Television digest with electronic reports (Jan-Dec 1958)

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TV Sel Distribution Updated: Insatiable demand of TV industry for fresh circulation figures was met again last week by Advertising Research Foundation and Nielsen in form of county-by-county set distribution estimates as of March 1958. Full tables won’t be released to public until Sept. 15 or shortly thereafter — but whole report has gone to all members of ARF and Nielsen subscribers, plus underwriters of the report — NAB, TvB and the 3 networks. Current report shows 84% of nation’s households have TV — 42,400,000 out of 50,540,000. This compares with 72.8% two years ago — 35,495,330 out of 48,784,600. Regionally, West showed greatest increase, 17%; South, 13.5%. Northeast and North Central sections maintain highest saturation— 90% and 88%, respectively, i Only portion released for publication now is a state-by I state and regional breakdown. It’s repi’oduced in next column, with comparable breakdown of previous report, which was as of March 1956. In Sept. 1956, we reprinted entire county-by-county breakdown as a 10-pp. Special Report — copies of which are still available (at $1 each). Data is derived from Census Bureau’s broad estimates — U. S. and regional only, which showed 83% of U. S. households TV-equipped as of Jan. 1958 (Vol. 14:15). ARF has taken Nielsen’s subsequent surveys and the Census report, calculated estimates in the current report. It covers most of nation’s 3073 counties individually, presenting the remainder in “clusters.” It includes a “Table of Standard Errors,” indicating probable deviation from results obtainable by a complete census. NBC’s Share-Cost Plan: “Rather good response” by sponsors and station affiliates to new “3-for-l” fall program promotion plan was reported this week by NBC-TV, which proposes that all share cost of newspaper curtainraiser ads in 60-100 markets. Spokesman for network, confirming trade rumors that plan was in works, told us I that commitments for 16-18 ads (% paid for each by sponsor, station, NBC-TV) already have been signed, that I “almost every client” approached so far agreed to pai ticiI pate. NBC-TV assumes all program promotion costs for 0-&-0 stations. Canada’s Bureau of Broadcast Measurement has I elected George S. Bertram, adv. director of Swift Canadian I Co. Ltd., as its 3rd president in 15 years; also named Ross I A. McCreath, All-Canada Radio & TV Ltd., v.p.; Frederick L. Wood, General Foods Ltd., director. Reappointed as chairman of research & development was T. Ralph Hart, Spitzer & Mills Ltd. Charles L. Hoffman continues as BBM exec. v.p. TV staging & production costs are covered in Advertising Dndget & Cost Control, published recently by Assn, of National Advertisers, 155 E. 44th St., N. Y., as Vol. IV I of 7-vol. AdveHising Management Guidebook series. First I 5 books in series will be made available to non-ANA memf bers following publication soon of Vol. V, Agency Relations. “Spot TV Advertising Cost Summary No. 23,” for quick estimating of spot costs in 1 to 242 markets, plus formulas for estimated spot budgets, has been issued by The Katz Agency. NTA names foreign reps: David Yaffa, Yaffa Syndicate, Sydney, Australia; Akim Shimizu, Pacific TV Corp., Tokyo; Felipe Ysmacl, Manila, Philippines. TV Ownership by Regions and States (1958 vs. 1956) Third Nielsen Coverage Service Report Released by Advertising Research Foundation SPRING 1958 Total TV % Total TV % Homes Homes TV Homes Homes TV NORTHEAST . 