Inglwd.* Oichr.l .-11 j4 Thompsen Elizabeth J Thomas Merle r 1413 X Marioosa av NO rmndv-7380 n. d , .rte. ÏÏVi' ', di 1 J Thomas W H Mrs t 2059 Pflnjti av.. .CA i.:u>l-S221 r 942 N Haywrth ai.HI l'de-1028 Th ma Mer e 5 À* W bl CL ™u 6-4609 ^,m" 2 " L ' ^ w 3Î2 Vml.^ Thomas W j r 2035 ... N Highlud av. HE mstd-4038 Thompsen Tank Line 8142 S Atlntc at.LA laet-1402 n^Mteto ?lS58llitai li Hleta.5306 îï°",s 551 1,1 n, v V, ! i rc , ^5^^ Thomas V, J , : • : 2 s KcS as... UN ,sty-561S Th:n,p,on aee alto Tbonun Thomson te gST»!: : ^ÉS.o350566 SïïS ÏÏSZWiWtëiïtfhrJi&iï ™«« * i • 5 » • ■«r^ii SSS 1 ?7 !#8œ «W^ïo Thomas MUlard L Mrs Ti,om,s Ric|urj M Thomas W J r 3 -i 4 1 H o8th pl VE nnt-7935 Thompson A C r 2342 Chariton AS hl, 4-2-10 r 933 E Part S Sn Gbrl .* Atlante 1-3675 faSSo Hardv av Altdna + Svcmor 4--147 Thomas W 0 r 2203 l'aimer av S Pasa. .CAptl-3522 Thompson A C r 9S0 W Vcmon ar. . . . .AD xs-6726 Thomas Mollis F Mrs r 5332 Lesingtnn.HI 1=4,-3342 Thomas R,c_h"..d W i»' s \v n 'h "m«l4.6531 Thomas W r r 10411 Moorpk X llol*Sunset 2-2311 Thompson A D r 903 X U Jolla ai . . HE mstd.6169 Thomas Ml*. .«14 215 W 7th. . .Ml chgn-9294 ™^ Rcbbie fVUss r 1940 W25tt! '. PA rk ny-0683 Tnon'^s W Preiost r3 200 Dot, -i , ster av.CA pU 14804 Thompson A D r 712 . . . Thomas Morris r 1852 Mldiale ai Th„mis Rnht r. Thomas H R r 1516 llillcrst ai Gin.* Cllrus 1-663X Westwd.* West L A 3-6927 Westwd.*West LA 3-6936 r ffi«, nancUn Pu * Svcmor 6-3337 Thomas W R r2216 Jacksn ai Wilmr*Allantc 1*4687 Thompson A E r 736 Grarnn-y dr FE drl-0045 Thomas MorUage Co 810 S Spg VA ndk-5171 nm3S Ro , H r 218 E Ave 12 *.CA ptl i-5603 JJ»»"" » ' IHM .... .Ifi-is-Wl A E r 1039 S Ukcwd. . .* Downy-43188 ThomasMyronG Thnmat RcM I r 4«A N Stintn it WH il , -5494 Thomas VJalkei C r l.ill, rroshaw . ,Wh it.iey-7922 Thompson A Floyd r 2716 W Grand av Alh.* Atlante 2-6305 nZ.RMWr v> M , CL v 6-3283 Thomas Walter r6229 Loma Vsta aiBell.KI mhl-5014 r 923 E 63.1, Inglwd.OB eg",, 8-1656 ThomasMyrtleStilesr718W46th.CEntry 2-3446 { 1 a; w Thomas Walter H r 3407 Folsom. . .AN gis 1-0618 Thompson A Frank r 842 W83rd. .. PL snt-5425 Thomas N H r 926 N Orange Gr ai. . . .Hl lsde-1235 , nn^, shoreh.™ dr I A * rrstv» l-"69î Thomas Walter J r 1511 S Vermnt ai. . FE drl-1849 Thsmpson A H 431 S Cummings AN gelus-9034 Thomas N M r 2647 Thorpe ai CA ptl-6294 Thoma/R„|ard VY r 1 rHi Spenre AnTc1uA6084 Thomas Walter L r 6617 3rd av TW noks-8101 Thompson A K r 319 X Bronson «t. . .GL dstn-9362 Thomas Nelson Thomas Ronaund M Mrs" " Thomas Walter N r 4131 S Harvard bl.VE nnt-5036 Thompson A Peter MD r 1706 NMarengo ai Pas* Sycmor 7-0848 ^03 E CTwstat « Cln * Citrus 2-2.746 Thomas Wslter W Or r 2947 Franris av. . DR esl-1841 5931 Atlantic blid Maywd. JE frsn-4752 Thomas Neva M Miss r 856 S Catalina. Ft tzry-6731 ThomJS i,osl,tu Mrs ,,753 w 35Ul"pi.R0 chst"r-8711 Thomas Waller Wilson dntst Thompson A R Mrs TbomashormaC Thomas Roy Torr-h Snprly & Engnrng Tt „. . „ 165 S U Brea a. WA lnut-5359 t 218 S Madisn ar Pas.