Telephone directory : Los Angeles extended area ()

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: for Placino Calls Outside Their Exchanrjes. -*• Desionates Téléphone Outside Us Anjeles Exchanoe. i-jjCii, *jîî"snubscriJLePShould 6 and 7 of Info™. ,on Paoes or I stru l •i.j.e.Wr «VI A r 1,0,1 Wn,s i*. Wolfer William ,l32ÎFst Andrew, pl. RE Pb!lcS714 Wolfram min J r « «.ne » «»-^ '&-4SS7 0 pTfcir M«« Wolfer Wm jr r 4124 S U Salle. . .UN trstr-9836 Wo fred H lf « S Cent! »••■«" Wollenshlaocr John r21 15 Crenshaw bl.PA rkwy-3735 Wolfer s C»l"Pr»«r.S»Pj C Kp Wolfrom Earlt H dntst WY omng-7171 Wolleson V N Miss r 7U12 Ttta a,*.TH rnwal-9908 Wolfert N r 241 S Cat.lin. ...... .FE .dr •6444 117 9 ^Palrte »■ W^J.^J wclloram Paul R r 1139 W 27th. . .RI chmnd-9781 œ^.ï^ï^îr^œ^ ;Sp2;l^rlfc.,a,R0eU-7120 Mfc M ^ , Z\ïrtsTMa^^WM!'*a-3.103, ^ ™ ^35 N Ve™, a, NO «.nd, 2-2713 ^ yj*'»^— Wolff Àmold'r 6602 St Francis ter... GLdstn-0020 Woltrum uiesier t „. MO rngsd 1-4036 Wollman A r 885 BrWlBÛ AN gis 1-8364 Wolff Arthur Mrs r 1656 S Genesee. . -WA jiiit-7766 Li„uor Siire Wollman A E r 939 S Ogdeu dr.. . .W.I.iuey-1472 WoWArthurlCoaccts318W9th.....TUkr.6|37 Wolt s uquor siore^ a, . MO :ngsd 1-1904 Wollman A H r 6229 W 6th YO rk-S492 Wolff Arthur E r 1555 Elevado . OL mpia-5918 . , . -3r(j ffll>hr M. .Yo rk-8772 Wollman Annette Miss . : Wolff BMrw 239 S Orange dr....JNYomnS-6396 "J. fc™ M Ec0,,omv Dr» Goods Store ^ r 485 % S Hart W ai .MU u 1-4034 Wolff Bert r 429 W 4th pl * Dooray-44153 ™°" L0U .,^s Uru„kbn „. AN d, 1-2080 Wollman B BTM 4C4 s Hartford a». . . MU tul-4471 Wolff CB r 167 S l'olnsettla pl YO rk-4027 Wo,rs Mkt 6G56 Sunset bl HO lywd-5S59 Wollman Bruno r 327 N Sycamor a». WA lnut-3691 Wolff Cari auto dlr Wolfs Printery S617 S Main TW noks-5049 Wollman H r 1 221 S Alfred. .. ... .WY "™S-1Z|6 9672 WUshlre blid Ber Hls.* Oitrd-bJ . 1 «™ E n •>■•■■:■; vldisnNIIoNkSuuset 2-7 791 Wollman Jack r 4 007 Exposition blvd.RO elur-1026 From L A téléphones call BR adshw 2-2711 ( f| yd E D , , Lab 3923W6tl1.FI tzry-1171 Woltean S M i • «00. UsedCarDept „ ' * 2 sheimer Relia r 4 29 N Ugden dr . . WH itm-3894 , 142 1 Woodruff ,t Westwd * West L A 3-0395 9373 Wllshr bl Be» Hls.BR adshw 2-2711 w km Edith 0 r 1 742 Westmrlnd bl.RE pblc-4873 wollman Sam r 307 N Itampart bld. EX |.u,i-n-|12B Wolff Chas A r 532 E Acacia ai tTlD*Cltrus 1-0413 , E| s r 40s N Qxtrd ai . . HE mstd-5608 h D rl234 S Creseut lits bl.WY omns-7557 Wolff Clarence H r 2511 Bdwiv lltg Pk.JE frsn-7749 JJorskill 4 Golden;on ursts „„„ Wollner Bert E r 1239 S Wcstlake ai. . FE drl-9762 Wolff Edna M nurs , Store No 1 132 W 6th TR nity-2469 Wollrich A r 8250 W 4th WA lnut-0842 r 2060 Eleanore dr On.