Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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newsmen will v/atch the telecasts on an ARK receiver on each of the 5 observation ships — the Mt. McKinley, flagship; Appalachian, press; Panamint and Blue' Ridge, VIP observation; Avery Island, electronic test equipment vessel commanded by Capt. C. F. Engleman, head of task force communications. res COLOH tv (Conl'd): Though practically none besides itself is applying for uhf experimental TV frequencies as yet, CBS continues lining up adherents for Its uhf color TV. Having surveyed reactions of TV set owners (Vol 2, Nos. 9 and 10), it is now asking what non-set owners who have seen its demonstrations think. President Stanton reported this week that 7 out of 10 say they are willing to wait one year to "indefinitely" for color, even after monochrome sets are on sale. Survey also revealed that non-set owners would be willing to pay average of 48% more for color receiver v/ith an 8x10 in. screen than for an equivalent black-and-white set. For color receiver with a 16x22 in. screen, they would rather pay 40% more. High definition, uhf color TV is one branch of broadcasting deriving direct technical impetus from World War II electronic developments, CBS Chief Engineer A. B. Chamberlain told the Broadcast Engineering Conference at Columbus Tuesday. And in Pittsburgh this week, George Moskovics, commercial manager of CBS's WCBW (monochrome station in New York) , carried the color TV gospel to the ad club. And FCC Commissioner Walker, before the Annual Conference on Station Problems in Oklahoma City remarked; "Engineers of the FCC reported that CBS color had great clarity of detail and true rendition of color. It was their conclusion that if the results achieved at this demonstration could be duplicated in the average home, color television is ready for widespread production." $2GQ VJiDSO: Plans at Emerson are pointed at getting its §200 TV set into the hands of dealers by September. Production starts in June or July. Since Emerson advertises itself as "the largest manufacturers of small radios," its price for TV is indicative of bedrock video sales costs. There has been talk of $100 TV sets, but industry circles are skeptical; too cheap to be workable. Emerson is also going in for intra-store TV. An "intra-tel" system for department store use has been engineered, and company is negotiating with a New York store for demonstration. WSM''T DBO?: Fact that Eleanor Patterson (Washington Times Herald) dropped her applications for both FM and TV in Capital, does not presage similar action by New York Daily News, also seeking both, nor by Chicago Tribune, licensee of FM station WGNB, applicant for Chicago TV and (under name of Midwest FM Network Inc.) applicant for FMs in Milwaukee, Peoria, Grand Rapids, Fort Wayne. Counsel says these will go ahead. Mrs. Patterson is sister of New York newspaper's publisher, cousin of Chicago Tribune's McCormick, big stockholder in both papers. KSWS AMD ¥IBWS: Third and last of Alva Johnston's series of 3 articles on TV in this week's Satevepost quotes this new reason for Petrollo's ban on musicians appearing on TV programs: heat of lights spoils varnish on violins, melts resin on bows, warps drums, takes elasticity out of accordions! .... House and Senate conferrees met this week on the Petrillo Bill but only got halfway through, meet again March 26 .... Opening program of DuMont's new Wanamaker studios April 15 will include half hour quiz show directed by Tom Hutchinson, sponsored by Mueller's Macaroni; half hour psychological drama by George Lowther ; plus film subjects .... FM and TV are on agenda of April 10 afternoon "fact-finding" session of American Assn, of Advertising Agencies convention at New York's Waldorf-Astoria.... Elmer Pratt , ex-FCC examiner, recently v;ith Colladay, Colladay & Wallace, has set up his ov/n office at 1703 K St., Washington .... Ruth G. Roosevelt Eidson, ex-wife of Elilott Roosevelt, is a principal in two new Texas FM applications ; she owns 99% of KFJZ, applying in Ft. Worth, and 26% of KABC, applying in San Antonio .... Harvey Radio Labs' 250-watt FM transmitter (Model ,FMA) is due for delivery June 1; it incorporates the GE Phasitron modulator tube and is 76x25x22 in.