* Sycmor 2-7255 r 1136 N Mentr av Pas.* s , ro, r 4-434 1 ' ; „ S'n ... an ms-fîl3 3 Thomas Ward Gréai Amer Indcmnity Co Thompson A R Bert Thomas 0 B Mrs r 1418 E 17th.. . .RI rhmnd-1022 _ R Mrs r 3 504 Éacie AN vis 1-6636 548 S Spg. MU tul-8175 r 1744 Flowr Gin.* Citrus 1-8527 Thomas 0 D r 924^3^1™ ^DR exl-7974 Thom"s Roy C Dr 7200 Seiille'litgPk.LA fivte-4600 Thomas Wayne r 4 724 S Figroa CE niry 2-5747 Thompson A S Mrs r 14 52 W 56th. .TH % Maywd av Maywd . LA (aet-6330 r 306 Alameda Altdna.* Sycmor 7-6042 Thompson A W r 44 2 S Berendo FE drl-1036 Thomas Opal r 9206 Sn Carlos ai Sgate.LA faet-4498 "T. U0"jU™c^u"u '" ylri itny.slsô r 2019 S Magnolia bl lîrbnk . * Charlstu 6-24 7; Thompson A W r 398 X HUi av Pas*Sycmor C-2560 Thomas Optometric Arts Foundation Thomas Rcv E r 29S0 Grand ar Ht r'k LA laet1362 Thomas Wesley r 1611 X Aliiandria.OL mpia-3218 Thompson A W r 2733 lowa ai Sgate. LA (aet-3505 1550 N Uke ai Pas.* Sycmor 4-1266 Thomas Run Cleaninn Co Thomas Wilber C r 1270 Lorain rd Thompson Ada G Mrs Thomas Orin M r3652 W,14th Inglwd.OR egon 8-1629 ""™" nu" "le ^" jo Hypcrion ai NO rmndy-8523 Sn •■lariu,).* Atlante 2-1829 r 105 1 X Angikno ai Brbnk.* Charlstn 6-2891 Thomas Oscar Mary Ellen Court Thnmis Russeil r i£x F 1 1 7ih TH rwnl.9231 Thomas Wm r 851 Montcrey rd Gin.* Citrus l-jns!» Thompson Adcline L 1015 Benito ai Alhmbra.* Atlante 2-2704 IC"™ 5" , " „.. J' ' pas*Svcm"r"7-4 064 Tnomas YVm r 2617 Somerset dr PA rkwy-8836 r 2700 Bouldr rd Altdna.* Sycmor 7-7517 Thomas Oswald r 2105 Th™ s Ru h Ml s M 32? fur „ * IIEtBlC-8258 Thomas Wm r 1854% W 20th RO chstr-2479 Thompson Aunes M Su Marino.* Atlante 2-3S53 s 4-' l o i" Fftle MO rnesdè-18773 Thomas Wm r 1035 E 27tl, AD ams-5436 r 173 S Meridlth ai Pas.* Svcmor 6-8921 Thomas Otis r 1816 Pepper Alh.* Allante 1-5416 rr-ims NlJarinflin ' ' * fît™ 2 2240 Thomas William r 1033 E 33rd CE nai.-y-26243 Thompson Albert E r 2560 Fédéral ai Thomas Otto A rllOl Clevelnd rdGln*Cltras 1-7162 « « 'l\ A^i^^^HtOKM Thomas William B atty 411 W 5th. . . . TR nity-7891 8.wtelle.* West L A 3-6937 Thomas Otto F r 3427 E7th. .. .AH ,1.-8454 jh0rnas S P r l~3n0 Gates pl S l'as. 3L jil lini 7-27^9 Ttiomas WiMiam B r 316 X Kenmnre.OL ympia-7826 Thompson Albert M Thomas Otto P r 716 W Bdwav Gln*i l -_ Thom-' S Paint Co 518 E 7th TU ckr-1301 Thomas Wm E r 894 7 Olin L \ * \rdmor 8-3987 r 8815 2nd ai Inglwd.TW inoks-5262. Thomas Ow<n D r 1112 W«tr L A* Crsti» ' Thoma; s S r 3365 ECcntnry il' Um'Ùt frr-0467 Thomas William E r 153! W 65th pl .TW noks-4269 Thompson Aies Jr r 880 OMa Pas *Sycmor 3-7203 Thomas Owen L r 4408 W 59tn. . . .UN vstv-9788 „ 46K Rosemont ai La frscr.ta Ibomil Wm F r 34 20 Caroline ai Thompson A « Mrs r..2« N Coronado. . FI tzry-5091 ThomasPA r 118ol% \1rg1n1a ai ' ... ' frsrnta '57 Culvr rty .