* litrus s, No 2 143 W Stfa TR nity-2J69 MRU, sidne» r 4160 Rosewd ai. . .OL mpia-4355 Wolff Edward N r 12:12 W 9ïth . . . . TH I "iwal-576S ^ „ Herb(rt r gn9 Hillcrest. . UN "Sty-6825 Wo|man Max , e3(i ,Vhran a» . YO ik-2992 Wolff Effie D r 6370 Frankln ai ... . HEmstd-2068 Walfski|| Lou!s F r S31 S Windsor .WH itney-6746 Wolman Philip 4 Co :wirs 315 W 5th. .VA ndk-7106 Wolff Erich MD 2007 Wilshire blid »° '> s BuJ1 RE pblic-8839 Wolman Philip J r 122 S ftmoH av.WY om.ig-5496 u, ,ïkt ?r -issi/s FEPdï-0305 Wo on A L r 4446 Cromwell ai. .MO rngsd 1-1366 Wolman Tob» H r 408 Cochran ai. . . .WE bstr-5453 Wolff EthelC r o2b^ S bmano ai., .ftd.l wo soi u x A , 0L mpla.d358 Wolmer Alice F Wolff Eujene A r 18 7 HlUttit rd. . jLdi*n-7|16 » » sherldan. .AN gls-18777 r 389 S Fair Oaks ai Pas.* Sycmor 6-1411 Wolff Eugène H r 1461 38th pl -fA f-Viïli E S2r« ,1 Ut s'il s Bdwas . TU Vr-3212 Wolmer Walter G r 3923 V Vn Home at.CA ptl-8030 Wolff fZ W r 1491 Am PV^°STr?641 W B C IsS lit. . .VA ndk-9645 w ™ John D r 1M21 W ?4,h. . PL ,nt-0931 Wolff Fredily Jr r92S M L.n..Brlmk*C:.arWn «-3B41 Wo -o d. s Lo rl dr . .WA lmit-1540 Wolmuth Wanda r 315 R Détroit . . WEtatr-6/60 Wolff Gro.erC r 421 S Bereudo . .FEdrl-2283 Wo 0 aune Wolochow Richard M r 419 Cloirdlc av.WY onng-6742 Wolff Harry Commercial l m:orm lustre W«»son tsumeii ^ g g^ My tul.2221 Wo|csnin Asr0„ delctsn 639 s La Brea ai.YO rk-9384 52.5, pa rta ?Q45 Wollson Charlotte r 2922 ',.. Maple ai . Rl chmd-9587 Woloshin Aaron r 213 % S Hamiltn dr. . . YO rk-3803 Wolff Harry r 2850 Somerset dr ^^Vln^ Wol soi" Daî d »lr 610 s Hdwav VA ndk-4383 Woloshin B r 255 5 y2 Cincinnati. . ..AN gis 1-2895 Wolff Harry J r 5345 Sri ai ""t^l?!! Wo on Frank A 2315 E Uf<Ot. dr.HE mstd-5084 ^j?s,,m „ , „,„ n'.-oklyn », AN gelus-9508 Wolff Hermine r 1034 N Serrano ai . HO l>»d-6795 «o ison 215 w m .TUckr-2444 Wo|oshin Sam . 2557 Cincinnati AN sls-0797 Wolff Jack r 1525 3 7tb Alhmbra* Atlante 1-S46S JJJjgJS'î; w ss„, PL easnt-9095 Wolo»nik Abe r 2619 '/2 Victoria ai. .PA rkwy-5876 Wolff Jane S .. . „ . . 01Q, «jnlfion H r 'iO"0 Kd'clil dr RE pbk-5594 u/oloinik Morris rT 4 2 S "'d>imu>ll aï. AN gis 1-9846 W^fftl^G^WS;5.:^ K^fmKL^^H wlikNr 4281J.Hobartb,..^.yErm,-35!0 WOLWON 1113 "pA"rkw^-fil69 Wolfson Harold J r 123 N Vendôme FE drl-0633 wolownik Dave r 1242 S Huit ai ■ BR adslm 2-4562 nom JU»U. '•• D."cj.«v .m ,\ -4-7; Wolfson I Edward MD 3S75 Wilshr bl. EX pstn-5444 Wolpe Arthur S atty 510 W 6th Ml chgn-7804 Wolff Junia Miss rlOG S Bonnie Pas*S»cmor >.