Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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been holding meetings, the latest 2 weeks ago, exploring purely technical phases of uhf TV. Indications are that it won't have recommendations until next autumn, if then. CBS engineers have been participating in the TUAA discussions. On Monday's TV junket were Conmiissioners Denny, Jett, Wakefield, Durr (Walker absent due to illness); General Counsel (commissioner-designate) Hyde; Chief Engineer Adair; Attorneys Wilkinson, Plotkin, Jorgenson; Engineers Willoughby, Braum, Simpson, Boese, Plummer; Chief Accountant Norfleet; and Walter James. n-E-M AJJD OTHEHS J3BC5P TV: Unkindest cut of all to low-band TV was this week's v;-ithdrawal of Loew's (MGM) applications for New York and Los Angeles — this despite fact that its big rival. Paramount, is pursuing its TV applications v/ith unabated enthusiasm. Nor do Warner, Disney, Hughes Productions, Fox show any signs as yet of withdrawing their respective applications. Having previously dropped out of Washington race too, Loew's now has no TV applications on file. Reason for dropping, it said, was "to await further development of the art." Also dropped this week were the TV applications of Westchester Broadcasting Co. (Macy newspapers) for White Plains, N. Y. , and WHP Inc. (Stackpole newspapers) for Harrisburg, Pa. This leaves only Steinmans' V/KBO seeking Harrisburg's one channel, and hearing scheduled for April 15 has been postponed to May 16 at behest of Steinman counsel due to their absence from country. Lancaster, Pa. TV hearing scheduled for April 18 has been postponed also, to May 20. Not yet filed but reported preparing to apply for TV in Dayton and Springfield, 0. , is Charles Sawyer, ex-ambassador to Belgium, owner of AMs in those cities. Also contemplating filing for a TV Community in Trenton, N. J. is exCongressman Elmer Wene, who owns WTTM there. In recent weeks we have reported more than a score of TV withdrawals and some additions. We will bring up to date and reprint our TV directory (Supplement No. 18) as soon as this situation stabilizes itself. Meanwhile, we suggest you bring your own records up to date by making all reported changes. K0HS EAs GEANTED, MORE VJPs APPLY: Nine more Engineering Approvals for new FM stations , the equivalent of CPs (see Vol. 2, No. 11), v;ere issued by the FCC Thursday (Supplement No. 33C herewith). These bring the total EAs to date to 24, and their issuance attests to Commission's eagerness to get construction started quickly and more of them may be expected regularly henceforth. Again, as in the previous grants, power factors sometimes ranged high — up to 243 kw. FM applications are being filed at a faster pace now, and v/e'll have a full report on new ones shortly. Among this week's was one from John W. Studebaker, U.S. Commissioner of Education, and his son Lt. Col. John Gordon Studebaker, seeking an FM in San Diego , Cal. , which the son proposes to operate. Another was from Frank Parker, the radio crooner, for a Community station in Danbury, Conn. Also seeking a Community, in New Bedford, Mass., is Max Kramer, formerly business manager of the New Bedford Standard-Times. One of the most unusual FM applications yet filed is that of Elyria-Lorain Broadcasting Co., Elyria, 0. , capitalizecT at $100,000, which lists 57 stockholders, none .holding more than 8%. Chairman is Neely Power, head of Colson Corp. , truck and trailer manufacturers; president is Roy Ammel, head of local independent telephone company; and stockholders include such figures as Raymond Gram Swing, the radio commentator who is trustee of nearby Oberlin College ; Ralph Henderson, publisher of Scripps-Howard ' s Columbus Citizen; Ronald Woodyard, former Ohio broadcaster, now owner of WINK, Fort Myers, Fla. ; and numerous other local interests. Granted a Special Temporary Authorization (STA) for 30 days to test WLW's tower as a prospective site for FM was Crosley Corp., Cincinnati, assigned 3 kw on 98.1 me (Channel No. 251). And dropping its San Francisco FM application this week was Hearst Publications Inc.