* Ardmor 8-70 1 5 Thompson Alfred r 500 E 4 Oth AD ms-3586 Cmptn.*Xewmrk 1-3453 "nr • ■ ; ■ rD ™. ,îon Thomas Wm H Mrs Thompson Alfred H r 1C50 Sargent pl.MI chign-0528 Thomas P B r 2323 3rd av RO clistr.1384 Thomas Sam M T 6 „! ^u-2390 Thomas Wm H Mrs ^ A|frB| „ Thnmpsn„ B„ilcr wki Thomas PJ Mrs r 4506 S Gramcy pl... VE rmt-5412 Th ™ .Sa,, l.r 10 00 ,>lIoltar_* rrstnr 1.301 t ^» ^ w ?PArtw-1944 '•-« N ' .CA *'l 1*4197 Thomas Pattem Wks 1825 E Slausn ai. LA faet-6622 Thomas Scalp System 8 , TOomas^H.,^ Thomas Wm j Mrs r 2409 8 Cent! av . RI ehmd-9041 Thompson Alfred I Thomas Pau r 1730 W 41st dr VE rmntOBZ-. jehastian r4755 'i ïvÀdams hl.RO chstr-1720 Thomas Wm L .Massachusetts Bonditc I lus 0> r 2085 ParneU wy Altdna.* Sycmor 7-6949 Thomas Paul H plmbng wu n„o ias Service typewriters" 448 S Hill . TR nlty-3526 Thompson Alfred R r 842 Rome dr. ..CA pltol-11766 „ ,,. -6rj X Laurel av. wm îtns-Ui/ej 654 S Westlake ai . EX rsîn-1736 Thomas Wm L Thompson Alfred T r 5875 Hcrrcoc ar.CL crld-62829 IhomasPaulMr .000 L.ram rd Thomas' Sers Station 7S00 S Avalon M. PL snt-6598 r 4 14 Lorlng ai Westwd.* West L A 3-2882 T! rrpson Alice A p. 11 h m M»™0-* AU™1,: --"•5i>l n^massoj rr 518 XLînden Brilla.* 0\frd-8112 Thcmas William M r 1 3 1 8 Cedarcdge at AL bny-9871 r 116 Geruna ar Sn Gbrl.* Atlante 1-7990 tnomas r-aunne m j-ire „„,_,„ + Sïlra n-1303 Thomas Sheet Métal Products Thomas L R Sheel Thomas William S r 3143 Lindo Hl l=de-3604 Thcmpson Alice M Creskey Mrs ThoMS (U?Mrs r ^552 E S2nd CE ùttî 2-5024 Métal Products 508 S Sn Vicente I,: . YO rk-0450 Thomas Willi. r 899 E 50th AD ms-8736 r 5193 Caspar ar.CL evlri 6-2410 Thomas far Mrs r 155. E 32nd. .Ltntry 5U^i Thomas sid f ,634 w 59th TW noks-3379 Thomas Willis H Mrs ri 659 u W 53.UN vrsty-5297 Thompson Allan H r 1447 E 5Sth dr. .LAfaet-4761 . nni s ç, av Alh * Allante "-4660 Thomas Sidney r 1466 E 109tb JE frsn-2539 Thomas Yionne r 1004 2 S Manhatn pl.TW noks-6582 Thonpfn Allan 0 Thom,, pj,r?i ? r^TfSrdli' FE drl-9446 Thom» Sbnfe F r 620 W 57th PL snt-4313 Thomas Zona BtiHHa of Dancing r 5212 Westprk dr X Hol.* Sunset 2-7497 Thnm« Mhl r S08 El 81s* ' ' CE ntrv 2-0849 Thomas Studio ta Keith N Studio 1036 X Sta Aniu av Brbnk.* Charlstn 6-1032 Thompson Allen r 1945 W 68th PL ffit-4529 Thomas Perrv r 1 833 W Ith ' FI W-9096 1220 Maple av. PR spct-2876 Thomas Zora r354 Stewart * Gray rd.*Downy-4 4SO! Thompsen Alun M r4 4 07 Elir.brth Bell Kl mbl-3805 Sl«piwÉ,« " m Thomas Super Serr Station Thomason i larcee atty Thompson And:ew r 1485 IV 51st VE rmt-5721 , niu Hollowv dr *Crstr« 1-5808 1930 Colrado bl . CL eild 6-9398 5339 Lankrshm bl N Hol.