Telephone directory : Los Angeles extended area ()

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1036 UNI-UNI United States Government (Continuai) Treasury Dept Coast Giiarii 812 N Spg HA dsn-7411 Customs Service Appraisers Stores 1361 Factry pl.MU tul-7251 Collector uf Customs 111 W 4tii.MU tul-7251 Customs Agcy Scn 312 N Spg.MA dsn-7411 Customs Agcy Setv 312 N Spg. MU tul-2432 Internai Revtrrac Bureau of Alcohol Tai Luit 312 .\ Spg. .MA dsn-7411 Collector of Internai Revenue 939 S Bdway. MU tul-7381 General Coutisel Field Représentative 312 N Spg. MA dsn-7411 Hollywd Er Ofc 1615 Wilcs av.GR nit-5S46 PasaOfc 2S1 E Culradu*Svcnior 6-59S5 Intellieeiice Unit soc ial Agts 939 S Bdway. TUkr-9281 Internai Revenue Agent in Charge Inromc & Estate Tas Audits 312 N Spg.MA dsn-7411 Internai Revenue Agt in Charge Income k Tas Audits 1615 N Wilci av.GR nit-7840 Techuical Staff 417 S Hill. . Ml chgn-8411 Procuremeut Division 1206 Saniee.RI rhmd-1281 Publie Health Ben 312 N Spg. . . MA dsn-7411 Secret Serv 312 N Spg MA dsn-7411 State Ace ts Ofe 1206 Sautée. RI ehmd-1281 War Dept L A Ordnanee Région 1151 S Bdway. PRspet-0809 Orgalllzed R'-serves II S Army 312 X Spg.MA dsn-7411 Recruiting Son Armv 406 S Main. . MU tnl-6828 U S Engnr Ole 751 S Figroa Ml clign-8451 Dayton Av Bridge Dayton av Bridge. CA ptl 1-5234 Dayton Av Tuniiel N Av l!l . . . .CA pli 1-5345 L A River Section 4 Dayton av Bridge. CA ptl 1-5022 L A River Section 4 Dayton Av Bridge . CA ptl 1-5222 lst Field Area Ofc 300 S Braud bl Glu . * Citrus 1-1127 From L A téléphones call.CH apmn 5-3147 Vernon Base Yard Warehse 2572 E 27th.LA faet-6694 2nd Field Area Ofc Brazil St Yard Lab Ofc 4600 Brazil L A.*Citrus 2-2578 Store Keeper's Ofc 4600 Brazil L A.* Citrus 1-2951 Supfs Otc 4C00 B:azil L A*Citrus 3-1011 Supt's Ofc 4000 Brazil L A+Ciirus 3-1069 Supt's Ofc 4600 Brazil L A*Citnis 2-2726 Warehse 4600 Brazil L A . -A Citrus 2-4720 3rd Field Area Ofc Sn Frndo rd West Gin. * Citrus 2-1107 From L A téléphones call.CH apmn 5-3101 US Graphite Co 320 E 3rd MU tul-3241 U S Guarantee Co SoCalifBrOfc 650 S Spring VA ndk-5107 U S Gutta Percha Paint Co 135 X L A.TR inity-07il U S Gypsum Co Main Ofc 816 W 5tb TRmty-9441 Roonng Div S430 Quartz at Kl mbl-1121 Warehouse 7005 Stanford TH rnvtal-2222 U S Hand Print Textile Mfj Ce 726 S Sta Fe av.TR nity-9388 U S Hoffman Machy Corp 414 W Pico bl.PR spct-2245 US Hôtel 627 E 5th MA dsn-6451 U S Industrial Chemicals Inc 2030 Biy.TH nity-1738 U S In» Co Rovvan bldg TU cker-7824 U S Land Co rl est 40B1 Laurel Cnyn bl N Hol.