Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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IT'S THE LAW: That the Musicians* Union v/i'll test constitutionality of the Petrillo Bill, signed by President Truman Tuesday (text herewith as Supplement No. 35), is manifest. AFM Attorney Joseph Padway intimated as m.uch to a UP reporter Thursday, added, "If an employer refuses to enter into an agreement with us, we shall continue to exercise our economic strength by strike, picket or boycott." A spot check of key broadcasters indicates that they are biding their time before renev/ing duplication of AM programs over FM transmitters, want to study the act more carefully. Next step in Miller-Petrillo convocation is establishment of permanent advisory committee to work out policies on national level ā€” among them FM and TV. This was decided at Monday meeting of joint committee, which will meet once again, date not yet set. 0HE-T0-A-CUST0ME3? ^ you are an applicant, or likely to be, for more than one FM station, don't be too disturbed by FCC's "one-to-a-customer" statement of April 10 in answer to the Senate Small Business Committee's suggestions (Vol. 2, No. 15). FCC, in a statement Friday, cleared up some of the misleading inferences being drawn. A.fter you have received your first grant, you can still, get up to the rules' limit of six (1) if you win out in a hearing ā€” as did NBC, in Washington, for example, or (2) if you offer FM service in a community where there are no other applicants ā€” the Speidel Nev/spapers' grants for Cheyenne, V/yo., and Reno, Nev. , were based on just that reasoning. Not to be overlooked, either, is the promise of the Commission that when it has taken care of all single applications, it will backtrack to take care of multiple applicants (Supplement No. 26). And, of course, there are always exceptions to any policy. TBEHB 13 TO COMMUHiTY FMs: Favored by a plenitude of channels (20 in Area I, 10 in Area II) , more and more Community class FM stations are being sought in current applications. They're v/anted because they are cheaper to build and operate, do not require as rigid engineering as Metropolitans and Rurals, promise better coverage than a 250-watt AM, can usually be had without going to expense of hearing. In fact, when Pittsburgh area applicants v/ent to hearing there last week, the two from Butler, Pa. , withdrew, announcing they were changing to Community. A third, from Beaver Falls, asked to withdraw "without prejudice," indicating it would re-file for a Community. That left only 5 applicants for Pittsburgh's 6 available channels ; decision is expected shortly. Similarly, on eve of consolidated Cleveland-Akron area hearing in Cleveland next Monday, one applicant (United Garage) asked to change to Community in suburban Lakewood. That leaves 11 applicants for 10 channels, for Cleveland Plain Dealer Akron Radio Corp. and Telair Corp. have withdrawn from Akron race. Another Akron withdrawal this week was Knight Radio Corp. , Publisher Jack Knight having just concluded deal to buy 42% interest in Summit Radio Co. (WAJvR) , also seeking FM. Plain Dealer and Telair remain in for Cleveland. Illustrating FCC's willingness to encourage Community applications, was its Copyright l'>46 by Kadio Nā€˜)ws Bureau