Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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•conditional grant last v/eek to Elias I. Godofsky, ex-manager of WLIB, Brooklyn. He got a Community FM permit for Hempstead, Long Island, New York City suburb, only a few days after he had amended his original Metropolitan application for New York, Thus he not only avoids participation in July 1 New York hearing (which has 22 applicants competing for 9 available channels) but gets his station v/ithout hearing. This v/eek brought forth tv;o interesting Community applications. Siskiyou Bcstg, Co., already applicant for Ashland, Ore. (Supplement No. 14H) , asked also for one in nearby Yreka, Cal., proposing to link them by radio relay to operate as unit to give adequate coverage in mountainous area. And Lt. Comdr. Jay R. David, of Lakewood, 0., who was 0-in-C of the Navy's radio stations at Kwajalein and Okinawa, asked for a station in Tiffin, 0., v/hich he proposes to build for only §8,500^ Baltimore FM application dropped this v/eek that of WHOW Inc., formed by owners of WWDC, Washington, recently left out of V/ashington' s 8 grants (Vol. 2, No. 12) ; they intend to press for a Washington FM rather than try for Baltimore. EMISGEH'CS Of Long-dormant facsimile may yet prove FM's biggest boon, bearing promise of delivery of newspaper pages into home via radio. On the heels of Capt. William G. H. Finch's demonstration of his facsimile system to FCC observers last week. Inventor John V. L. Hogan this week showed his rival system to both FCC and the press. Observers reported they were deeply impressed by what they saw — the Finch system (operating from his FM station V/GHF) producing an 8)4xll-inch newspaper in 2 minutes, the Hogan system (operating from FM stations V/BAM and WQXQ) printing four 9)4xl2-inch pages of text and photos in 15 minutes. Lay observers were amazed at striking clarity of images and speed of reception. At Hogan's Wednesday demonstration, he said fax attachments to FM receivers can be built only slightly larger than a portable typewriter case, should cost about the same as such a typewriter. GE will manufacture both transmitting and receiving equipment, he said. Still needed, however, are FCC commercial standards, unfreezing of equipment, determination of public wants and needs. Hogan revealed that his Radio Inventions Inc. is being aided with finances by a group of broadcasters and publishers, organised late in 1944 as Broadcasters' Faximile Analysis. They will be first to be supplied v/ith dual scanning transmitting setups and 50 recorders each for field tests for program experimentation expected to start in about 15 cities within next 6 months. At a private showing for his backers on April 10, Hogan demonstrated soundand-fax with 15-minute playback of an air check of Tom Breneman's "Breakfast in Hollywood," synchronized with 3 photographs of the show and a full sheet containing a cartoon sketch of the radio program's dizzy-hat features. Balance of page v/as devoted to good-sized copy of the Ivory Flakes box and an easily identified blurb about the soap. This was one of 3 quarter-hour synchronizations produced by Jose E diDonato, of Compton Advertising Inc., who is making a special study of facsimile. Besides the N.Y. Times, with which he is associated in the operation of WQXR-WQXQ, which he founded, Hogan is being backed by this group of nev/spaper and radio interests: 'Washington Post (WINX-W3X0) ; Chicago Tribune (WGN-WGN3) ; Cleveland Plain Dealer (WHK) ; Des Moines Register ('WOL, V/ashington) ; St. Louis Star-Times (KXOK) ; Philadelphia Inquirer (WFIL and WFIL-FM) ; Nev/ Bedford Standard Times (WNBH) Toronto Globe & Mail; Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph (V/CAJl) ; Boston Globe; WOR-'WBAM, WABC (CBS) and WABF, New York; KYW, Philadelphia; WOXO, Albany; KJABC, Kansas City; WWL, Hew Orleans ; WDRC and WDRC-FM, Hartford. WOR’s Ted Streibert is chairman of BFA exec committee, with Wayne Coy, WINX ; C. William Lang, WGN ; Roger W. Clipp, WFIL. him COACKS oh tv films: If the television industry v/ants films, it will have to make its own or have them made specially, under an agreement reported reached in current negotiations between movie companies and Petrillo for new studio contract. At Friday session in New York, producers agreed in principle to two anti-T' clauses in AFM proposals, but not on wording v/hich remains to be rephrased. Becauj virtually all firms contain music, effect is obvious.