12,863,800 11,599,870 90 12,859,800 10,548,160 82.0 New England 2,917,900 2,634,880 90 2,949,800 2,374,400 80.5 Conn. 692,600 627,930 91 688,800 565.490 82.1 Me. 259,400 226,950 87 263,200 188,510 71.6 Mass 1,449,400 1,31£,920 91 1,474,200 1,212,460 82.2 N. H 165,900 147,470 89 164,200 124,510 75.8 R. I 245,300 224,190 91 249,800 213,390 85.4 Vt 105,300 89,420 85 109,600 70,040 63.9 Middle Atlantic 9,945,900 8,964,990 90 9,910,000 8,173,760 82.5 N. J 1,685,600 1,535,310 91 1,672,100 1,404,970 84.0 N. Y 5,012,600 4,526,020 90 5,011,400 4,139,470 82.6 Pa 3,247,700 2,903,660 89 3,226,500 2,629,320 81.5 NORTH CENTRAL . 15,154,900 13,294,940 88 14,816,100 11,630,760 78.5 East North Central .... 10.549,500 9,483,240 90 10,232,500 8,463,740 82.7 Ill 2,992,800 2,683,800 90 2,983,300 2,445,000 82.0 Ind. 1,376,000 1,223,380 89 1,348,000 1,073,630 79.6 Mich. 2,266,400 2,042,580 90 2,148,000 1,805,000 84.0 Ohio 2,802,000 2,561,850 91 2,670,500 2,328,000 87.2 Wis. 1,112,300 971,630 87 1,082,700 812,110 75.0 West North Central 4,605,400 3,811,700 83 4,583,600 3,167,020 69.1 Iowa 834,000 734,600 88 830,600 635,180 76.5 Kan. 673,400 530,800 79 688,900 435,330 63.2 Minn. 956,600 805,170 84 929,200 661,450 71.2 Mo. 1,341,400 1,153,150 86 1.332,500 973,720 73.1 Nebr. . 432,800 349,200 81 433,100 290,390 67.0 N. D. 170,300 115,540 68 169,900 84,400 49.7 S. D 196,900 123,240 63 199,400 86,550 43.4 SOUTH 14,423,800 10,817,410 75 13,723,000 8,440,010 61.5 South Atlantic .. 6,597,300 5,117,690 78 6,179,800 4,030,450 65.2 Del. 120,100 108,030 90 108,300 92,960 85.8 D. C. 246,800 221,500 90 253,000 209,990 83.0 Fla 1,226,700 946,380 77 1,089,900 687,440 63.1 Ga. . 998,100 743,320 74 948,900 584,880 61.6 Md 823,100 716,260 87 748,700 607,820 81.2 N. C. 1,097,600 811,440 74 1,041,200 620,290 59.6 S. C. 586,900 423.090 72 559,500 308,190 55.1 Va 983,200 765,170 78 927,900 614,850 66.3 W. Va 514,800 382,500 74 502,400 304,030 60.5 East South Central 3,159,700 2,178,060 69 3,072,700 1,655,700 53.9 Ala. 829,500 589,250 71 803,200 444,070 55.3 Ky. 831,500 584,090 70 811,900 463,810 57.1 Miss. 557,600 315,240 57 558,600 211,820 37.9 Tenn. 941,100 689,480 73 899,000 536,000 59.6 West South Central 4,666.800 3,521,660 75 4,470,500 2,753,860 61.6 Ark. 496,300 327,740 66 509,600 234,610 46.0 La 845,400 630,570 75 804,400 488,110 60.7 Okla. _.. . 674,500 525,170 78 668,500 444,930 66.6 Tex 2,650,600 2,038,180 77 2.438,000 1,586,210 63.8 WEST 8,097,500 6,687,830 83 7,385,700 4,876,400 66.0 Mountain 1,857,900 1,371,690 74 1,715,100 882,560 51.5 Ariz. . 322,400 254,950 79 292,200 168,460 57.7 Colo 508,100 398,340 78 465,900 271,050 58.2 Ida. 182,600 130,940 72 173,800 87,570 50.4 Mont. 208,200 120.750 58 200,400 63,260 31.6 Nev. 79,900 57,000 71 71,200 33,010 46.4 N. M. 226,100 156,150 69 210,100 89,830 42.8 Utah 233,500 201,290 86 209,400 145,630 69.5 Wyo. 97,100 52,270 54 92,100 23,750 25.8 Pacific 6,239,600 5,316,140 85 5.670,600 3,993,840 70.4 Cal. 4,760,000 4.150,730 87 4,312,300 3,177,350 73.7 Ore. 585,300 437,420 75 537,700 285,550 53.1 Wash. 894,300 727,990 81 820,600 530,940 64.7 TOTAL U. S. 50,540,000 42,400,000 B 84 48,784,600 35,495,330 72,8 SPRING 1956 Filmsmitlis-TV', Witherspoon St., Princeton, N. J., is new subsidiary of On Film Inc., to pi’oduce TV commercials. CBS-TV Film Sales reports 56% increase in first quarter sales — $3,900,000 vs. $2,500,000 for same 1957 period.