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Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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LIMIT OH MSTSOPOUTAN FM? FCC engineers* intent to set 20 kv/-500 ft ratio for Metropolitan FM stations in Area II came into open Friday during Washington engineering conference on Cleveland-Akron applications. But engineers for applicants balked like steers, said they wanted to use as much power as possible to cover wider areas. United Broadcasting (WHK) v/anted 90 kw for 703 ft antenna height; NBC, 36.5 kw for 621 ft. NBC's Ray Guy said he had to use 10 kw anyway, so might as well serve more listeners by operating at full capacity. Engineering conference, first of its kind, was postlude to last v/eek's regular hearings at Cleveland. Another engineering conference, postlude to recent Pittsburgh hearing, is scheduled for next Tuesday in Washington. Next regular hearing on FM applications v;ill cover Dayton-Springf ield area, v/ill be held in Dayton starting next Monday. Six applications are on file for 5 channels (Supplements No. 14A to 14H) , Crosley dropping out this week, and Charles Sav/yer, applicant for both Dayton and Springfield, may be expected to drop one of these. Scheduled thereafter is Indianapolis hearing there. May 13. TV-FM IH KIHS-T2iSHDLE DEAL: American Broadcasting Co. , not yet a TV or FM licensee but planning extensive operations in those fields, inherits a CP for TV (Vol. 2, No. 15) and an FM conditional grant (Supplement No. 36), both for Detroit, if FCC approves its proposed $3,650,000 cash purchase of King-Trendle ' s WXYZ, Detroit, WOOD, Grand Rapids, and Michigan State Network, disclosed Friday. ABC said KingTrendle operations grossed $2,357,000 in 1945, noted it would sell Vv'OOD (now ITBC affiliated) to conform with network rules. Deal was revealed shortly after ABC Chairman Ed Noble announced network v/as asking both FCC and SEC approval of public offering of some of its shares, about $5,000,000, as part of expansion program decided upon after reported dickers with Marshall Field and others to sell network for $15,000,000 had come to naught. Network is TV and FM applicant for New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, where it already owns AM stations; already -holds conditional FM grant for San Francisco. FMBI BOARD TS H2VIEV7 Even if board of FM Broadcasters Inc. (FMBI) should decide at its special meeting in V/ashington next Thursday that its "merger" with NAB isn't v/orking out satisfactorily, probably nothing can be done about it until full FMBI membership meets coincident with NAB convention in Chicago Oct. 21. In light of FM's recent troubles, there is growing feeling among certain FMers that NAB (of which FMBI is now a department) isn't doing right by FM, isn't promoting it adequately, is too involved with AM problems to give it attention it needs, especially now. They want FMBI revived to concentrate on their own problems, especialT on promotion campaign to urge FM set buying, on advice about new construction, on pressuring FCC to speed up CPs for FM. On other hand, others feel NAB has done all it can, has accomplished all it was asked to do under the "merger" agreement except in 3 instances — getting more channels for FM, getting license extensions to 3 years, getting authority for FM broadcasters to choose own hours of operation. hzm AHD VIEWS: CBS was stopped from filming Kentucky Derby and televising it next day on WCBW, as planned, when ATSE insisted it held 16 mm film rights ; rather than get into dispute with union, CBS dropped idea. .. .DuMont will unveil its complete line of TV receivers, due on market in late summer, to dealers and others in New York, May 6-8. ... Standard Brands has signed year's contract with WNBT-NBC for v/eekly one-hour variety show, said to be first of kind sponsored by major radio advertiser; series begins May 9, 8 p.m. , EDT, thru J. Walter Thompson. ... If you v/ant technical details on the inexpensive Electronics Research Inc. FM converter (Vol. 2, No. 11), see Radio News for May. ... Charging New York Daily News with bias and intolerance, American Jewish Congress petitioned FCC for right to intervene in New York FM hearing July 1; newspaper objected, denied allegations. .. .Howard S. I'razier and Paul F. Peter. ex-NAB engineering and research chiefs, have formed radi management consultant firm of Frazier & Peter, 1730 Eye St. NW, Washington.