* Sunset 2-4803 U S Lime Products Corp 1840 E 25tb Vrnon.AD ms-4134 United States Lines Company 715 W7th.TR nilv-8261 U S Machinery Co 707 E 6 lst AD ms-11787 U S Mattress Co See Co-Operative Maîtres'. Assn 7111 McKinley av. PL snt 1-1139 U S Mercantile Co 354 S Spg TU l;r-5279 U S Métal Products Co 6200WHmlngtn.LA layte-0911 U S Motors Factnry 2"0 E Slauson av. CE ntr>-2926] U S Natl Bank 756 S Spg TR nity-8431 U S Natl Oil & Gas Leasing Co 70fi sllill.TU kr-8387 U S Oil & Royalties Co 112 W 9th . .TR inity-6385 United States Paper Co 3001 E Pico bl.AN gls-8251 U S Pipe & Foundry Co 417 S Hill.. .VA ndike-5166 U S Plating Co 1650 Long Bch av. . . .PR spct-6051 U S Playing Card Co 40S S Spg TU kr-4929 U S Plyvrood Corp 1030 E 15th PR spct-3013 U S Porcelain Enamel Co 4635E52nd dr.KI mbl-5104 U S Property Value Corp 433 S Spe. . .VA ndk-3624 U S Quarry Tile Co 734 N Hgblnd av. . .GR nit-0232 U S Roofing & Construction Co 6815 8 Bdway.TH rnwal-6851 U S Rubber Co See Samson Tire & Rubber Corp Affiliated With U S Rubber Co 5675 Anaheim-Tclgrph ni. AN gis 1-2121 U S Rubber Products Inc 7 96 S SnPdro.TR nlty-5161 U S Service Bureau 527 W 46th CE ntry-23566 U S Ser» Organizations 206 W 6tb VA ndk-4348 U S Sion Shop 1S17 W 7tl> EX pstn-9946 U S Slicing Machs 4 14 SI. A Ml chgn-2251 U S Sporting Gds Co 119 S Centl av VA ndk-7491 U S Spring & Bumper Co Fcty 4951 Magnolia Vernon JE frsn-5207 Sales & Serv 1124 S L A PR spct-3341 U S Steel Corp 2087 E Slausn av Vraon. LA faet-1171 Universal Co 1139 Wall. United Stales Steel Corp Suhsidiaries See Columbi; Steel Co 20x7 E Shuson av Vernon . LA faet-1171 Universal Consolidated Oil Co 417SHU1.MI clign-6411 U S Termite Control Corp Ltd Uniiersal Consolidated Oil Co Main Ofc 150 E Glnarm Pas PY rmid 1-1804 135th 4: Figioa.PL snt 1-2130 From Pasadena telepliones dial* Sycmor 9-3580 Universal Cottou Products Corp From téléphones served from the . PR spet-0930 Universal Ring Co Universal Fies Ring Distrs following exehs only Allimbra dial Opr for. . . . l'ail 4 64 Yenice bl.PR spct-5757 Universal Rug & Carpet Clng Wks 4905 W Jeffn blvd. RE pblic-6172 Universal ScafTolding Co 1060Lillianwy.GL dstn-9307 640 Hays Culvr Cty.* Ardmor 8-7S"77 Universal Screen Co 2S45 W Pico bl.RO chstr-0077 Universal Crcd.t Co 1206 Maple av. . .RI chmnd-5121 Universal Serv Co Inc 1701 S HiU PR spct.6384 ■ ' sal Sheet Mil Wks 2T33 W Pico.PA rkwy-1326 Glendle Universal Crédit Co Zenith-5714 16 N Marengo av Pas .* Sycmor 2-5 163 Universal Shoe Dressing Mfg Co Universal Créditas Assn of America , 1573 W Jeffn blfd. RO chstr-6249 315 Winona av Pas.