Television digest with electronics reports (Jan-Dec 1959)

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(NYSE) RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA Capitalization Debt: $100,000.000 — 3% notes due 1970-74; $50,000,000 — 3%% notes due 1973-77; $99,995,100 — 3>/4% subordinated conv. debentures due 1980 Preferred; $3.50 cumulative, no par, 900,824 shares Common; No par, 13,848,696 shares Year Sales Pre-tax Earnings Net Profit Net Per Share Dividends Total Assets Price Range $ 586,393,000 $ 96,992,865 $46,249,865 $3.10 $1.50 $311,846,886 24 '4 12V< 1951 598.955,077 62,032,732 31,192,732 2.02 1.00 370,202.025 25 '4 16% 19.52 _ 693,940,522 67.362,399 32,325,399 2.10 1.00 432.252.051 29% 23 '4 853,054,003 72,436,778 35,021,778 2.27 1.00 493,624.720 29% 21 940.950,220 83,501.459 40,525,459 2.66 1.20 548,325,244 39 '4 22 >4 1,055,265,655 100.107,465 47,525,465 3.16 1.35 676,506,187 55 % 36 -Vi 1,127,773,541 80,074,245 40.031.247 2.65 1.50 690,557,138 50% 33% 19.57 1.176,277,371 77,048.794 38,548,794 2.55 1.50 720.772,768 40 27 19.58 ___ _ 1,176.094,398 60,441,749 30,941,749 2.01 1.50 734,285,722 48 ‘4 30 'A 19,59 (3 mo.) 321,816,000 25,831,000 12,931,000 .88 1.00 71 4314 RAYTHEON CO. (NYSE) Capitalization Debt; $12,653,391 Preferred: 5Vi% series cumulative, $50 par Common: $5 par, 3,215,099 shares 19.5«(a) $ 59,533.260 , 100,000 shares. $ 1,610,413 $ 935,413 $ .49 $ 32.331,492 13'/.. 6'4 19,51 (a) 89,662,122 6,029,063 2,179.063 1.12 52.120,396 12% 8V4 1932(a)_ 111,286,879 5,947,898 2,047,898 .84 75,196.765 12% 9'4 19.53(a) 179,179,379 13,009.672 3,859,672 1.68 91,238,649 14% 8 1954(b) 185,101.000 10.444.000 3.688,000 1.07 93,640.690 14'/. 7% 195.5(b) 190,700,000 9,953,000 4,992,000 1.48 82.836.163 25% 18 1956(b) 183.522,000 4,950,000 1,548.000 .39 108.451,571 19'/. 13 1957(b) 270,135,000 10.814,000 7,255.000 2.13 127,219,842 23% 16% 19.58(b) 385,378,000 19,968,000 9.841.000 2.85 145,894,405(b) 69 21'/. 1959(b) (3 mo.) 112,035,000 2,485.000 — none 73 % 56 'A (a) Raytheon Co. only Year ending May 31. (b) Pro-forma, including Machlett Laboratories, merged May 25, 1959. HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. (Unlisted) Year evdivg June 30 Capitalization Debt: $109,034, mortgage note, due 1962; $138,000 note, due 1962 Preferred: 5% cumulative. $100 par, 1,965 Common: 120,000 shares 19.)0(a) _ _ $ 1,052.102 shares $ 43.701 $ 28.367 $ .23 $ .05 + 10% Stk. $ 257,343 N.A. 1951(a) 1,378,036 112,831 34,451 .29 .10 367.695 N.A. 1952(a) 1,951,803 113,952 34.164 .28 .05 521,342 N.A. 19.53(b)_ 1,293.225 83.745 26,343 .22 none 636,835 N.A. P)51 2,798,979 218,179 79,239 .66 .10 820.125 N.A. 3,278,377 289.791 131.513 1.10 .30 1,048.892 N.A. 3.707,874 364,984 164,852 1.37 .50 1.447,680 N.A. l‘>57 3,984,324 394,835 182,886 1.52 .50 1.509,831 N.A. 1958 4,555,716 443,059 210.171 1.67 .56 1,735,447 N.A. (N.A.) Not available. (a) Calendar year (b) Six months, Jan. 1-June 30, 1953. Note: This tabulation does not include The Waldemar Press Inc.. nor The Howard Company Inc. SANGAMO ELECTRIC CO. (NYSE) Capitalization — Debt: $4,250,000 note. Common: $10 par. 803,622 shares. $ 2.105.403 $3.58 $1.75 $17,953,512 18 'A 13% 32,426,908 4,827,886 1,827,886 2.61 1.50 26 380.144 23'/. 19% 39,753,567 4,454,162 2.014,162 2.88 1.50 28,235.498 2+ 17% 37,037,072 3.972.623 1,967,623 2.81 1.50 27,386.920 27 21 35.560.615 3.425,944 1.600,944 2.00 1.50 28,446,821 29 % 23 % 37.910,588 5,611.978 2,731,978 3,41 1.50 31,985.465 32 25'/. 44.277.105 5,616,731 2.751,731 3.43 1.58 38.467,849 37'/. 29 'A 47,076.671 5,774,432 2.789.432 3.49 1.80 37.910,881 39% 29 Vi 42,422.691 3,293,225 1,648,225 2.05 1.43 40,202.365 36% 25 1959 (3 mo.) 11,634,000 1,526.000 729,000 .91 .38 51 35 SYLV.ANIA ELECTRIC PRODUCTS INC. (See General Telephone Corp.) SEEBURG CORP. (ASE) Year ending October 31 Capitalization Debt: $2,337,500, 5% loan, due 1963; $750,000 7% note; $16,667 notes Common; $1 par, 1,189,650 shares 19.50(a) $ 24.551.000 $ 1.551.607 $ 884.528 $1.49 $ .80 $ 9,525.108 18 10>2 1951(a) 21.746,000 962,651 470,028 .80 .60 9.608,632 13% 8'4 19.52(a) 13,698,900 249.936(d) 249.936 (d) .43(d) .30 8,966,120 9'/2 6 I95;j(a) 15,347,900 67.373(d) 67,373 (d) .12(d) none 8,805,348 7% 3% 1951(a) _ 12,695,764 445.953(d) 445,953 (d) .77(d) none 7.712.473 4% 3% 19.55(a) 11,603,523 924.537(d) 924.537(d) 1.59(d) nonp 6.601.456 4% 2% 19.56(a) (c) 7,682,717 185.343 185.343 .19 none 9,502.782 8% 3 26,626.625 516,763 516,763 .46 none 15,169,615 7% 3% 19.58(b) 22.936,886 562.683 562,683 .50 none 10.745.967 14% 3% 19.59 (3 mo.) 606.000 ,54 none 10,569.925 20 'A 13'% (a) Port Pitt Brewing Co. to Oct. 23. 1956 then name clianged to Fort Pitt Industries, Inc. (b) Prc.sent name adopted April 30, 1958. (c) Includes Jacob Siegel Co. and Windsor Co. from April 24. date of acquisition. (d) Deficit. SERVO-MECHANISMS INC. (ASE) Capitalization Debentures: $1,773,500, 5% convertible, due 1966 Common: 20 cents par, 798.801 shares $ 2,364.818 $ 416,764 $ 199,397 $ .40 $ .75 $ 4,552,164 N.A. 19.71 8,374,043 1,295,207 412.207 .82 1.50 6.120.378 N.A. I9.V2 10,151,587 798,313 276.025 .36 .30 5,654,568 5 'A 3’'8 19,73 13,332.746 846.441 305,089 .40 .40 6,530,721 7% 5 12,509,024 1.338,926 503,296 .66 .40 6,521,102 14% 5% . .. . 12,412,756 921,716 441,367 .58 .40 7.478,124 13% 8V* I9.76 18,138,280 1.324.268 615,606 .81 .40 11.215,454 13% 8'4 _ . 23,591,781 593,276 308,776 .41 .40 13.519,473 12% 6 'A H>:>K 17,314.483 90.649(d) 43,094 (d) .05(d) 5% stk. 10,008,027 11% 6% I9.79 (3 mn.) 3,280,000 97.000(d) .12(d) none 18% 9 N.A, Not available, (d) Deficit. 18