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* Désignâtes Téléphone Outside Loi Angeles Exchange. Ail Subscribers Should Consult Pages 6 and 7 of Information Pages for Instructions for Plac: Wallace F H r 634 W 35th pl RI chmd-8920 Wallace M P r 2129 BJway H'tlout n JE r n-4072 «Wlaee t H Mil Wallace M S Co pmtng ... ,. . ,r 114(1 l'ala,la6" '<! Gin.* Citrus 2-0657 3974 S Grand ar. PR spct-1891 Wallace F J r 7 5s '.. Héliotrope dr. MO rngsd 1-0698 Wallace Mabel Hogg Mrs r 674 S June. . VO rk-5723 Wallace Fannie W Mrs Wallace Mabel W Mrs r 640 S OnUKJ pLFE drl-9326 .„ „ „ S Westn.RO chstr-4629 Wallace-MacNair Co Ltd Ins H8WTth.NI chgn-8776 Wallace Florence r 2625 Pasa av. .. . CA ptl 1-1526 Wallace Mae Mrs Wallact Frank D r866Adelaide rjrPas*S»coor 4-2489 r 6522 Héliotrope » Bell. JE frsn-8673 Wallace Frank Earl r 3422 Stockbrdgc.CA pli 1-6565 Wallace Mfg Co pmch swings Wallace Frank S 583s Mettlr . CE ntri 2-9613 r 110411; Camarillo N Hol.* Kunset 2-9187 Wallace Margaret M Wallace Frank S , 1317 N Fajr Oaks ai Pas.* Sycmor 7-1534 ,., ,, J A64^ l mlh} AItdn«.*Sjxinnr 7-3224 Wallace Margaiet M r 1289 W 4 th. . . MU tol-5458 Wallace G M r 332 G Oxfrd av FEdrl-5232 Wallace Mary C t 2612 Ellemlalc pl. RE pblic-6822 Wa ace Geo A rS4 4 N Catalina Hs*Sjt», 1-3139 Wallace Mary Luana r 037 N Windsr bl.GL dstn-2454 Wallace George S r 1029 Maryland. . . .MA dsn-2824 Wallace Mattie Louise elir soi pr Wallace Geo W . 1125 W Slst PL sut 1-4243 „.,« g „ „ VA ndike-4964 Wallace Cordon r 1743 '4 N Bronsn av.HI lsde-4014 y..,,... Matli. Loui.„ „ „ Inln Wallace Gcrdon C r 1462 4 S .Wio,,R0 chstr-8255 ï ! ■ j , m „ mAaIi Sa" qSS l "6 Tower dr B" WE bstr-7384 «» > < 25i ™. : : : : Ml™ r 520 S Los Robles ar Pas.* Sycmur 6-7337 W,a!,ace * "t6„ui" »" w 51ll MU ""1-2484 Wallace Groccry 1226 Bank S Pas.* Sycmor il9205 ,*a a" Meat.,Mï,ket :lus Btirl> bl.WA lnut-1275 Wallace II A r2057 Sn Paaqual Pas*Svcmnr 2 2(197 Wallace Meirill S r 3S03 S llill RI chmd-8715 Wallace H B r 3795 Peuker av PA rkwy-6401 Wallace Millei-Hyde Ci ibi 1 1 6W 8th.TR lnity-5156 Wallace H B Jack r54234 SraVista.GL aJston-2024 !,V;l],!'u'0 Wû D 'V.'H ."'ï'.s '' A*ArdTr S'J24i) Wallace H R lark Ir Wallace Milton rl 43. 4 NUsPalnas av.GR nit-6849 r 144 N Edii.burgh av . WY o„,ng-2205 «" Hilton ' ti4;!41 S""srt «■ •• ■ « H F r 1921 S Oxford RO chstr-4355 Wallace "'"""V^, sla „, „„,»,„, „«„ 712o Sla Fe ar Mit Pk . LA tayte-9354 Wallace Miiton Wine Mkt 6434 Sunset M . HO lywd-9463 Wallace Morgan rl3001 lmlellNIIol*Sunset 2-2462 Wallace Myra r 654 Dunsmuir ar. . . ,WE bstr-6342 Wallace H F r 1921 S Oxford RO chstr-4355 Wallace H S r S04 Stratfrd rd SPaa PY rmid 1-1935 Wallace Hallelt D r 712 S Pas* at Pas.