* Sycmor 3-8373 Universal Shoe Repr & Clng Shop Universal Crusl er Co 3S17 S Sta Fe av. . JE frsn-7246 1713 N Vine. HE mstd-0672 Universal Custom Tirs 44S S Bdway ... MU tul-5822 Universal Sporting Gds Co .MIchgn-7545 Universal Détective Agcy Inc 210 W 7th.TU kr-6660 850 N Vermnt av . MO ragsd 1-9394 If no ans call RE pblc-4024 Universal Spray Co 363 7BlanchePas*Sycmor 3-7493 I Die C a. tu 15 Co Universal Star Mkt 2328 E 49th Vernon. JE frsn-6493 4304 Laukrshru bl N Hol.* Sunset 2-9371 Universal Discount Co of Beverly Hills Universal Stalionery Co 423 WaU. ... MU tul-5630 403 W 8th.VA ndk-8943 Universai Sténographie Serv See Gaynor Marie E Universal Divine Science Church 458 S Spg. TU kr-8S25 Beverly Hls 544 7 Wilshr bl YO rk-2424 NJMlywd 6722 I.aurelCnvn bl*Sunset 2-3721 SPasa 1425 Bank * Sycmor 9-4515 U S Tire Co distr 718 E Sth U S Tire Dealers Mutual Corp 796 S Sn Pedro. TR uily-5161 Un U S Tire Serv 799 S Centl av Ml chgn-7271 U S Tissue Converting Co 1848 W Washn blvd. PA rkwy-2555 U S Tel Co Inc dies 1045 Venice bl..EX psm-0649 U S Tool Co Inc dies 1011 E 61st AD ms-8141 233 S Bdway. MU tul-4916 ii„i,.r,a. cm,. & Extract Co U S Wrecking Co 2020 E Olympic blvd . VA ndk-4235 Universal Drawer Slide Co 30.1 K 3 2n! CE ;.try-23273 " Y * 1350 w Jeffn bl RO chstr-9626 United ÏÏSSR f}ïn« VL TtmV"" °-245 K"!™"*! r"9 V"iW • DR «'-9016 Universal Tai.ors & Clnrs "zfoi W 6 h'. .F* M-3534 United Steamship Co 90h s Olive TU kro324 Universal Dry Clng Co . Ilnimral THp Tn -n ^0 w Pir„ M fx min nsti j Mtas!* Ba" MfTcô"" ' *" *'80S3 ■-=--" & J!^'* »!!&t?!Sl «KSl Traders 1340 E «£ .Ï.V VA 2-7224 United Supp Co machy 6205 Wilmngtn av. Kl mbl-6491 Universal Elevator Door Lock Co Un t;d Ter.t & Av.ning Co Ltd 759NSpg.MI chgn-6291 1579 w jeffn blvd PA rkvry-4111 United Termite Control Ço •",„,. Universal Engnmg Co Ltd „ , t lî$i r VUSPl ^""jrîi'iHI 2369 E 51« Vraon. JE frsn-6151 United Transportation Co 3 700 S Soto. . Kl mbl-2181 universal Escrow Co «0*1 a va nivi' jîQ7i ^,nîversa| ^]eE AppI Co 4 20 Boyd VA ndk-3035 universal Trading Co Inc dry gds 330 SLA.VAndk-8971 Universal Elec Co ^ 1^ KaA, 231 S Bdway. TU kr-8591 2301 lus Hls dr L A . * Oifrd-o243 Unj(ersa| Transcontinental Freight Serv 1227 WUson.TR inity-5263 After 5 PM Sondais & IMidays call.TW noks-8954 United Truck Wrecking 10123 S Alameda. JE frsn-9403 United Tnicking Ce S46 Linden. . . Uniled Typewriter Co 4 24 S Bdway United Undemriters Ltd ins Universal Underwriters CUlm Dept 548 S Spg TR nity-5496 Cnderwriting Dept 3757 Wilsbire bl.FI tzry-2551 United Upholstering Co 7900 Seville av Hlg Pk . Kl mbl-5107 Universal Valve Serv 1444 Valencla . . .PR spct-1830 Universal Extract & Syrup Co Universal Venetian Bhnd Co i»aj 1359 W Jeffn bl.RO chstr-9626 3630 Calmenga bl. HO U'wd-6318 un^, ,tfî, Universal Film Exch Inc 19 nos Vrmut.RE pblie-3171 LnlverijI V-^'J1" b,hnd C\, , . . c ..,,„,., MU tul-7827 Unitersa| Fntff Co |nc 713WMîUchstrat.PL snt.5747 „ . . ,3,G3J> Calmenp bl L A.