Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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CBS E^^i-CUTIV£ KEAL!CNM£!IT: a triumvirate now really runs CBS — Bill Palev as chairman; Paul Kesten as vice chairman. Frank Stanton as president" These elec' tions by the board this week gives each an opportunity to follow his bents to function primarily over the field he prefers. The Stanton promotion was a’surpri but, like most CBS executive appointments, was another elevation from the ranks* only 38 years old, highly capable and popular with his fellow workers, he becomes administrator of the day-by-day business details of the network. Kesten might have had the presidency if he wanted it, but his chronic poo health suffered an additional strain during the several years of Paley’s absence overseas; now, at Paley's right hand, he can concentrate on developments closest his heart — such as color TV, FM, promotional details. And Paley fulfills his o expressed desire to be free from routine so he can pursue his pet interest "th creative output,^ i.e., programs. Still the biggest single stockholder in CBS at 44 he has no intention of retiring despite recurrent rumors. PiuTHILLO PARLEY: nab President Miller meets with AFM chief Petrillo Jan. 13 in Chicago on music situation, including ban on duplication of Ml programs over FM outlets. Date was set after exchange of telegrams and resulted in invitation by Petrillo for Miller to appear before AFM executive board. Meanwhile Petrillo seer ■to relenting a bit, recently okayed rebroadcast of CBS "School of the Air" program over Cleveland School System's WBOE from network's local outlet, WGAR. And he also has given tem^o_rary approval to Schenectady's independent WBCA to oontnr,,,. to carry Mutual programs for time being. TllAT RED HEBRIHS ACAIH: The usually authoritatiye Printers Ink slid off base in its Dec. 28 issue when it said FCC Chairman Porter has tacitly approved a "proposal" that FM be treated as a public utility, that only 25% of its profits go to FM people and the rest to the Government. Rep. Clarence Cannon, chairman of powerful House Appropriations Committee, did quiz Porter closely on radio profits FCC appropriations hearings two months ago, did express his preference for Britain advertising-free public-owned broadcasting system, but didn't get a very sympathet reaction from his own colleagues in his castigation of the .American system. On his part. Porter admitted certain deficiencies in radio but thought it could clean its own house, didn't and doesn't go along with any 25-75 proposition — and still says he objects to anything smacking of Government operation of radio. NEWS ARD VIEWS: CBS color TV demonstrations, suddenly postponed from this week are now planned not later than first week in February Fortune Maeazinfi k ruary, out soon, will carry a study of the television situation; and Saturday Evening_^ost has scheduled a series on TV by Alva Johnston. Cosmopolitan, too. video piece by Bill Davidson in March New York World-Telegram, followingr lead of Times and Herald Tribune, this week began carrying TV program listings Jusi out of Army Air Forces, Harry J. Ockershausen. ex-administrative assistant * to* FCC ’ general counsel, has joined the Washington law firm of Dempsey & Koplovitz Jack Stewart, veteran radio manager, is now radio director of Tower Realty Co." Baltimore applicant for TV, FM and AM Scripps-Howard (Washington News) has followed Eleanor Patterson (Washington Times-.Herald) in dropping application for I\ station in capital, thus leaving 7 applicants (Supplement No. 18) for the 4 availab: channels; hearing, first in TV, will be held Jan. 21-Feb. 1 Already an appli-' cant for 3 TV stations, Westinghouse will shortly file for a fourth in Fort Wayne — later may seek one in Portland, Ore Section 15, Standards of GooH Engineering Practice Concerning FM Broadcast Stations, has been slightly revised and new section is reprinted as Part II, Supplement No. 27, herewith. We suggest you clip it and overpaste in proper place on page 9 in Supplement No. 9 Elgin National Watch Co. has signed for 13-week series of Wednesday night signals over " WCBW, Nev/ York (CBS), thru J. Walter Thompson.