* Sycmor 2-5572 Wallace Hdwe 4207 W Plco bl WA lnut-4103 Wallace Harold T r 1317 E Goldn at Cmptn .* Newmrk 1-4732 lValla<'c NeïW rl09 S Bonnie aiPas*Sycmor 3-9562 Wallace Harry r 1321 E 57th AD ms 1-3967 Wallace 0 S^°"A . , Wallace Harry P r 4316 Sth av VE rmt-1132 ,., ,, v,3-' i" trlld" rd Brbnk.* Iharlstn 6-947o Harry P r 4816 8th at VE rmt-1132 Wallace Harry S L r201 E Drvdn Gln*Citrus 2-2274 Wallace Helen r500 BElMolino alPaa*Sycmor 3-6791 Wallace Helen Mrs r419Imperial hw\*Iiowny 4-3082 Wallace Henry W lcksmth MichiUinda ai Pas.* Sycmor 2-1433 Wallace Oliver r452S Agnes a» .NHol*Sunsel 2-7197 4917 Lankrshm bl N Hol.* Sunset 2-3631 *a ate °sf ,hAd™3 * ZZ?ï\-}\ll\ Wallace Hobart r 6426 S Budlng av.. . TW .,-ks-S214 Wallace P E r 211 s \endorae FE drl-2064 Wallace Homer r 8203 Walnut dr LA (aet-9159 Wallace-Phipps Genl Agcy Inc 111 W JUi.TU kr-9201 Wallace Hortense F rS021 Blackbra av.WA lnut-1024 WalIace " A ' 329 w Emersn " Wallace Howard J rl64: N Sra U:,iti HE mstd-4950 ,„ , „ , Mntry Pk. * Atlante 2-2220 Wallace Hugh H r210 U HPoinsettia pl WE l.sir-6813 Walla" R B lnc m. SQ'„ B, k . „,,. Wallace Inez r 1714 N Ha, av GR nit-7783 R „„„ , i HL ^ ffl" Wallace Ivan E r 4319 Victoria av. . . . VE „nt-7088 *a *** 5 SS ' > <r o, o^ïï, j ' AL bW"4659 Wallace J C Mrs r 734 S New Hamp ar. FE drl-3634 ttallace 8 EruCe ' U27 IftS^S Atlantf , .,,„, Wallace J D & Co 2026 Sta Fe ai. . .Kl mbl-4763 Alhmbra .* Allante 1-2404 Wallace JE r 315 W 40th pl CE ntury-22074 Wallace R H Wallace J F r 1253 W 53rd VErmt-5405 ., „r 339./1,tw,i,lk'd,.a.' S" Gbrl .* Atlante 2-S018 Wallace J Gordon rl069S Sycamore at.WH itney-1971 Wallace R M Wallace Hdwe .... Wallace J H r 401 S Almansur AU,*Atlantc 1-2933 „, „ 0 .. , . V'0' W 1 ico b'-WA 1"«t-4103 Wallace J H rlS60 S EarleIinsmead*Atlantc 1-4344 Wallace R M Shell AuthDIr «•,n_ r k «ni1-. 2700 h Slausn m Hts l'k . JE frsu-9683 spiKe Wa||ace r s r 5429 S Vn Ness av . . . . VE rmt-6336 Wallace J L r 219 S lîeno. . . . FI Ur, y-3570 lValla" R & Sons sil.rsmths 811 W 7th.TU cker-9954 Wallace J Lester r2464 Lire Oak HlgPk.JE frsn-1058 *<M»* 'i3'"'1 L 'J ]\f X,n\l'ïs ■ * ,ij>™'Jr G-V,!'s Wallace J M ins New York U.Merwrittrs h» t'o *allace Ra|l"h aU>' "^^J*™?" 548 S Spg.MAdisn-1471 215 w 5U..MI euujo-3879 Wallace J R mfg agt 1500 S Hope. . . PR spct-0467 Wallace Ralph W rl est 5225Whittier bl.AN gls-9365 WallaceJT r 6414 Makee ar LA faet-1367 Wallace Ralph W r 6033 Gloucester.