* Sunset 2-1212 ,.„„. Universal Finance Co 603 W Olympic bl. MU tul-4181 Universa, Washers Fctry Serv 6404 Holbwd blvd.HI lsde-4171 Universa| F|„ Rin„ Co 320 w picJ „,_„, cnm(i.54S1 918 S FIowr.TR nity-8631 Universal Flex Ring Distrs 464VeniccBl.PR spct-5757 L'un i.-U W .ier Heater Escb 901 Westn av Glu.* Citrus 3-1010 S Sn Pedro. Ml chgn-8417 Universal Window Co S32 W 5 th. . . . .MU tul-6306 Universal Form Clamp Co 535 S Clarence.AN gls-8204 Universalist Church 1373 S Alvarado. . . FE drl-5155 Universal Furn Mfg Co 1617 McOarvv.PR ospct-4068 Universalist church Thr. op Mémorial Universal Garage 1253 S Hoover EX pstn-1381 300 S Los Robles av Pas.-* Sycmor 3-43S3 rs University Apts 3507 S Figroa PR ospct-7835 2457 Huutr.VA ndk-8136 University Barber Shop 4330 Melrose.OL ympia-9453 7th JE frsn-0854 University Beauty Salon 10909 Kinross av nited Vacuum Servie S S^S snV^l ^ ?° United Van & Storage Co 3160 W Olympic blvd. PA rkwy-056 United Vets of The Republic 24 55 Brooklyn av. AN gis 1-2553 Ûnfièrsal GÛiRar«e~Crj United Weldino & Boiler Wks 350 S Alameda. TU kr-1370 Universal G ■ Corp : United Welfare Fund United Jewish Weliare Ftind Universal Generators Exch Westwd.* West L A 3-3909 610 ïempl.MI chgti-0863 104 W Washn blvd.PR spct-0011 University Billiard Plr 700 W Jeffn bl.PR spet-6571 United Whsle Florists Inc 303 Wall TU kr-8757 Universal Hôtel University of Càliftrtrtl United Wire & Supp Corp 1 12 W 9th. . Ml chgn-8307 3875 l.ankrshm bl N' Hol .* Sunset 2-9542 Unitex Co Westn Div 6150 W 6 th. . . WY onmg-3968 Universal Hôtel Supply Co Unitt Samuel r 2612 Ross av AIh.+ Atlante 2-245 Unity Assemhly chtirrlr s 1 5 S Hill. Unity Center 119 S Kenwd Gin . . . Unity Center Hollywd 1615 N fhernkee Unity Cenler of Hollywd 1611 N Las Palmas ; 742 W lOth pl.RI chmd-5245 „MU tu'-5^49 Universal Ink & Adhesive Co r Citrus 2-5908 u36 E 60th.CE ntry 2-4835 ue j-rt.o Universal Institutiona! Church Center .HEmstdo048 3209 Griffltb av. CE ntry 2-1950 j ortert Universal Insulation Co of Calif 5950 Walker av. Kl mbl-1206 Unity Christ Church 70 7 Trername av. . WE »str-4095 Universel Interstate Freight Inc Unity Church & School 61 1 S Kmgsley. EX pstn-6626 .,rn1 <. .,..„„,., AnItK.f;iRi Unity Church of Truth 1709 W Sth ... EX ps„-6822 UninplJ, Jojnt Euh ^ ^bLPR sp™t-00?l Unity Library & Classes , Universal License Plate Mfg Co See So Calif 11 ., r^r = scBf <\y * Bev Hls.