Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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\mm CITY rn HSAmjia: Seventh FM hearing to be ordered by the FCC — on Chicago’s 19 applicants for that city's remaining 12 available channels — v/as announced Thursday but date was not fixed and commissioner not yet designated to hold it. Ill fact, only FM hearing date yet set is the one for Boston area applicants, which Commissioner Durr will conduct there March 11-22. At same time the FCC granted 13 more conditionals, bringing total to 279. Because this small number doesn't warrant reissue of our Cumulative Log of Conditional Grants to Applicants for FM Stations, we list them in the next paragraph and suggest you simply add them to your Supplement Do. 27. We will, of course, bring up-to-date and reissue the Cumulative Log periodically as the number of grants warrants. This week's conditional grants and their AM affiliations, if any; Thames Broadcasting Corp. , New London, Conn. (WNLC). Metropolitan. Copley Press Inc. — Aurora Beacon-News, Aurora, 111. (WCBS, Springfield, 111.). Metropolitan. Eagle Publishing Co., Pittsfield, Mass. Community. Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park, N.J. Community. Eastern States Broadcasting Corp., Bridgeton, N.J. (WSNJ). Metropolitan. Home News Publishing Co., New Brunswick, N.J. Community. Passaic Daily News in Paterson, N.J. Community. Westchester Broadcasting Corp., V/hite Plains, N.Y. (WFAS). Community. WIBX, Inc., Utica, N.Y. (WIBX). Metropolitan. Hoyt B. Wooten, Memphis, Tenn. (WREC) . Metropolitan, possibly Rural. Lynchburg Broadcasting Corp., Lynchburg, Va. (WLVA) . Metropolitan. Old Dominion Broadcasting Corp., Lynchburg, Va. Metropolitan. Richard F. Lewis Jr., Winchester, Va. (WINC). Metropolitan, possibly Rural. WilSHlHOTOH ESES TV: Balked in ambitious plan to inaugurate Washington-New York coaxial with telecasts of President Truman addressing Congress (Vol. II, No. 2), . Dulilont went ahead this week and placed its experimental Washington station W5XWT on the air sporadically. It transmitted film subjects on Channel No. 5, using low power from antenna atop Harrington Hotel. Viewers on the dozen or so receivers brought down for the original show and installed in V/hite House, Capitol, National Press Club, Mayflower Hotel, FCC, reported images were of good quality — evoked satisfactory reactions from intensely interested audiences. Plans for elaborate telecasts, in which other companies will also participate, are still in the making. TV 'SILE2ICS' IH H. Y.; it appears likely New York may be v/ithout television for a brief period when WNBT-NBC and WCBW-CBS suspend operations March 1 to adjust transmitters to new bands recently assigned (Vol. I, No. 17). WABD-DuMont , currently off air until completion of Wanamaker studios, may not have installation ready by then. Judging from reports about delayed construction schedule of DvJjIont's new department store studios, about which no definite opening date is forthcoming (though "next month" has now been given at least twice), they may not be finished until a v/eek or so after the other two stations suspend. WNBT goes to Channel No. 4, WCBW to No. 2, WABD to No. 5. IJSV/S AHB VIEWS: February number of FM Journal, first editi on of new monthly publication specializing in FM field and published at 103 Park Ave., New York, by Telecasting Publications Inc., should be reaching your desk v/ithin a few weeks .... Compton Advertising Inc., which has been conducting research into commercial program possibilities of facsimile, has found its economy and relative simplicity should stimulate its adoption during transition from aural broadcasting to television .... Last Saturday's parade of the doughty 82nd Airborne up New York City's Fifth Ave. was televised by WNBT (NBC) that day and repeated as a cinetelecast Sunday and Monday nights. Program was sponsored by Esso Marketers, thru Marschalk & Pratt .... Art Goodnow. ex-Westinghouse division chief on AM-FM development, joined V/ashington consulting engineering firm of Weldon & Carr.