-74ib ™>»™ ".î, r ™ EX pstn-5444 wolne Arthur S r 8CTQ Drexel ai . . .WY oming-4890 Wolff Jos C r 40. , ^nts D»v"4 iS^iîn'. .". "TT. ~'. EX pstn-5444 wolpe Arttûr S r"6670"Drexei ai . . .WY oming-4S90 Wolff Kathryn R r l';28 W 840, pl .TW "j'--|0-j $ \ îf^g Kenmnr. ai FE drl-6432 Wol e Leon z MD 3S75 m M Wolff L R r 1220 Sanbom .1. . . . MO rngsd 1-2945 wo blid. HO lywd-7405 ""r1;,. i Night call DR fxl-6181 1% [Z MD îî lo7N8^f^biS^!:i969 WolSson M J ins_ 4^6 W «T. . . . . .TR ni,-5914 Wolpe MorrisL r 4962 Los Feliz b.MO rngsd 1-7655 1 mwm^mm s^i^^sii z^^^t^yi Wolper Norman r 363 N Croft ai WA lnut-3994 WH n. 7115 Wo on Myer r 3842 Arlnstn ai VErmt-3295 Wo|per Norman r .163 N Croft al. . . .WA lnut-3994 i " EX u r S5SS Wo son Realty Company 116 W 8th. ..TRnltJ-5914 Wolpert Fred r 1 534 5th ai «O ehstr-8157 l M ' DR exl-3244 Wolfson S H r 2S25 W Vernon a... VE rmt-2090 Wolper, Joseph S r 223 S Hoover. . . . . DR esl-7735 P^Vielr Ti -I™ Wolfson Sally r 3432 41H .1 RE pblic-3526 Wolpert Wm H r 1539 N Martel. .. ..GL dstn-3627 •^Éfi55fr52Sj !u,..tJiw 1RS0 N Vlne. . . HE mstd-6026 Wolph A L r 735 E S Ith TH ornwal-6260 Wolff Max J MD 2007 Wilshr bl Wolff Max J MD r 3 1 S S Kingsly Wolff Mrs rS95 N Wilsn a.Pas** cn.or i,-516| JJg" »»J ' » ' „ yine HE mstd-6026 Wolph A L r 735 E S4th. . . Wolff R r31S N Mariposa ai NO rmndy 2-2388 Wo Ifs " Saml « Mu l«_ + WiSt L A 3.5262 WolJin Harry Rosen & Wolpin Wolff Mitchell Mrs r 1.(3! ». Pirtia. -4682 [ » M « »' »P s Beulv Gin bl 6404 Hollywd bl . HO lywd-9808 Wolff Neia Mrs r 1253 N Fairfax ai HE m 1-4807 Wolfson Saml A "^J ^ West L A 3.5o62 c ^ ; Wolff 0 H r 162 S Sycomore a. . WY "mi, ï-8083 J lnut.710g " J672 Whittier blid. AN gis 1-6832 Wolff Prlscill. C Mrs r 623 South Gln*Ci tri, 2, 39 1 W. on Samue S m*Jffi» » WE hs,r.7959 ffokiefef Lyffian r43l XCatmelo Pas*S)cmor 6-222o Wol» Rail* E r 681 S Norton 0 1. . . . FI tjri j-o242 wo 0 borna . s 4 53 s 8pg ... MU tul-2221 Wolski Charles N rl 22SW Mancliestr.TH ornwal-3448 Wolff Ralph G Co rl est 6233 WUshr bl. . YO rk-2121 Wo on 4 SwMow aws 4^ ^ _ pE dr,.5gl6 ^ Edina ( g01 ^ E(]geïre rd MU tul.773i Wolff Raphaël G Inc photos îû,r-on Wm L r î "il N Allred WY .mns-7190 Wolski Grâce M Mrs 1714 N Wilton pl.GRn -6126 W l.son Wrn^ . ,tn s Cramcy pl.GR nit-3883 r 1037 Truro ai Inglwd.* Orchrd 7-2439 Wolff Richard r 434 1, S Nom 1 ai. . DR xl-5835 Wo I stein orna mrw ^n ^ tas Beach LA Wolff Rose Mrs r 1706 W 3 S th . . RE r^-3656 W^IW.«LH' W»0»» Vw.WY , ming-7519 Wolstencroft A r 375 1 W 5911, pl . . . VE rmnt-9170 a&V^W^vM-^ fe?aï»::tïS woi^h^e ^.