* Oxfrd-4 801 p|ating Co 44 44 Sunset bl.OL mpia-2901 Unity Mutual Life 4 Accident Ins Co Universal Liquor Stores 702 Vine Hl lsde-6675 .. „ _ , . lUil S Bdwav. Rl chtiiiiJ-5204 Universal Liquors Inc 102.1 Mlkiilm! av.HI lsde-6095 Unity Temple of Christian Healing Universal Litho & Stationery Co 423Wall.MU tul-5630 2120 S Union av.PR ospct-6750 Universal Lithograph Co 1117 Santee. Rl climd-0138 Unity Tmth Center 19 W Main Alh*ÀUant« 2-4932 Universal Lithograph & Printing Co Unity West Coast Hdqtrs See Christ Church Unity 1117 Slnlee ■ chmd-0138 70 7 Tremaine av .WE !i;tr-4095 Universal Lorain Crâne Co 3817StaFe at.JE frsn-7246 Universal Athletic Sem Co Universal Mfg Co 1465Linio!n a.I"iis*Sycmor 4-1337 5919 S Bdway.TH mwal-4731 Universal Marketing Co 746 S Centl av.TR nitv-8394 Universal Atlas Cernent Co Universal Match Corp 1031 S Bdway. .PR spct-0861 714 W Olympic blvd . PR spct-8148 Universal Merchandise Co 1015 S L A.PR spct-7373 Universal Auto Parts SS07 S Alameda. .JE frsn-5882 Universal Métal Products Ltd Universal Auto Repair Co 641 E 61st.CE ntry-23975 University City Corp rl est 1253 S Hoovr. EX pstn-1381 u^sai Meter Co 1001 E 8th TR inity-6345 8321 Lincoln hl. OR egon 8-1055 Universal Auto Salvage Co Universal Microphone Co Ltd University Clnrs k Dyers 8123 S Alameda. JE frsn-3694 424 Warren lne Inglvd.* Orchrd 7-4216 867 E Washn Pas.* Sycmor 7-621 1 Universal Auto Wreckers 10618 SMain.TW noks-0143 FYom L \ téléphones rail OR e»nU 8-1030 UniHrs,tl' c,ub of L A 614 S Hope. .TR inity-8651 Universal Barber Shop Universal Milling Co 4560 E 49thVrnon.JÊ frsn-5158 ''nifersi'v Club of Pasa 4005 Lankrshm bl X Hol .* Sunset 2-7.14 II Universal Music & Radio Co 175 X Oaklnd av Pas.* Sycmor 3-5157 Universal Battery Ser? 403 8 Boyle av. AN gls-8521 1 1 20 S Main . PR spet-9232 University Ureorh Clnrs 10920 Le Conte av Universal Blind Co Universal Venetian Blind Co Universal Newsreel 6314 Yucca GR nit-3109 Weslwd . * West L A 3-7255 3635 Cahuenga hl. HO bwd-6318 Universal Oil Burner Co Behrsin University French Laundry SOI 7 Melrse av.WH itny-4364 10920 Le t onte av Weslwd .* West L A-372 Ail Académie Administrative Studeot Offices and the University Library of the University of Califnrnia at L A 405 HUgard av Westwd. . .* West L A 3-0971 From L A téléphones call. . . BR adslrw 2-2171 From Beverly Hills téléphones caU.*Osfrd-1071 Los Angeles Offices Extension Div 815 S Hill VA ndk-2401 From téléphones served from Pasadcna exch only Dial Opr for Ienith-2401 L A Médical Dept Dispensary 737 X Bdway MU tul-2436 8tate Médical Library 742XBdway.MI chgn-6695 W A Clark Mémorial Library 2205 W Adams.RO chstr-5925 Other Offices Elementary School 725 Woodruff av Westwd .* West L A-33666 Xursery School 725 Woodruff av Westwd.