* Montblo-577-J Wallace J W r 924 N Aï 64 CL evlnd-65024 Wallace Raymonii Wallace Drus Co Wallace J Wiley Mrs 2114 Brooklyn ar . AN gls-8480 f 114 E Hts dr Alhmbra.* Atlante 1-2455 WaUace Realty Co 821 S Carfleld ar Wallace Jack C Alhmbra.* Atlante 2-6956 r 46524 De Longpre at.MO rngsd-19573 Wallace-Rice Inc sprtug gds 755 S Figroa.Tl) kr-1019 Wallace Jack fl r 2931 S Bronson ai. PA rkwy-0394 Wallace Robt Bruce Wallace Jackson S r 140s Maltmn ar.OL mpia-2850 „ „ '3» S Camdn dr Bei Hls. * Crsti» 5-6619 Wallace Jacque R rl 206 sor.ingeGr av WY .-mng-9993 Wallace Robt H atty Son Chas A Wallace Jacque R Shirlev Silk Co Inc 215 W 7th.TU kr-6696 819 Santee.TU kr-4411 Wallace Robt R r 5425 Sta Monica bl. HE mstd-2955 Wallace James Mac.Nair-Wallace Co Ltd Wallace Robert S i 2421 N Beachwd dr.HI lside-4581 215 W 7th. Ml rhgn-8776 Wallace Robt W r 3104 Altura CA ptl-8916 Wallace Jas r 1720 Fletchr av SPas.PY rmld 1-2322 Wallace Rose r 922 W 39th Rl rhmd-6807 WaUace James r 11931 Gorham ar Wallace Rosemary rl377 H Itldgewd pl.HE mstd-0746 Brntwd Hgts.* Weat L A-34569 Wallace Roy E r 533 E 33rd AO ms-4631 Wallace Jas S r 1429 S Vn Ness ai ... RE pblc-7225 Wallace Rupert E r 1361 OntarioPas*Sycmur 6-4957 Wallace Jas T r84 lSUsRobles arPas*S>cmor 2-2698 Wlllace Ruth Wallace Janet D r 6440 Orange WY i.mng-8321 r 10219% S Westn ar Moneta. * Menlo 4-1062 Wallace Jean D r 203 E Are 4 1 .... CA ptl 16375 Wallace Huth W r 228 S 101b. .* Montblo-1082-W Wallace Jim Weldon Mrs r23 14 Crnshw.RE pblc-6277 Wallace Ruthford J Wallace John r 9908 Grape LA fayte-7068 r 1509 8 Monterey Alh.* Atlante 1-6732 Wallace John r 1219 W 6tb MU tul-3765 Wallace S lies rl est 322EI ruotr l'as*s*cmor 2-5018 Wallace John B r 3144 La Suiida dr. .GR nit-2582 Wallace S r 914 Brfftatl Pas.* Sycmor 7-4 67 7 Wallace John D r 216 N Irrlnt oltd. . .GR nlt-5447 Wallace S L r 1318 W 51st VE rrnt-3885 Wallace John H r 5703 Virginia ar. .HE m<td-1887 Wallace S Wm r 721 Echo Prk ter Ml ehgn-5676 Wallace John K r 24 51 Venice bl RE pMr-4238 Wallace Sadie r 122» E 42uitpl AD ms-4027 Wallace K C r 5061 Amhrose. . . .MO rng-dc-11086 Wallace Scott I r 5734 Hareourt a» ... VE rml-0870 Wallace K E Miss r 629 S Serrano av. EX pstn-1588 Wallace Sheldon T r 2021 Longwd av.WY omng-4976 Wallace Katherine Dr r 111 E 51st. . .AD ms-5835 Wallace Sipn Senr 602 S La Brea ar. . WE bstr-6346 Wallace Keith C r 1 705 S Genesee. . .WH ltney-8140 Wallace Skeen r 832 W 55th TW noks-2789 Wallace Kenneth C ofc Kendon Petroleum Cn Wallace Stella C r 2914 Glenhurst at . OL mpia-7412 430 S Bdway.TU kr-3617 Wallace Sterling r 908 E 52nd CE ntry 2-8720 Wallace L r 1741 N Normandie ar. ..OL ympla-4883 Wallace Sue C Mrs rS49 E Kensngtn rd.MI chgn-7929 Wallace L D r 4408 Orchrd ar CE ntry 2-1690 Wallace T A rl32 E Indigo Cmptn *Newmrk 1-3083 WaUace L G Wallace T M Mrs r 1134 E 4 6th. .CE r -20736 r 2115 N Raymnd at Altdna.