^^^ H&S^'V'"ÏÏ,:97W ^^ïaV.^SîW 2-3236 Wolffe Harry r 4010 La ^H^^^.^^ Ï^,^ c^"' '* ^ Wolffe Laura Mrs r 2441 Exposition pl. VE rmt-2162 Wo m Jos N r nuirs 1-4?26 10612 Moorprk N Hol.* Sunset 2-2772 Wolffer H r 4227 W 62nd -VE tt;..-|o79 Wo n Nathar i 0 -^mer^ Pa9*Srèmo1 2-Ô53S If „o ans caU ■■ .* Sunset 2-3998 Wolfganj Ed r 5S35 S Bdway . . . TvV noVs-9093 ^ i^lb r L r 0100 S nsr 1,1 L A*0xf rdS 4 0 7 Wolt,r Eln,« J Weddington Ini Co M H Mrs r 584 N Ardeo blid. Hl Ude-4231 Wolto Albert bt 1 , w Lankrshm bl N Hol.* Sunset 2-3998 WolfgangPaulH rll041*Suns»t 2-1257 Wolto Bstlia 'Mn .BererlJ TOnirc i.514l Wolter Emmett D r 1401 SStli pl. . . .RE Pbjç-7673 Wolfgram Roy r 209 E 135th L A.* Menlo 4-1089 «g», "Jg s Normandie*. . DR «1-2017 W.lto Frank H r 2:î29 W 25.1.. . . PA rkwy-5632 Wo&% Wo I k Ben F r 1 233^ S Maripos, ai . PA rkwy-7653 Wolter Frederick C Wolter, toltyU^ cimis 2 32ge Wo "B0Brf052gmlppleNftoi.*s,lnSet 2-2738 Wolk Betgï|L|lcota „ Woetwd.* West L A-8S212 Wolter L C Office Appliauce Co WoUe E A r 1623 Virglni. ai Gin.* Citrus 2-1484 r _ . Mal m ai i sx tt ]sa-e.6931 6266 Hollywd bUd.CR nit-2171 Woifley C I & Co poltry suppls Ken Ma y C WoKtr L C rl 559 Dlomond S Pnsa.BL anrhrd .-1765 Wolken ntan L Hls.*Crstm 5-7986 wolter L C Jr r249 S Almnt dr Bel Hls*Oif d-900, Wolkino Henry J r 1321 R Edgemnt.MO rngsd 1-3220 Wolte Lucy Mrs r 901S S Sn Pedro. . . PL sm-4979 Wolkon II r 1417 Wybro »ai AN gis 1-9222 Wolter Mary E Mrs _,ln, Wolkolitz A 812 N Détroit WA lnut-8766 r 8919 H Barrtng «>oss._TW noks-3103 Wolkow MMdred r 603 Cochran ai YO rk-0850 Wolter Paul A Sr r 1702 W 85th. . .TW "'»'>-5565 •œVÀtlante 1-7079 Wolkoys Howard ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^RealtyC. ^M. 17 S Sycamorc ai. .WH ltney-6981 ... ,, (. L r 4Si westranunt dr. . . .*Crstiw 1-9970 wolter S Mrs . „t , . . 02 Mt Helena ai. . . AL bany-8032 ^yoll Frederick K „„„ r 643 N Hollywd wy Brbnk.* Charlstn 6-_,So T 10591 Blythe ai L A.* Ardmor 8-6602 wolterman Herman r 5238 Anus dr. . AL bnj-1078 Marathn NO rmndy-6651 wolters F E r 713 N Kinss rd WA lnut-4001 luclid ai Pas* 2-17S1 Woll„s (r F Corp Importrs 334NSnPedro.VA ndk-7966 ^11831 Vosé' N Hol . * Sunset 2-5735 Woifley Reuben Jas r 3941 Huron ai Cnltr Ctv.* Ardmor 8-6O6.1 Wolflin Besse Miss r 124K Winstn Su Marino.* ïvcm»r 6-790« Wolford Anne H Mrs r 222 Bosemnt bl Wollam Paul H r 461 N Magnolia bl Brbnk.* Charlstn 6--u.,. Wollard R D r 950 N Louise Gin. .* Citrus 1-loOi ' 404 N Campbell ai Alb.* Atlante Wolford W C r 2169 Balsam ai Wollard R D r 950 N Louise Gin. .