Television digest with electronics reports (Jan-Dec 1957)

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. 4 Personal Notes: Merle S. Jones, new pres, of CBS-TV, left Jan. 31 for “get-acquainted” visit with west coast officials of network and affiliates; he was accompanied by CBS pres. Frank Stanton, programming exec. v.p. Hubbell Robinson Jr. and information services director Charles lOppenheim . . . Wm. Paley, chairman of CBS, currently vacationing with wife in Montego Bay, West Indies . . . Richard L. Freund, ex-NBC legal dept., joins ABC as director of labor relations, assuming duties of Mortimer Weinbach, now v.p. & gen. counsel . . . Gene Accas resigns as v.p. & operations director of TvB to rejoin ABC-TV as administrative officer, with special assignments in adv., promotion, research & sales; Jason Rabinovitz promoted to administrative officer in charge of financial & business matters . . . John R. Sheehan, ex-Cunningham & Walsh v.p. & TV-radio director, joins TvB in sales capacity . . . Dr. Thomas E. Coffin promoted to research director of NBC’s research & planning section; Allen R. Cooper promoted to director of corporate planning, James H. Cornell to staff asst, for program planning . . . Edward J. Montagne promoted to new post of exec, producer for all CBS-TV film operations, reporting to Harry Ommerle, v.p. in charge of TV network programs, N. Y. . . . Robert B. Hanna Jr. resigns as mgr. of GE’s broadcasting stations dept. (WRGB and radios WGY & WGFM, Schenectady, N. Y.) to become gen. mgr. of GE’s industrial heating dept., Shelbyville, Ind. . . . E. Wm. Farneti promoted to asst, to George R. Dunham, gen. mgr. of WNBF-TV & WNBF, Binghamton; Ronald Maines promoted to operations supervisor . . . Bennet H. Korn, sales v.p. of WABD, N. Y., appointed v.p. & station mgr., succeeding Ted Cott, who continues as vp. & gen. mgr. of WABD & WTTG, Washington . . . George Ing promoted to engineering director of KONO-TV & KONO, San Antonio . . . Keith B. Collins, mgr. of radio KFBK, Sacramento, promoted to sales director of all McClatchy stations, replacing Leo Ricketts, resigned . . . Herb Jaffe resigns as v.p. of Official Films; Leonard O. Fischer, gen. partner in N. Y. brokerage firm of John H. Kaplan & Co., succeeds him as a director . . . S. L. (Stretch) Adler, exScreen Gems, Crosley stations & Ziv, named national sales mgr. of Guild Films . . . Virgil (Buzz) Ellsworth, exMercury International, named mgr. of MGM’s TV commercials dept. . . . Florence Reif promoted to supervisor of religious programs & educational features, NBC Radio, succeeding Mrs. Dorothy Culbertson, now a producer on NBC’s educational TV programming project . . . Arthur Perles resigns from CBS publicity dept, after 18 years to become director of press & publicity of NBC subsidiary California National Productions . . . Stephen Strassberg, publicity director of WABC-TV & WABC, N. Y.. promoted to asst, press information director of ABC; Heyward Ehrlich, ex-CBS Radio, DuMont & MCA, succeeds him . . . Lawrence Turet named promotion director of WITI-TV, Milwaukee . . . Bruce Johns resigns as promotion director of WTVN-TV, Columbus, 0., to take similar position with WCHS-TV & WCHS, Charleston, W. Va Jay J. Merkle, ex-Dumont Network & Armed Forces Network, named director of operations & sales service of newly formed Closedcircuit Telecasting System . . . Larry Wynn, ex-sales mgr. of WABC-TV, N. Y., joins sales dept, of WATV, Newark . . . Charles S. Wright named a partner in A. D. Ring & Assoc., Washington consulting engineers . . . A. Harry Becker, Washington TV-radio attorney, moved Feb. 1 to Wyatt Bldg. (Executive 3-3003) . . . Gus Trevilian promoted to local sales mgr. of WSLS-TV, Roanoke . . . Robert A. Huelster promoted to local sales mgr. of WCCO-TV, Minneapolis . . . Miss Rae Hargrave promoted to SMPTE publicity director, replacing Sue Grotta, resigned. Obituary Jim Shott, 61, publisher of Bluefield (W. Va.) Telegraph and Sunset News (WHIS-TV & WHIS), died Jan. 26 of heart attack. He was first W. Va. newspaper publisher to enter radio, buying WHIS in early 1920s. In 1937, he managed successful campaign of his father, Hugh Ike Shott, for Republican nomination for U. S. Senate. Jim Shott was also a former Republican State Chairman and a member of National Republican Finance Committee. He is survived by his widow, 5 sons, a sister & brother. Herbert Mayer, who gave TV one of its most phenomenal success stories, on Jan. 22 gratified long-cherished ambition by opening new World House art gallery at Hotel Carlyle, 987 Madison Ave., N. Y. Applying for TV stations when many veteran broadcasters declined to take the risk, he built and operated WXEL, Cleveland (Ch. 3) and KPTV, Portland, Ore. (Ch. 27), later sold them with his TV coil manufacturing operation in New Rochelle, N. Y. to Storer Broadcasting Co. for some $10,000,000 (Vol. 10:2,44). Mayer’s wife is an artist and he has been seriously interested in art since early 1930’s. World House specializes in contemporary works from all over the world, displayed in uniquely designed settings. Gallery was subject of article in Jan. 22 N. Y. Times, is being featured in Time and Newsweek magazines, among others. Maj. Robert Cranston, ex-chief of First Army’s radioTV div., N. Y., named chief. Army Radio-TV Branch, Washington, succeeding Maj. Thomas C. Clagett, reassigned to NATO duty in Norway. Maj. Cranston is son of George Cranston, gen. mgr. of WBAP-TV & WBAP, Ft. Worth. Walter Cronkite, CBS newsman, received “Silver Medal Award” of Philadelphia’s Poor Richard Club Jan. 29 “for his consummate skill in editing the news on the air and for his poise in performing this exacting task in full view of the audience.” Sir Richard Boyer, chairman of Australian Broadcasting Corp., arrived in N. Y. Jan. 30 for indefinite visit in U. S. Sylvester L. (Pat) Weaver Jr., ex-NBC chairman, is expected to open offices at 430 Park Ave. in mid-Feb. for his new enterprise, which will include program packaging, consultation and other services to broadcasting. Neither the exact scope of his activities nor identity of his associates could be determined, but persistent (though unconfirmed) rumors were that he would be joined by Broadway producer Mike Todd and ex-NBC v.p. Frederic W. Wile Jr. Edward R. Murrow received Navy’s Distinguished Public Service Award — highest recognition of civilian not employed by Navy — from Secy. Charles F. Thomas in Pentagon ceremony Jan. 30. He was cited for originating “many network TV programs dealing with Navy subjects,” resulting in “highly favorable atmosphere for Navy & Marine Corps public relations & recruiting.” Programs include “Revolution in the Navy” show on See It Now last Nov. 18. Hunt Stromberg Jr., who resigned from ABC-TV in Los Angeles 8 months ago, serving with CBS program development dept, in Hollywood since then, reportedly will rejoin ABC-TV as top-level programming executive, under James T. Aubrey, new v.p. in charge of programming. E. R. (Curly) Vadeboncoeur, pres. & gen. mgr. of WSYR-TV & WSYR, Syracuse, received Distinguished Service Award of American Cancer Society, N. Y. State div., Jan. 28 in Syracuse.