* Sycmor 7-7022 Wallace Thos C r 1912 W Olympe bl. . . DR eil-1976 WallaceLGr 1476 W37thpl PA rkrry-3902 Wallace Thos G Wallace L N r 6117 Piedmnt ar. . .CL evld 6-3280 ' 1315 Romulus dr tlln.CH apran 5-1759 Wallace Laura r 2643 M mmouUi at. . Rl ehmd-3739 Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp Wallace Laura Mrs r 129 S Flotrer. ... MU tnl-1856 2311 E 8lh.TR nily-8575 Wallace Lawrence L r 5038 Denker ar. .VErmt-6988 Wallace V E r527 I Ellis ai lngl»d*Orchrd 7-4731 .OLmpia-6172 Wallace V W r 220 W Myrrli Cmptn*N'ewmrk 1-2678 Wallace Veda 0 r 1949 Bentley ai r 5061 Romaine. NO rmndv 2-2496 Westwd . * Weat L A-32985 Wallace Lilly B r 1024 Palm ai Wallace Venu r 1070 Clendon ai Sn Gbrl.* Atlante 2-1396 Westwd.* West L A 3-8618 Wallace Lou r 119 E lllth PL snt 1-3155 Wallace Viola r 1007 S Bonnie Brae . FA irfai-1933 Wallace Lou J r 1060 E Hermosa dr WaUace W B r2019 Casa Grande Pas*Sycmor 4-4462 Sn Gbrl . * Atlante 1-4372 WaUace W B Veatch Roodng Co Wallace Luella r 3104 Waltn ai RE pbk-5346 816 S Mayo ai Cmptn.* Netrark 1-3733 Wallace M Miss r 6068 Fayette. . . .CL evlr.d-65416 Wallace W C r409 COrneU dr l:rtir.k*Cliarlstn 6-6127 Wallace M C r 425 Muséum dr CApitol-9231 Wallace W C r 1137 S Hooier FE drl-5480 Wallace ML r 7553 Oaktrd ai WH itny-3949 Wallace W G r 1520 Ingraham EX pstn-1892 ng Calls Outside Their Exchanges. WAL-WAL 1059 Wallace W G r 2021 ïrar av. . . 77 .TgL (lstn 6043 Waller Frank r 3654 Ruthclen PA rkwy-2830 Wallace W G r 4912 4 Melruse ai Hl UJe-3509 Waller Ga'lan 4 r 1 -..;s N..rwalk ai.. AL bauy-5544 W/!!a" W, !! î.241 '4 N l"ti'mBl bl "I ll*d-"?5 Waller Glenn L r 4506 W 63rd UN rsty-4483 Wallace W H Mrs r 625 QuaU! n WE Waller Hans J r 3013 Grand Wilnut Pk.LA faet-6820 Wallace WJ 417 S HU1 TU kr-2632 Waller Harry sales books Wallace W J r 6912A RIta ai Hte Pk. . Kl mbl-1088 1650 S Centl «i.RI climd-2207 Wallace W J Mrs r 500 N Ar 50. . .CL eiliiJ-65584 Waller Harry B r 3851 Doiier ai AN gls-12848 Wallace W M r 14 7 N Boylstn MU tul-3796 Waller Horace N r 2 1 1 S llamparl blid. . FE drl-2730 WallaceWO r 4109 Marathn OL mpla-8022 Waller r 1835 W 25th RO chstr-0854 Wallace VVP Waller John r 54 E Holly Paa. ..* Sycmor 3-937 1 ' -.?