* Citrus L-iouj ffoitou J D r30S3 Maiden meaiMna*Bycnior *-»»»» Westwd. * West LA-3 1,69 vVot Iborn M r 342 % W 79th PL snt-0739 Wol': Stella G Mr: r 1222 Polnsettia dr.H Jsde-1261 Wolford Walter A uuniih»inek A E r 327 N Oxford ai. . . HE mpstd-0638 Wnil7 «f,iter w r 953 Arapaboe FI tzry-ieo1! Woltnn ^ jtow pt ^ Atlantc 1-9822 Wolton J D r30S3 Maiden !neAltdra*Sycmor i-i""" " WolIborjM r 342% W 790. PL stit-u/iy Woli: Stella G Mrs r 1222 n.inseitia cr.n ^ -i^ Wollbi inck A E r 32 7 N Oxford ai. .. HE mpstd-0638 woliz Wa'ter W r 953 Arapahoe Fltzn-1664 r 696 Sta Ynez lne Sn Gbrl .* Atlante l--v'ji Wollbrinck Ben H Woltten Harold B r 1534 W 17th. . . .RI chmd-3944 — ™W* Mid, a, Paa.* Sycm. 3-4349 J ggi ^SP' " Vttiïl 1222 ^ !cH J*JlgS Wui,^^^M313riVSn^;aIdiWestwd * WestL A-33783 WWW» «îfShi-" «0 Uwd-3054 Wo.«r Martin L r 4922 Fountain av. NO rmndy-8712 WÔber Marliu 1. r 2M0U Wno Ir I. A*l'ulu I I. -Ml .1 Wollerine Tube Co br 1015 E 16tb. .PR osict-8326 Wolierton G L r 28 S Cnrdoia Alh.* Atlante 1-2781 Wolverton George r 2118 Luinlngton ai Westwd.* West L A 3-8072 Wolierton Myron E r 3900 E Flornee ai Bell. Kl mbl-3834 Womach Frances r 1200 E 75tb JE frsn-2859 Womack B F r 3146 W 7 5th PL «nt-4409 Womack Clay H r 4215 Lnwell OT. . . . .CA p -0639 Womack Franke r 035 N St Andrews pl-GR nit-9097 Womack John B r 476 W 4th *Downy-42331 Womack Lyle r 1009 B Hyde Prk hl Inglwd. OR egon 8-1691 Womack Pearl H r 686 S Perrano FI tiroy-1024 Womack Whyte r 4449 Cheiy dise •rl La Canada.* Sylm 0-1060 Woman's BeneM Assit 191S W 7th . . EX pstn-2922 Woman's Christian Tempérance Union of So Calif Headqtiartcrs 301 N Bdway TU kr-6865 Woman's City Club 2404 W 7th. . . . . EX pstn-0103 Woman's Club 7»5 NOHte »vltrbnlt*riiarMti O-OR18 W.imai/s Club of Dowtley lst * Downy-43452 Woman's Club of Hollywd 7078 HoUywd.GR nit-8301 Womans Club of Huntinoton Pk 6828 Rugby ai Htg Pk. JE frsn-9762 Woman's Club of N Holywd * 5629 Vinelnd aï N Hol.* Sunset 2-2430 Woman's Club of South Pasa 1424 Fremnt ai S Pas.* Sycmor 9-9309 Woman's Dream Brassière 4 Corset Shoppe 3457 W 6th.EXpstn-4216 Womans Exch ul Bei Hills . j^'à 9489 Sta Monica bl Bet Hls.* Oxfrd-4812 Woman's Exchanoe Hollywd art 1711 Whitley at.H0 11ywd-9394 Woman's Foreirjn Missimary Society M E Chuich 125 Marchessault.MU tul-7638 Woman's Home Missicnaiy Society M E Church 125 Marchessault.MU ml-S628 Woman's Hospital 744 Fairmnt Pas.