Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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COI^ULATJVS €S^BITIO??ALS: Our method of publishing Cumulative Logs of Conditional Grants to Applicants for New FM Stations seems to have struck a responsive chord among our subscribers. It simply adds the new grantees (indicated by italicised city names) to those previously granted, and so makes a handier reference. Supplement No. 25 herewith is our third Cumulative Log and we will continue to publish them in the same manner as fast as the FCC announces grants. Later we will designate CP's and frequency-power assignments, which Commission sources tell us v;ill be forthcoming shortly. There were only 12 new conditionals this week, 5 from newcomers to radio, 2 of the newcomers being newspapers. Gr£ind total to date is 241. Tentative nature of FM channel allocations (Supplement No. 21) is given emphasis in this latest batch of conditionals by the two Metropolitan Station grants to Atlantic City. Under the original channel assignment plan, Atlantic City was down for Community stations only. In announcing the conditionals Thursday, the FCC corrected its previous class-of-station designations to indicate that its earlier grants to Ithaca and Ogdensburg, both in New York, should be Metropolitan, possibly Rural, not Rural as previously specified. The Commission also ordered its sixth FM hearing — for Peoria, 111., where 5 applicants seek the 4 available channels. LOOK FOH C0HSS!IT BTiVEEE: You can expect a consent decree in the Dept, of Justice anti-trust suit against the alleged patent "cartelization" contracts of Scophony, et al. (Vol. I, Nos. 16 and 17). Moves to that end are already discernible, but the lawyers will probably take some months of dickering. Paramount and 20th Century-Fox particularly don't want to jeopardize their standing as TV applicants before FCC, which under the radio act can step in v/here anti-trust charges are involved. It's a civil proceeding and can easily be settled out of court. Meanwhile, many in the industry believe the Government action gave Scophony far more publicity on its theatre-TV patents than they probably v/arrant. An interesting sidelight on the Government's case is fact that its mainspring, under Wendell Borge, anti-trust chief, is Joseph Borkin, who in 1938 coauthored the book "Television, a Struggle for Power." He's legal counsel and also chief economist for the anti-trust division. His staff on the case includes Mervin Poliak and Joseph Marker. Defendants have yet to file formal replies. KSAP.IHS Oli L0¥/-BAHD FM; Zenith's never-say-die stand on the superiority of the lower band for FM, bulwarked by the persistent claims of Maj . Armstrong, has impelled the now apparently not-so-sure FCC to set a hearing Jan. 18 on the v/hole issue . The full Commission will listen to Zenith and its witnesses plead the case for 42-50 me FM for i-ural coverage. Hearing is based on Zenith's Jan. 2 Copyright 194C by Radio News Bureau