Ï6„N 1,alr 0aks Pas-* Sycmor 7-9523 Waller John A rl 55 S F.lm dr IMHI<*frstïW 1-1308 Wallace W T Mrs rl345 Hayunluirst ilr.GL dltn-0715 Waller John II r 810 Mi«n S Pas.* Svernor 9-58 7 4 WallaceWWr L83 N McCaddo pl. . . WA lnnt-4375 Waller John Vernon Wallace W Woodson atty Macdunald J WisemaD r 823 N Hayurth ai . WA lnut-4111 lliggins bldg.MU lual-8146 Waller John W r 10 29 S McBride ar.AN gis 1-5935 Wallace WalterErl4EWoodwrdAlh*Atlantc 1-0201 Waller Julia Mrs Wallace Walter J » r 30 S Falr Oaks at Pas.* Sycmor 6-6009 I 1209 N Granada Alhmbra. CU mblnd 3-1462 Waller Laurence J 60 1 ■ . S New Hamp ar.FE drl-6202 Wallace Wilbur H r 435 N t'ommwltli.OL yrnpia-0743 Waller Laurence J r 2337 TalntaJse. NO -6229 Wallace Willard W atty 453 S Spg. . .TR nity-1082 Waller Loreru M Ml) 1 680 N Vine. . . HE mstd-1842 Wallace Willard W r 2136 Adair Waller Lorenz M UD r 161S N Vlsta. . . Hl hde-5540 Sn Marinn.* Atlante 2-3698 Waller Louise S Mrs r 222 S Rampart bl . FE drl-1075 Wallace William r S144 Coral pl Sgate.LA faet-2857 Waller M B r 4929 3rd av UN rrsty-0631 Wallace William r 206 W 88th pl PL snt-5457 Waller Maurice J r 33164 Stocker ar.VE rmt-3945 Wallace Wm A r 2 7 51 Cochran ar YO rk-0772 Waller N B Mrs Wallace Wm D Dr 3S73 Wilshîre blvd. . FE drl-0116 r 925 Manzanlta ai Pas .* Sycmor 6-5668 Wallace Wm D Dr r 3364 W 9th FE drl-2375 Waller Norman Wallace Wm E r 1840 N Berendo. .MO rngs.l 1-6678 ' 8125 Sn Carlos at Sgate.KI mtil-6842 Wallace Wm F r 2800 Haven CA ptl 1-6061 Waller Onin r 1822 W 77th PL snt 1-1960 Wallace William H r 1610 West blid.WY nmng-3950 Waller Roy A r 103 s Kdgernnt FEdrl-2541 Wallace Wm H Waller S H r 4430 4 Bums av OL mpia-7861 r 1406 4 S Westmrlnd ai. FI tzrv-2348 Waller Sadye Mrs r 320 S Manliatn pl. . DR eil-4080 Wallace Wine Shop 2719 W Gth FI tzry-0758 Waller Strerlisli Massage Parlor Wallace Yost D Pac Church Entelope Co 624 E Kelso Inglwd . * Orchrd 7-3867 30 N Mentr at Pas.* Sycmor 2-7 191 Waller W M r 1 4 2 N Alenndrla av FE drl-4582 Wallace Zella Mrs r 3506 W Plco bl. . PA rkwv-0396 Waller Walter R r 3445 W 58th pl. . . UN vsty-2915 Wallach A r 3021 Blanchard AN gis 1-3947 Wallerman 11 C r 1S1 Pico Pas. ..* Sycmor 3-7626 Wallach&Co soap 633 1 Hollywd bl . HO ly»d-3521 Wallers Ann r 722 S Altarado FI tnry-0784 Wallach Eduard Multiplex Display Kixture Cn Wallers Edna I Mrs 355 S Rdv.ay.TU kr-5836 r 6107 Wllca ai Maywd.LA faet-1454 Wallach Eduard r 6250 Del VaUe dr . WE bstr-4552 Wallerstedt Gust Harold Wallach I AMD r 3521 4 8th ar. RO chstr-3648 Ofc 1303 S Verront ar FI tzry-8364 Wallerstedt Hal C r 1725 4 Miramar. . FI tzry-8665 Res 1 109 S Genesee WA Im.t-8914 Wallerstedt M E If no ans eall DR esl-8141 r 20s S Palm dr Bei Hls.