*Sycmnr 3-6887 Woman's Hôtel Co 605 S Flower TR nlty-2244 Wombacher L A r 513 6 Maywd ai AL bany-5125 Womble G H Jr Mrs r 3927 Flowr dr. .RI chmd-7546 Womble Sid H Standard Carment Clnrs 5250 York blid. AL bany-9333 Womelduff C G r 3952 Coodwn aiLA*Citrus 1-3903 W'omelduff Henry G r 1 338 5th Gln*Citrus 2-4375 Women of the Pacific L A Dii 424 S Bdway . TU ckr-8121 Women's Apparel Shop No 1 3318 W 54th.VErmt-7519 Women's Athletic Club of L A 833 S Flower. VA ndlke-2441 Women's Auxiliary Calif Babies Hospital 1414 S Hope.PR spct-4011 Women's Diseascs 4 Maternity Sen 445 E Adamsblid.RI cbmd-3063 Women's Hygienic Bureau 756 S Bdway. VA ndk-7607 Women's Médical Specialties 6318 Sn Vicente M. YO rk-1114 Women's Specialty Shop hosry 231 M Brand bl Gin.* Citrus 2-7478 Women's Uniiersity Ciub Main Ofc 9 13 S Ilooier DR ed-2022 Goest Serrice 948 S Hooier DR «1-0862 WomensWear Daily 704 S Spg TR nity-5656 Women's Wilshire Athletic Club redu.-ing 5364 Wilshr bl.WE bstr-7121 Womer R P r 3147 HIU Walnt Pk. ...Kl mbl-8842 Womersley Ed r 5 13 N Madison av. MO rngsu 1-1815 Womersley Herbert r 2024 Cambridge. PA r'.:wy-0338 Womersley Kenneth G ilB53Bi.iv ans H.O.'i i-ty-3411 Wooa«tt M B r 545 Palm dr «TU. .* Citrus ?-M»l Wonder Alice Beauty Préparations Lab 1103 W Sta Baril av.REiiblc-3204 Wonder Bakery See Continental Bakinij Co 9340 Sta Monica hl Bei Hls.BR adshw 2-273S Wonder liakinc Co !-ce Conlinental Baking Co 9340 Sta Monica blvd Bct Hls.* Oxlrd-bll8 Wonder Beauty Salon 6423 West bl Inglwd.* Orchrd 7-3040 Wonder Candies & Pastry Sbop 1710 E Colrado Pas.* Sycmor 3-5821 Wonder Chas J Dr 520 W 7th VA noike.4441 Wonder Clnrs 4 Tirs 3S14 Berrly bl. .EX psln-8926 Wonder D N r 526 Union dr DR oxl-^062 Wonder Dress Co 342 S Bdway VA nds-2513 V nd.T Flouer Gardons 1 143 S Sn Gabriel olïd Sn Gbrl.* Atlante 2-5217 Wonder Food Mkt 8609 S Bdway. . .TH ornwal-2683 Wonder Food Market Grocery Dept 281 N Hawthorae bl * lhwthra-724 Meot Dept 2S1 N llawthnnie blid* Hawthrn.723 Wonder Food Mkt 9S9 S Westn ai REpblc-9401 Wonder Food Marshmallow Co505W62.TH rnwal-4800 Wonder Jack Mrs r 140 N Edgeware rd. Ml ohign.6897 Wonder Joseph M r 5407 Lemon Gr ai._. GR mt-8208 Wonder Léo r 4616 S Sn Pedro CE ntnry-225/9 Wonder Mkt 135 S Marengo ai Pas.*Syrmor 2-9173 Wonder Uarket Wonder Super Market 1985 W Adam. blid. PA itwy-7048 Wonder 0 D Rev , ' r 465 N Cypress ai Brbnk.* Charlstn 6-88 7« Wonder Prcduce Co 620 E 9th VA ndk-4303 Wonder Shoe Store ' 251 N Brand bl Gin.* Citrus 2-7111 Wonder Shopping Tenter Finkel S Lasarow 135 S Marengo ai Pas.* Sycmor 2-91 1 .i Wonder Super Market 1 985 WAdams bl.PA rkwy-7048 Wonder Super Market 9131 W lllvmpic blid Bet Hls.*Crstlw 1-5251 Wonder Super Mkt Fir.kel & Lasarow Inc 1900 M Hghlnd at.GL dstn-7193 Wonder Super Mkt Delicalessen 1900 N Highlnd ai. HE mstd-0338