* West L A-34212 Mira Hersbey Hall 801 HUgard av Westwd Office * West LA 3-6516 Kitchen * West L A 3-4442 University City Corp Edison bldg TR nily-5514 Universa' Brassière & Justrite %12SHiU.TUsr.8902 Uni,«.s,| OH C«P 510 S Spg Ml chign-7671 tniversi.y GaraSe 11619 WÛte bM , j e Corset Co Universal Paint & Vamish Co ... .. „. . _ bawteiie.* nest L A 3-st>3i ït^J^^5090 Universa, Paper G^ll'o^^X^I ^JoTt^., Sawtelle . * West L A-3 1 1 0 1 Universal Button Fasteners & Button Co Agcy 937 Maple av. TU kr-4973 Universal Permanent Wave Co Universal Buyers Inc 3316 E Olympe bl . AN gis 1-4741 Universal Buyers Inc 3316E01ympc bl.AN gis 1-7681 Universal By-Products Co University of Hollvwd music 1508 Cross Rds of Wrld.GL dstn-5663 University Hospital & Clinic 3S28 Hughes av Culvr Cty.* Arilmor S-2155 ITroia L A téléphones call AS hly 4-2194 Casting OIBce Universal City N U0I.ST auly 7-1331 University M E Church S 17 W 3 4th. . PR ospct-2613 ou-S S Gramcy pl.TW nok^-545S Universal Pipe & Susply Co University Malt Sbop 11363 S M blvd Universal Cabinet & Fixturt Co ii23 E3rd.TU kr-2597 7U0 L slauson av CE utry-25332 Sawtelle.* West L A-36841 Universal Caméra Corp 0058 Sunset bl.HO lywd-7133 nnirersal i>ouitrv University Pharmacy Webb University l'harmacy "—al Carbon & Ribbon Co 3 779 Cahuenga bl N Hol.* Sunset 2-2606 Iway . MA dsn-5548 Universal Piclures Companv lue Universal City X Hol.* Sunset 2-2171 From L A téléphones call ST anly 7-1211 . MUtul-syis universal Press prntnc ISSiWWashn bl.PA rkwv-9089 University Press r.WH itny-2357 & Ribbon Co 34 6 S 1 Universal Carloading & Distrbng Co „ , , p Agcy 700 N Fairfas 11 i r.î2-uubW"S'ln TR ",ll>-5263 Univea-sal Printing & Lithograph Co Universal Carpet & Rug Clng Wks 1117 Santee. Rl chmd-0138 4905 W Jeffn blvd . RE pblc-6172 f nivcrsal Products Co Unjversal Casing Co_5131 Avait» blvd. ^AD ms-8452 113s E Hvde Prk bl Inglwd .* Orchrd 7-4550 3501 S Figroa . PR spct-9444 il Chemical Co 2034 Ray TU cker-2604 universal Radio Serv Universal Clnrs 4 Dyers 1379 E Colrado Glll.*Citrus 2-6732 3883 Lankrshm bl X Hol.* Sunset 2-2838 Universal RwOTding 00 See Universal Microphone Universal Clng & Shoe Repr Shop Co Ltd 124 Warren lue Inglwd .* Orchrd 7 1713 X Vine. HE mpstd-0672 Universal Refrigerator Fctry Serv Universal Cloth Cutting Mach Agcy 918 S Klowr.TR nitv-8631 University Research Labs 407 E Pico bl.PR spct-3708 816 S L A.TR ntty-2327 Universal Rigging Co 438 E 3rd MU tul-3018 University School 985 E Calif Pas* Sycmor 2-2181 5039 Himtugtn dr Xortb.CA ptl-7795 University Prufessional Bldg inv 1093 Broxtu av Westwd.* West L A 3-3650 University Religious Conférence 3601 Univrsty av.PR spct-3565 University Religious Conférence UCLA 10845 Le Conte av Westwd.* West L A-31148 4210 University Religious Conférence Junior Collège 4665 WUloivbrk av.OL nipia-9876 !