Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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FI'I 0af TH2 illl?: FCC recapitulation ^of FM stati ons now on air or ready to go on immediately. Issued this week, shov/s 55 commercial and 5 developmental stations givin,^ program service now in 36 cities: number includes 10 post-war nev/coraers. Thirty are on new band only, 4 on old only, 22 on both. The new stations, temporarily on minimum power, are: KRCC (Contra Costa Broadcasting Co.), Richmond, Cal. ; VVRCM (Supreme Broadcasting System Inc.) and V/TPS (Times Picayune), Nev/ Orleans; KSTP-FM (KSTP Inc.), St. Paul; WIL-FM (Ivlissouri Brdoacasting Corp.), St. Louis; KOAD (World Publishing Co.), Omaha; WCOY (Capitol Broadcasting Co.), Raleigh; KGW-FM (Oregonian Publishing Co.), Portland; WHP-FM (WHP Inc.), Harrisburg, Pa.; KAMT (Texas A & M) , College Station. See Supplement No. 32 for full data on prewar licensee and CP holders. mm’ m SCOPHQHY: Paramount is so disappointed with Scophony patents for large-screen TV, it is ready to "clear out” of the British company at once . So said Paul Raibourn, the motion picture company’s TV executive, at the FCC hearing in Washington this v/eek. In fact, Raibourn v/as reported as saying after the hearing that he would "soon" submit a severance plan to Justice. Raibourn intimated at the hearing, which was a continuance of the Los Angeles TV meeting, that the Scophony patents were "worthless." He declared that the picture company was ready to abandon its interest in the Levey organization. The hearing, held to determine Paramount's holdings in other TV applicants, brought out pretty much what we reported it would last week (Vol. 2, No. 25). Only other point of interest v/as the denial by both Raibourn and Allen B. DuMont that there was any agreement between the two companies whereby Dul.'lont was to use Paramount films for its TV stations, or Paramount, DuaMont equipment for its outlets. Neither Howard Hughes nor Thomas Lee (Don Lee) appeared. Hughes pleaded that Army contracts necessitated his presence at his plant ; Lee reported illness. FCC announced that both would be interrogated in Los Angeles July 24 by FCC Comm.issioner Wakefield. RGA's FLAMS FOE FM SETS: There's no doubt that if enough fuss is raised about the slim number of FM sets being produced these days, the, ensuing publicity will bring to the attention of the public the fact that a radio v/lthout FM is, as on e FM proponent advertises, a "Model T radio." Therefore, the charges that have been hurled these last few weeks by labor-liberal-consumer groups that set makers are trying to retard FM by not producing FM sets (Vol. 2, No. 25) and which culminated Friday in the appearance of Joseph B. Elliott, RCA-Victor v.p. in charge of the Home Instrument Dept., may be considered all to the good. But Elliott made it clear that RCA is not conspiring to hold back FM by not producing a sufficient number of sets soon enough, and certainly isn't to be pilloried any more than half-a-hundred other radio manufacturers for its marketing policies. RMA, shortly after the FCC released the results of its survey on set Copyright 19*16 by Radio News Bureau