* Crstvvr 5-0514 Wallach Irving S r" 1 1 N Elm dr BevHls*Oxfrd-3595 Wallerstein B H r 133 N Laurel av .... YO rk-5903 Wallach J Fredk Wallerstein Nat r 4632 St Charles pl. . .YO rk-3419 r 2505 Sta Rosa at Altdna * Sycmor 7-6440 Wallerstein Robt r 450 N Kossmor av. HE msld-9805 Wallach Lewis r 725 N Breed AN gls-17565 Wallerslein-Srere Co ins 215 W 5th. ..Ml chgn-8696 Wallach Richard L Wallttt Julius H r 1153 Forest Pas*Sycmor 6-2316 r 945 Cabrillo dr Gin.* Citrus 1-S002 Walley & Davis attys 403 S Spg Ml chgn-1808 Wallach S M r 1200 S Hoover FI tstry-9222 Walley J J atty Walley k Darls Wallack & Ross Inc disply frtrs 408 S Spg. Ml chgn-1808 742 S HU1.TU kr-7541 Iles 336 N Genesee WY omng-8034 Wallack Stanley F r 1309 2nd av RE pblc-7476 Walley Kitty r 336 N Cenesee WY omng-8034 IValla.l Sheet Métal Wks Walley Léo J r 1011 Tremnt AN gls-7794 8947 WPicobl LA.*Crstvw 5-7702 Z,,ySlUX ' 7^-r.s MariP0S11 « FE drl-9129 Wallage Victor L Wallgreen Drug Co Ltd 4 4 13 W Allants. RE pI.lic-3474 r 8176 Southgte av Sgale . JE lrsn-3928 Wallgreen Drug Co Ltd 1065 8 Bdway. PR ospct-9454 Wallander Arma r 1026 W 61st TW noks-8520 Wallgreen Drug Co Lld Wnllander Henry 6161 W Picn bl . BR adshw 2-1951 r 422 W School Cmpto.* Newmrk 1-2456 Wallhaus Geo H r 1435 S Wonster . *0x(rd-5764 ^',if%JW.,r,4,°j:L:,nari' Be" K""W1|88 WallhauserEEr 1721 S Harvard Mvd.PA rùy-6472 W alla E I r "35 E m""** ' *Dol Wallich Anna Mrs ' ^ * L<«"«™-EX pstn-1532 Va â M T r'o-9 V. W Al'hambr. 'rt Dw">-44j-° Wallich F R r 1501 s Ilay.orlh av YO rk-4230 WallarMT r ..94 W /^ba™bra fd Wallich Labs 514 W Olympe bl PR spct-0611 Wallbank T Walter r SSSRlhr^r'nA, m l\ ,' WallWt Marie r 1421 6tl> Alh. . .* Atlante 1-0694 Wallbank T Walter r 5528 Marburn at . UN n t -8842 WaMichs G|cnn BoUrvd „,ml. „, Mus,c Rec(lldu,g VAiidk-^108 S|ui|j0i 5205 non,»,] bl.GL dstn-8633 W'ITuv*. n hl Pl t„. nui Walliehs Glenn r S904 Uorringtnn at . * Oxrrd-5805 „hn r •) i ol n™™J .r. f ' SD,-°147 Walliehs Glenn 4 Co radios Wallden E John r il 25 Orange rGr » Main ofc 1637 Itar a, Hl lsde-5680 Walldorfl J 0 r 117 V, N r^mrose'* Main 0fc 1037 "ar " Hl W«-9615 Walldortl J 0 r N PrimrMe Br ,88J B„ M,d WH itny.gl7g Alhmbra.