Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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TELSVISIOi'J NOTSS: Du^.!ont stockholders voted this week to increase Class A stock from 1,120,000 to 2,440,000 (only 1,046,040 outstanding), and amended charter to provide that Class A stockholders elect 5 of company’s 8 directors instead of previous 4; Class B stockholders (who include Paramount) elect 3 instead of 4. Increase in stock permits acquiring additional funds when needed .... Washington TV grants (Vol. 2, No. 10) were complicated by Evening Star’s petition this week for Channel No. 4 or 5 instead of No. 7 first designated; claims low frequencies better, equipment more readily available. FCC accordingly gave all parties, including Du^vlont which gets the fourth channel in view of Philco's withdrawal, until April 8 to make channel claims, and may then assign without holding scheduled April 17 oral arguments .... RCA is now converting TV sets to new channels, charging service fee; and Television Technicians Inc. (George F. Duvall) 7911 Third Ave. , Brooklyn, is converting sets in New York area for ^15 including pickup and delivery .... Loew's is one film concern unafraid TV will hit movie-going habits ; it feels that once the novelty wears off, people, being gregarious, will resume weekly visits to movie around the corner, according to recent Loew’s Theaters Newsletter .... American Broadcasting Co., planning to expand its TV dept, in June, reported lining up General Motors for commercial video .... Applicant for TVs in New York, Chicago and Waltham, Raytheon Mfg. Co. this week named J. Ernest Smith, with RCA research for last 12 years, as head of its microwave communication engineering .... Facilities for screen projection of TV are included in plans for new 2,500-seat movie house which RKO plans in Far Rockaway, Long Island .... Answer to TV studios’ torrid temperatures is reported found by DuMont — a glass shield that absorbs 90% of light’s heat. DuMont is said to be dickering for sole distribution rights with American Optical Co., developer of heat sponge .... Milwaukee Journal reports its TV station WMJT, for v/hich it has held a CP since prewar, should be on air late in 1947.... RCA claims improved TV signals, particularly in service area fringes, with new antenna-receiver cable utilising new plastics for uniform separation of wires. VETS BECSMraa Look for a big market for amateur radio equipment, now that 'SO many radio-trained veterans are back in mufti. William J. Halligan, chairman of RMA amateur activities section, forecasts more than 1,000,000 "haras" within the next few years. He predicts an early addition of 250,000 to 500,000 inasmuch as Government, unlike post-World War I period, is now encouraging the amateur. Many stores are already promoting surplus war equipment suitable for "ham" stations. Amateurs in past have been backbone not only of radio’s technical manpov/er, but have been responsible for many of the major developments in electronics arts. HEWS VIEWS: Petrillo Bill, approved this week by Senate-House conferees with one minor change — word "extraction" replacing "tribute" — repassed House Friday 188 to 16, and Senate is expected to act next week. Next, NAB industry committee meets April 7 in New York to prepare for sessions with Petrillo and AFM board next day .... Col. Jack DeWitt, Army radar’s shoot-the-moon expert, recently CO of Belmar, N.J., radio labs, formerly chief engineer of Nashville’s WSM and WSM-FM, got his discharge last Monday, is contemplating consulting practice in Washington .... Finch Telecommunications announces tv;o new types of facsimile transmitterreceiver units, reproducing 30,000 and 9,600 words per hour respectively. Early fall delivery is expected for the 75-lb, 16x16x12" machines. Units can be used on any channel handling subcarrier frequency of 1.3 kc (300-2300 cps) .... Detroit News ’ V7ENA went on the air this v/eek with new 1 kw REL converter for dual operation on 44.5 and 96.9 me bands .... Philadelphia Inquirer, keen about radio since acquiring V/FIL and V/FIL-FM, will underwrite Temple U's new School of Radio .... NAB Presi ’ dent Justin Miller v/ired President Truman Friday urging remaining vacancy on FCC (Democrat) be filled by practical broadcast operator, asserting radio is not a public utility yet many members have been named from utility regulatory bodies or utility interests. ... Capt . Pierre Boucheron. Farnsworth general sales manager, is now also managing company’s broadcast division in charge of all AM, FM and TV act ivities. .. .Your set of 60 FM Channel Maps, plus extra blanks, which we are printing as a service to subscribers, will be in mails to you in about a week.