Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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HiCAPITUlATIliG FaM APPLICANTS; Newcomers to the broadcasting field cut a big swath in the number of FM applications filed with the FCC, but they're still outnumbered about 2 to 1 by AM operators. We recapitulated our records of FM applicants as of March 30 (date of our Supplement No. 14H listing latest F?^ applications) and these are some of the things we found out: There v;ere 808 FM applications on file, including the handful already granted CPs or Engineering Approvals and excluding withdrawals. Of these, 554 were from interests already identified v/ith Ali, 274 from non-AM interests. That left approximately 425 AM stations in the United States that had not yet applied for FM, as of March 30, leaving out of account the nearly 100 holders of CPs for new AJ^ stations. Only States from which no FMs have yet been filed are Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota. No AMers have filed from North Dakota, Arizona and Puerto Rico either, but newcomers have asked for FMs in each of those States. Only States with all of their AMs seeking FM also are Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware. In such big cities as Cleveland, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Oklahoma City, Portland, all AMs have also asked for FM ; in New York City, all but Bulova's WOV and the Watchtower part-time station WBBR ; in Washington, all but CBS's WTOP (for reason that network is asking for maximum allowable 6 FMs in as many other cities). Applications are heaviest from the most populous States, lightest from the lightly populated States. Most 50 kw AMs have applied for FM, but there are a few that have not, notably WRVA Richmond; V/LAC, Nashville; KBV/U, Corpus Christi. INDUCTmiSB': Details of DiuMont's nev/ TV tuning system, which v;e reported in Vol 1, No. 3, were made public this week. The Mallory-Ware " Indue tuner" covers, v/ithoiit Switching, 44 to 216 me — all 13 TV channels and FM band. Virtues claimed include superior gain, image suppression, uniform band width, stability, simplicity, ’ economy. Company expects to offer system to other manufacturers in near future. TTLUVISIOH NOTES: Arrival from England of Scophony's financial controller, W. G. Elcock, has led to all sorts of rumors about disposition of Dept, of Justice's anti-trust suit (Vol. 2, No. 10), but best bet still is consent decree — this despite General Precision Instrument Corp.'s annual report last week stating company's position "that the facts do not support the charge and that the Government's action is wholly unfounded"; defendants have till April 26 to file answers.... Reaction to Rauland-GE demonstrations at Schenectady this week of microwavetransmitted large-screen theater TV was that it is "promising" but "not yet comparable to movies" ; llxl5-ft screen looked yellow and production errors were described as "exaggerated to high degree" ... .With grant this v/eek of CP for developmental color TV station in Washington, Cowles hopes to get signal on air by fall, using Westinghouse transmitter somewhere betv/een 485-600 me, housed in WOL structure... .First Philadelphia department store to buy local TV time, Gimbel's, has purchased two 15-minute periods on Philco's WPTZ....TV reception at UNO meetings enabled NBC coramentaotrs to give "eyewitness" reports v/ithout leaving newsroom. hSWS AND VIEWS: Boston FM hearing got under way there Tuesday, Durr sitting, with 9 applicants seeking the 9 available channels ; at last minute Bieberbach, seeking V/altham outlet, withdrew. .. .Having decided to call its Los Angeles FM station KMGM, Loew's (MGM) is asking FCC to chance call letters of its V/HNF, New York, to WMGM. . . .FCC annual report for fiscal year ending last June 30 reiterates its belief 100 me FM will provide superior signal ; sees TV ready to go ahead on low band, but future in 480-920 me band ....Western Electric has taken license from Maj . Armstrong to use his system in its dial-any-telephone mobile FM equipment ; Bell Labs now making tests.... Lt. Lamar A. Newcomb. ex-FCC and Navy radio engineer currently is sweating out living and office space in Washington preparatory to starting consulting practice; temporary address 703 Albee Bldg., phone RE 3931.