* Snnset 2-6022 Thompson Ann r 8321 W lst YO rk-7036 r 8(31 % nouo»y w.-k Thomas Susan B r32SEQue.n Ingl*d*Orc'ord 7-10i: Thnmason Clayton 4139 Jasmine av Thompson Ann Craig Thomas Philip E Thomas Susie E r 2531 11 11 Kalnt Tk.LA fayte-4463 Culrr Cty.* Ardmor 8-3861 r 2710 El Roble dr.CL erld-65995 tk~... o-Li^an»11 «on™»' m" ' ANT< 1.9518 Thomas Sylria r 1621 X A. 55 ... .AL bany-3877 Thomason D A Thompson Anna r 1429 S Bronsn ai. .. RE pblc-7389 nZll p!mh„a P» -ni i \ Firrn'.' ' ALbapy-0306 Thomas T r 2804 2nd ai RO chstr-9706 r 2110 Selby av Westwd.* West L A 3-9637 Thompson Anna Thomas P mhng co r011« ^ V.' ' ' , ,„ Thomas T r 8376 W 4th WY nming-0896 Thomason E rootr 440 W 69th PL sut-5653 r 1508 S Durango ai L A.* Crstrw 5-0276 Thomas iPlmung Ço >ee rnomas b» Thomas T A r 2126 S Ridgeiey dr. . . . WH itny-5573 Thomason Geo Dr Hljssrth bidg TRniti-9086 Thompson Anna Mrs r 1127 W 60th pl. PL easnt-6810 plmbrs 1208 Fan _Oaks ai r??*^" Thomas TA r 14 4S S Spaulding ai. .WH itney-8616 lf nn ans call AN geIus-8221 Thompson Anna B r 4176 Penkr av. . .VErmt-3631 l"î r"? 82 S oSentaS bl WA1 °<21 54 Thomas T E r 1009 N Tujuug. ai Thomason Geo Or Thompson Anna Laiin Tliomas R A r 6 33 6 Ri^Dau blid UN isty-7044 Brbnk. * Cbwlstn 6-3303 r 1172 MiUar dr Gin. CH apmn 5-2015 r 4320 WlUowhrt av. NO rmndy-7923 Thomas R B r 894 Sumnitai P.s'.*Sv-mo: 2-5626 Thomas Ted r 2545 Verbena dr GR nlt-3904 Thomason H Mrs r r.con S icoilst,,. i ai.UN usty-6174 Tliomnsou Anna M r 220 X Isabel Gln*nmis 2-3070 Thomas R B r U: 18 W 56th TW inoks-9209 Thomas Thalia r 27 1 5 u Danm ar. .. CA ptl 1-5746 Tuomason Harl L r „40 X Mission dr Thompson Anna S r 4420 7th ai UN isty-3795 Thorr as R E MarWiVe Composition Co Thomas The Sion Man 6436 Snnset bl . GL dstn-9531 Tu u, „ . ?h'1 ■ * * ^«?tc Thompson Anna S Mrs r543 7 ST.iley dr.WE hslr-5514 "' " K 403 «• aiïCTÙ Gin.* Citrus 3-1441 Thoma. Tnelma r 11151 Klinj N1|..|*Su,.sct 2 3624 Thomason Helen H r 5o3 W lOfll pl . CE Btvy-21992 Thcmpson Annie r 1254 * E 54th. .AD ms 1-2088 Thomas R F r 0 74 5 Mataro Pas * Sycmor 6-3994 Thonus Theodocia F Thomason Ida Mrs r 237 S Montbb, bl*Montt,îo-1203 -rhempson Anson W 1491 W Washn bl . PR spet-7329 Thomas R E é 390; w o,.h PA rkwy-3208 r 105 X Cordota Alh * Atlante 1-6133 Thomason Ira L r 508 Arden B,v Hls.* Osfrd-1 79 1 Thompson Apts 131 S Ai 63 CL etld 6-9401 Thomas R H r2559 Palm pl Wain'ut Pk.LA faet-0421 Thomw Theri.n 0 Thomason Ira L Temple-Thomason Ine Thomp-on Arthur C Tliomas R H r 5310 S \Viltr.n pl. ..UN vrst -7525 r 515 S Columbus at Cln.*Citms 2-6906 62o3 Hollywd bl.HO lywd-2203 , 64o Landor lne Pas.