Television digest with electronics reports (Jan-Dec 1957)

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THE AUTHORITATIVE NEWS SERVICE FOR AAANAGEMENT OF THE VISUAL BROADCASTING AND' ELECTRONICS ARTS AND INDUSTRIES MARTIN COOEl, Editor and Publisher '-ALbERT warren. Senior Editor ^-ROBERT CADEl, Business Manager OAVID LACHENBRUCH, Associate Editor GERSHON FISHBEIN, Trade Reports Editor Editorial Associates: Paul Stone, William J. McMahon, Jr. ^SE ONLY rr'REr.:ovE from with Electronics 1/ Reports PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY RADIO NEWS BUREAU • WYATT BLD6. • WASHINGTON 5, D.C. • TaEPHONE STERLING 3-1755 • VOL. 13: No. 6 SUMMARYINDEX OF THE WEEK'S NEWS — February 9, 1957 NATIONAL AIRLINES wins Miami's Ch. 10 over objections of Sen. Monroney & Rep. Celler. Congressional probes and protracted litigation presaged (p. 1). DEINTERMIXTURE for Fresno & Evansville voted tentatively by FCC, Madison to remain unchanged. Show of hands on Elmira & Albany due next week (p. 2). FCC "LEAKS" bring new procedure— announcement of majority's "instructions to staff" in major docket cases, indicating decisions contemplated (p. 3). TV REPRESENTED 12.6% of all advertising expenditures in 1956, increase of 22.4% in year, according to mediaby-media report. Radio gains 4.8% (p. 3). NO ANTI-TRUST IMMUNITY in FCC grants. House staff study concludes. Magnuson renews plea for allchannel receiver tax exemption (p. 4). AT&T LOWERS CHARGES for off-air TV pickup service in new tariff schedule inauguratfing "regular service"; reduction to present customers is 17% (p. 6). WILLISTON, N. D. due to be served by KUMV-TV starting Feb. 9, though 162-mi. microwave to Bismarck won't be completed until April (p. 6). WESTINGHOUSE PONDERS deeper plunge into contract and private-label TV production. 1956 TV output placed at 7,387,029, retail sales 6,804,783 (p. 9). ADMIRAL'S EXPANSION moves include construction of 150,000-sq.-ft. addition to TV-radio-phono plant at Harvard, III., establishment of credit subsidiary (p. 1 1). EMERSON MEETING marked by squabbles as stockholders and pres. Abrams debate company's poor showing in last fiscal year. Improved earnings cited (p. 12). AIRCRAFT & ELECTRONICS firms overwhelmingly dominate list of companies with biggest research & development contracts, as published by House committee (p. 13). DECISION ON SALE OF WMUR-TV, Manchester, to Storer delayed by engineering question. Step-up in translator activity sees 14 new applications (pp. 8 & 14). NEW ANTENNA SITE sought by WSM-TV following unexplained crash of new 1262-ft. tower, killing 4 construction workers; engineers examining wreckage (p. 8). NARTB BOARD approves public relations expansion, recommends change of name back to NAB. TV code board to step up monitoring in 1957 (p. 14). MIAMI CH. 10 DECISION A CAUSE CELEBRE: Climax came this week in one of hottest TV fights on record — for Miami's Ch. 10 — when FCC issued final decision giving CP to National Airlines' Public Service TV Inc. Vote was a decisive 4-1-1 — Comrs. McConnaughey, Doerfer, Lee & Mack forming majority, Hyde favoring L.B. Wilson Inc., Bartley WKAT, Craven abstaining. Fourth applicant was North Dade Video Inc. Contest produced most vigorous & overt attempt of Congressional intervention to date — without effect. Sen. Monroney (D-Okla. ) , chairman of Commerce C.ommittee's aviation subcommittee, had sought strenuously to forestall grant to airline; so had Rep. Celler (D-N.Y.), chairman of Judiciary Committee. Last-minute petitions by airline's opponents were also brushed aside by FCC. Early this week, WKAT challenged airline's financial qualifications, calling attention to pres. G.T. Baker's testimony before CAB that if Northeast Airlines were permitted to compete on N.Y. -Miami run it would "ruin National Airlines." WKAT went on to say airlines, entitled to govt, subsidies when in financial straits, shouldn't be permitted to operate TV station — rates and profits of which are unregulated. Commission ruled that WKAT's petition was much too late. Furthermore, it said: "It is clear that nothing in our Act expresses or suggests a prohibition against an airline or a corporation owned by a regulated airline holding a license from the Commission. The corporation is state chartered. No argument is made that its legal power is defective under local law. We are not cited to any provision of the Civil Aeronautics Act which would preclude a grant or to any administrative or court decision which would support a disqualification of Public Service TV Inc." Eastern Air Lines made last-act try. It said reason CAB gave Northeast N.Y. -Miami run was that National was unable to meet its responsibilities; that plan of National pres. Baker to spend 75% of his time on TV station was "shocking" ; that COPYRIGHT 1957 BY RADIO NEWS BUREAU