* Atlante 1-2316 Walliehs Oscar Mrs Wallem Edith Greene IXir.s press Shop r 4244 N Kingsley dr.MO mgsde-13823 WalUnAI.. , IMItu âtZtJl. SS^Ia^ Wallick Dorothy r8949 SnCarlos Sgate.LA faet-8722 Il n a » r itl fi wm„ „î S*!' Wallick E P r 6435 Passaic lltg Pk . . LA faet-6435 Wallen Alex r 821 S Wlltn pl EX pstn-6041 Wallick's Radio Svrv 4 Refrio Wallen Bennett drugs 2549 W 6tb. . . .FI tzry-1534 1 8 0 6 Eeho Pk a, MU tul-6867 Wallen Bennett r 1 724 W 43rd pl. . .VE rmnt-5690 „.,.,«„„ r B 30 " " tul"6867 WallenDrugCo 2930 W Pico blvd .. PA rk»y -6431 t.,.,,„„. . . n» ., Wallen Drug Co 2601 W 7th DR eil-1426 r 2240 Westmnstr at Alh.CU mblnd 3-1798 Wallen H 0 r 10 26 S Orange Gr av YO rk-3694 y} „ }ù „' A r 5 3 " 5 f aklanil ' CA nltn VdS7« Wallen John Victor r SOO N Rampart bl.FI tm-6049 S î u S rT I w th , n<?^ winS l,„ ', }806ï Micti «n-pï. : : ::un Sg-iw! SjS \L L'A*iiï Acr ■ „«vî fi??! Wallen Margaret r2Sll (ilcnvvd pl Sgate JE tran-6410 ? toFJrishî LV.^ t8b'-9179 Wallen Stella r 2811 Marathon FE drl-5913 F Jr & Staff advg agcy Wallenberrj Ernest A r 9194 W 4th.TU cker-2736 „.,„:„, „ .. 3SI 6 ,'" h,lîdFJJ'}-$&° Wallendorf Crescentia C r2937W Av33.AL bany.3253 S " M °w '.' TZ ^ a", ' "7?^î Wallendorf L H Mn 315 W 9tb TU cker-1538 ï MaVr 3 S Fasini'a'v iL , uTAl} Wallendorf L H MD r 1 426 Point Vw.WY liralng.4749 5 ^ w"r' \\ [ [ ;WY f^gf g Wallenius A W r 611 South Obi. . .* Citrus 2-7700 Wallin Vernon W r 152 w T 1 st PL snt-6393 Wallenrus A W Car & Genl Ins Corp Ltd Wallin W Mrs r 31 7 W 33rd Rl chmd-3470 548 S Spg. TU kr-5224 Walling Anne E Mrs r 427 S Hope. . . Ml chgn-0451 Wallenius John r 329 E 85th TWlote-8631 Walling Ben F r lit N Orlando at . .WH itney-9373 Wallenstein Anna Mr; r 128 W 83rd.TH rn»al-7389 Walling Ben F Co rl est Waller AL r 10007 Otls Soutbgate. .LAfaet-6514 517 N La Brea av WA lnut-1121 Waller Albert L r 1328 W 64th. . . . TW inoks-2688 Walling C L r4033 W 106tb tnglvd*Orchrd 7.-7" Waller B D r 316 W 31st PR mct-2570 Walling Dean Waller Betty M Mrs r 1452 S Nurtn ai.RO chstr-8592 r 11333 Berwck Brntwd Hts. * West LA 3-9924 Wa 1er Carroll r 6523 S Sta Fe lltg Pk LA faet-5301 Walling Emma L r 5021 Franklin av. NO rmndy-5949 Wa 1er Ce Ha r 456 Cochran ai WH ltny-6416 Walling Fern r 3917 S Hill Rl chmd-3551 Waller E L r 640 Old Riier rd. . .* Domey-43851 Walling Geneviève R Waller Eddy C r5725 Elmer 31 NHol+Sim-l 2 Tl'oI r 2"1 N El Mnlino Alh + Atlante 1 7S17 Waller Edward r 2506 E 2nd AN gelus-5012 Walling Geo E Alh.* Atlante 1-7817 Waller Electric 203 N Dotrney at. . .* Dovrny-4101 r 501 Vallombrosa dr Pas.*Sycmor 2-4336 Waller F Dr r 719 S Bet Clen blvd Walling J Leslie r 3357 Cassen pl CA ptl-4651 Westwd.* West L A-32738 Walling Jack W atty Waller Frank r 1214 S Ford bl AN gis 1-3940 317 W Main Alh.* Allante 2-5936