* Sycmor 6-1674 Thomas R Hrlwp & Varietv Stcre Thomas & Thomas naths 333 W 2nd. VA ndike-0270 Thomason J Harold Thompson Arthur K Thomas n Mowe & ^{'mv Hornee ar .TW noks-0955 Thomas Thos L r 9117 2nd ai lnglwd . PL mt-5871 r 845 Coronado dr Gin.* Citrus 1-8477 ThnmisRI r 1010 s"\dam i iln .* Citrus 2-8 24 1 r 1 26 X Almnt dr Bei Hls .* Crstv» 5-0589 Thomason J Harold Dr 1930 Wilshire bl.FI tzry-4433 Thompson Arthur J Thomas RL r 1431 Liv. nia ai .* CrstTw-13658 Thomas Thomas M Thomason L C r 1«64 Dactah AN gls-14470 r 7 1 7 S Los Robles ai Pas . * Sycmor 2-3025 Thomas il 4036 E 5"nd Maywd. .JE frsn-4498 r 6517 Marbrisa av lire Pk ■ JE fersn-7755 Thomason M E Mrs r2SSChapel Alh*Atlante 1-5964 Thompson Arthur R Thomas R Me ion r 163 SLueemebl. .WAimit-3902 Thomas Tom r 817 X Vu Ness «i Hl lsde-2619 Thomason M J r 540 N LiUian wy. .. .Hl lsde-3641 r 230 S Eedfrd dr Bev Hls.*Crstvw 5-7342 Thomas Ralph 600 S Burnside av.. WY omng-1370 Thomas Tommee r C u 1 0 Orange. WH itny-9332 Thomason Mabel E Thompson Audrey ,,,«.. Tl om ,s Ralnl, Thomas Tommy r 5S70 Frankln av . . . HO lywd-7040 r 430 X Madisn ar Pas.* Sycmor 6-2875 r 14 9 1 * SUier Lke bl.MO rngs.1 1-5835 inomas isiipi 3-1160 Thonus Tommy heatrs Thomason Mattie L Mrs r 435 E 43rd pl AD ms-5451 Thompson B R r lo2 4 Sunset av Pas*bycmor 4-6,4. Thomas Ralnl, lie 11 nlora'r 1 131 S Adams Gin . *< itrus 1-0818 Thomason Millie r 1354 Valencia .... RI chmd-0813 Thompson B W • 1 1220 Towne ai. . .PL easnt-3239 iuuums imiiu 'VjslU]as rd Aitdoa .* Sycmor 7-6847 Thomas Tony r 135 7 E ISth RI ciurnd-2080 Thomason Milton J r 6011 4th ». . . .PL snt-5463 Thomoson Barbara Miss Thomas RalDh'G r 1"4 E 92nd TH mwal-5782 Thomas Top Co Thomas Auto Top & L'pholstrng Co Thomason P H r 103 S Serrano ai EX pstn-7424 r 173C S Normandie ar.PA rkwj-4851 Thoma Ra oh H r 5310 IVa'hanan AL bny-1710 133S Ivar av . HO h.d-3277 Tliomasin R W r 1332 Lavct. ter MU tual-5763 Thompson Barney r 5619 W Ith WY „mn:-SS05 Thomas Ralph L r "920 Viremia rd. . RO cbm-0937 Thomas Tracy Y Thomason S Lr6536',i SStaFe atlItgPk.KI mbl-6465 Tliompson Barton H r94I NVndome.MO niJsde-17467 Thomas Ralph L r 1*01 4 E Slst LA faet-3702 r 10586 Holmn ai Westwd.* West L A 3-0085 Th:ma;on W B r 219 S Burlington av. FI usoy-8143 Thompson Basil M r 63 39 1!; Orange. .WA lnut-9542 Thomas Ralph Vocal Studio Thomas Transfer Co 131 1 Maple ai PR spct-5906 Thomason Wiley B r 709 El Centra at. . GL dstn-9522 Thompson Beauty Studio Claire Tiumpson's Beauty 672 S Lafayette Pk pl . FI taroy-1661 Thomas Y E MD First Trust bldg Pas Thomassen Dora Mrs Studio 10231 Sta Mon ici, bl L A.* Oxfrd-3209 Thomas Ray r 5258 Denny ai N Hol*Sunset 2-3697 Day k Xight call * Sycmor 3-2188 r 1018 S Mansfld av.WH ltny-9172 Thompsen Bélier 1617 S Arlington av.PA rkwy-1388