Television digest and FM reports (Sept-Dec 1945)

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WHAT PHICE TV AS3B FM? It*s still too early to calculate, v/ith any decree of exactitude, .just how much TV and FM installations and operation v/ill cost. Equipment prices aren’t yet available, most now used being parent -plant made. But a bit of guessing is possible on basis of reported costs of some of the TV and FM stations already on air or projected (Supplements No. 1 and 4). GE can’t separate all costs but estimates it has spent upwards of $860,000 on its Schenectady TV installation thus far. NBC-RCA and CBS haven’t any TV plant cost figures, but DuMont’s reportedly cost $125,000 (with $126,000 more to be spent on its new Wanamaker studios) ; Balaban & Katz’s, $169,000; Zenith’s, only $20,000. And Don Lee, counting what it has already spent in its pioneer TV experiments, is budgeted for $1,500,000 for its Mt. Wilson project, the Milwaukee Journal $175,000. As for current monthly operating costs for TV, the only figures thus far reported are: NBC $66,235; CBS $25,000; DuMont $25,000; GE $12,500; Balaban & Katz $11,000; Zenith $10,000 .... and, remember, their stations are not yet on fulltime schedules. As for FM, existing operators have had varying cost experiences, evidenced by their figures reported in Supplement No. 4 herewith. These range from only fev; thousand dollars installation cost, usually absorbed by AM operation, to the $500,000 Maj . Armstrong has spent thus far on Alpine. Here, too, there are as yet no standard cost figures — but it is evident that FM installation will cost only a fraction of TV, quite apart from operating costs. Soon we’ll report on the 500plus FM applicants and what they have told the FCC they think (guesswork at best) their plants and their monthly operations will cost. It can be told now that, including his Alpine investment. Inventor Armstrong has spent some $850,000 of his personal funds on FM development. HEW CHAJINZL ASSISHMENTS: Reassignment of present TV licensees (see Supplement No. 1) from present operating frequencies to new 44-85 and 174-216 me. channels is next big order of business, according to FCC plans. In general, changeover will follow same procedure set for FM broadcasters as announced by Commission Sept. 4, although spotting of TV channels is more complicated due to adjacent channel interference and limited number of frequencies available. Sept. 4 announcement informed 46 FM licensees that their individual frequency assignments would be given them by mail. Sometime next week the list of~ specific channel assignments to these "ins" will be released. (We will publish list so you can add to listings in' Supplement No. 4 herewith.) Equipment tests have been set for Dec. 1 and program service on new channels by Jan. 1. Permission to operate for interim on both old and new bands until upper channel receivers are out (hoped for by Christmas) was given, as well as operation on reduced power until transmitter materials and equipment available. The seven CP holders in FM were to be told what their frequency assignments Copyright 1045 by Ra,dio News Bureau